"Argot" Quotes from Famous Books
... style was cosmopolitan and eccentric. It comprised Americanisms and Cockneyisms and Parisian argot, with constant reminiscences of the authorised version of the Old Testament, and with chips off Molie're, and with shreds and tags of what-not snatched from a hundred-and-one queer corners. It was, in fact, an Autolycine style. It was a style of the maddest motley, ... — Yet Again • Max Beerbohm
... true," Stefan agreed. "In Paris I used the worst argot of the quarter, but I've always spoken straightforward English because the only slang I knew in my own tongue reminded me of a place ... — The Nest Builder • Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Hale
... The tables were set on a terrace with plants and flowers about them, and covered with a tricolored awning. There were no jangling horse-car bells nor dust to disturb him, and almost all the other tables were unoccupied. The waiters leaned against these tables and chatted in a French argot; and a cool breeze blew through the plants and billowed the awning, so that, on the whole, Van Bibber was ... — Gallegher and Other Stories • Richard Harding Davis
... nationalities, and their descendants, but the English and Irish elements predominated. They had an argot peculiar to themselves. It was partly made up of the "flash" language of the London thieves, amplified and enriched by the cant vocabulary and the jargon of crime of every European tongue. They spoke it with a peculiar accent and intonation that made them instantly recognizable ... — Andersonville, complete • John McElroy
... starting to her feet. They had only just avoided cutting short the life of an ill-starred pedestrian who was in the act of crossing diagonally to a small cafe. The wayfarer stood in the middle of the road, hurling imprecations in the choicest argot at Roger, while a waiter in a dirty apron and two seedy guests on the sidewalk joined him ardently. Ignoring the abuse with lofty scorn, Roger was proceeding on his way ... — Juggernaut • Alice Campbell
... Miserables" first appeared some literary Columbus made the remarkable discovery that it was a French book, that it was shot full of "slang," the expressive patois of the race, that it was liberally spiced with argot, the vernacular of vagabonds. Hugo's immortal masterpiece has not yet recovered from this discovery—the thousandth ewe lamb is still blithely saltating over the blackthorn. It is as useless to contend against the purist fad as against the holiness fake. Like a plague of ... — Volume 1 of Brann The Iconoclast • William Cowper Brann |
Words linked to "Argot" : Mickey Finn, schlock, pile, straight, tarradiddle, dekko, honky, screw, sloshed, megabucks, red man, cert, spick, corporation, besotted, non-standard speech, ditch, boloney, plum, stuff and nonsense, squeeze, street name, nookie, hoof, pixilated, heist, slam-bang, stuff, pong, sheeny, rod, bay window, square-bashing, pint-size, babe, shtup, blotto, slopped, buy it, tummy, poppycock, dreck, shlockmeister, wish-wash, key, twaddle, legs, hood, squiffy, play hooky, skinful, can-do, sawed-off, chuck, Krauthead, white trash, piece of tail, square, Boche, spik, smashed, juice, pot, wank, niff, lingo, paleface, mean, shakedown, swiz, arsehole, roll in the hay, big money, burnup, arse, nip, tripe, bilgewater, soused, grotty, shag, freaky, bite, hymie, give, gat, whitey, potbelly, butch, Jap, screwing, power trip, rip-off, bun-fight, soup-strainer, vernacular, guinea, plastered, bunghole, suit, applesauce, crocked, greaseball, slant-eye, good egg, folderol, blind drunk, hooey, uncool, heebie-jeebies, clean, Hun, sozzled, wet, wog, fuddled, baby, hand job, tosh, humbug, jitters, jacking off, cock sucking, bosh, pip out, tripper, bunk off, chink, guvnor, baloney, corker, feel, soaked, dago, big bucks, gook, dibs, the shits, shlock, 'hood, pissed, poor white trash, airhead, schlockmeister, jerking off, patois, fuck, fucking, plumb, trash, stroppy, spic, bolshy, loaded, rhyming slang, stiff, blowjob, ass, bunfight, rubbish, yid, honkey, sawn-off, caff, some, bundle, drop-dead, Kraut, boffin, nooky, pie-eyed, old man, the trots, trumpery, dike, nosh-up, tommyrot, honkie, runty, bitch, asshole, kike, skin flick, codswallop, ginzo, deck, wop, Chinaman, dyke, nick, Injun, Redskin, sister, pint-sized, cockeyed, tight, piece of ass, screaming meemies, toothbrush, bad egg, drool, taradiddle, Jerry, out-and-outer |
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