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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Bonny   /bˈɑni/   Listen

(Spelled bonnie by the Scotch)
Very pleasing to the eye.  Synonyms: bonnie, comely, fair, sightly.  "There's a bonny bay beyond" , "A comely face" , "Young fair maidens"

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"Bonny" Quotes from Famous Books

... so, my son," answered the old man, cheerfully. "Devotion to her destined savior argues well for bonny Scotland; better do homage unto thee as liege and king, though usurpation hath abridged thy kingdom, than to the hireling of England's Edward, all Scotland at his feet. Men will not kneel to sceptred slaves, nor freemen ...
— The Days of Bruce Vol 1 - A Story from Scottish History • Grace Aguilar

... for that day also. Christmas falls on a Thursday. Friday is the workhouse day for coming out. Mary, remember that old Goody Twoshoes has her invitation for Friday, 26th December! Ninety is she, poor old soul? Ah! what a bonny face to catch under a mistletoe! "Yes, ninety, sir," she says, "and my mother was a hundred, and my grandmother was a ...
— Some Roundabout Papers • W. M. Thackeray

... a sweet girl, with a bonny blue eye, Who was born in the shade The witch-hazel-tree made, Where the brook sang a song All the summer-day long, And the moments, like birdlings went by,— Like the birdlings the ...
— Gifts of Genius - A Miscellany of Prose and Poetry by American Authors • Various

... the kelts you have a positive fight, but as a rule they hang on and move tardily, yet without risk of smashing something you cannot hasten the finale. At the worst they are a little better than pike. The one bonny spring fish was an absolute contrast, though of course even clean salmon in February are not so defiant and reckless in their defiance as they are months later. Let us still be thankful; a kelt is better than nothing, a ...
— Lines in Pleasant Places - Being the Aftermath of an Old Angler • William Senior

... a brave evening for riding," he remarked, "and you have a bonny bit of horseflesh there. You'll get ...
— Audrey • Mary Johnston

... see them there if she is ever to see good days again, but my fears are stronger than my hopes, Oh! man Alex! I'm wae for bonny ...
— Allison Bain - By a Way she knew not • Margaret Murray Robertson

... can the matter be? Oh dear, what can the matter be? Oh dear, what can the matter be? Johnny's so long at the fair. He promised to buy me a bunch of blue ribbons To tie up my bonny brown hair." ...
— A History of Nursery Rhymes • Percy B. Green

... times, and early recollections, and of sick-beds they had attended, and corpses that "you would not know, so pined and windered" were they; and others so fresh and canny, you'd say the dead had never looked so bonny in life. ...
— J. S. Le Fanu's Ghostly Tales, Volume 3 • Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

... are indulged in by the visitors, and before they leave an agreement is entered into by which I am to visit their school in the morning before leaving and hear them sing "Bonny Boon" and "The fire-fly's light," in return for riding the bicycle in the school-house grounds. "The fire-fly's light" is sung to the tune of "Auld lang syne," the Japanese words of which commemorate ...
— Around the World on a Bicycle Volume II. - From Teheran To Yokohama • Thomas Stevens

... He was a bonny boy, and every day his little baby ways became of so great interest to the lonely old man, that he was never happy after business hours until he had the little fellow in the room. He never stayed at his old tavern now for more than half an hour beyond the time it took him to eat his dinner, ...
— Miss Grantley's Girls - And the Stories She Told Them • Thomas Archer

... knock had chappit four Tam had to rise an' get attour, For in his bed he couldna' bide He'd sic a steer in his inside! The granes o'm waukent faithfu' Jean. An' then began a bonny scene! A parritch poultice first she tries, Het plates on plates she multiplies, But ilka time his puddens rum'les A' owre the place Tam rows an' tum'les, For men in sic-like situations, Gude kens hae gey sma' stock o' ...
— The Auld Doctor and other Poems and Songs in Scots • David Rorie

... He was a bonny, blithesome lad, Sturdy and strong of limb— A father's pride, a mother's love, Were fast bound up ...
— Poems Teachers Ask For, Book Two • Various

... and whom neither stinking jail nor crowded transport had much affected. Doubtless, no matter what the surroundings, he had only to close his eyes to see again before him the green hills and plashing brooks of Kincardine, with his own home in the midst, and the bonny wife waiting at the door, a boy on either side. Alas, it was only thus he was ever to see them this side heaven. He was bought by a man named Nicholas Spenser, who owned a plantation on the Potomac in Westmoreland County, and there he worked, first as laborer and ...
— A Soldier of Virginia • Burton Egbert Stevenson

... more to the Valcours than fifty Unions, a hundred Dixies and heaven beside. It was that fact, more than any other, save one, which lent intrepidity to Flora's perpetual, ever quickening dance on the tight-rope of intrigue; a performance in which her bonny face had begun to betray her discovery that she could neither slow down nor dance backward. However, every face had come to betray some cruel strain; Constance's, Anna's, even Victorine's almond eyes and Miranda's baby wrinkles. Yes, the ...
— Kincaid's Battery • George W. Cable

... had been, fair Ines, that gallant cavalier Who rode so gayly by thy side and whispered thee so near! Were there no bonny dames at home, or no true lovers here, That he should cross the seas to win the ...
— The World's Best Poetry, Volume 3 - Sorrow and Consolation • Various

... of a bonny, little, round-faced lass, with red cheeks and hands, as the bowl was borne away. The straw rustled, and steps were heard upon the rough loft ladder, to be followed by the rattle of a chain, and the ...
— Crown and Sceptre - A West Country Story • George Manville Fenn

... choose their ain, And ither waters tak' the lead O' Hieland streams we covet nane, But gie to us the bonny Tweed; And gie to us the cheerfu' burn, That steals into its valley fair, The streamlets that, at ilka turn, Sae ...
— Angling Sketches • Andrew Lang

... in surprise. "That's a good guess," said he. "Yes, it was just you. Not merely like you, you understand. It was you—you yourself. I saw the same soul in your frightened eyes. You looked white and bonny and wonderful in the firelight. I had just one thought in my head—to get you awa' with me; to keep you all to mysel' in my own home somewhere beyond the hills. You clawed at my face with your nails. I heaved you over my shoulder, and I tried to find a way oot of the ...
— The Last Galley Impressions and Tales - Impressions and Tales • Arthur Conan Doyle

... sex. The daughter is a bright little blue-eyed fair-haired lass, with a very sweet voice, in which she sings (unaided by instrumental music, and seated on a chair in the middle of the room) the artless ballads of her native country. I had the pleasure of hearing the 'Bonnets of Bonny Dundee' and 'Jack of Hazeldean' from her ruby lips two evenings since; not indeed for the first time in my life, but never from such a pretty little singer. Though both ladies speak our language with something of the tone usually employed ...
— The Newcomes • William Makepeace Thackeray

... June, the Scotch ran about at night with lighted torches on mountains and high grounds, "as Ceres did when she roamed the whole earth in search of Proserpine";[531] and towards the end of the eighteenth century the parish minister of Loudoun, a district of Ayrshire whose "bonny woods and braes" have been sung by Burns, wrote that "the custom still remains amongst the herds and young people to kindle fires in the high grounds in honour of Beltan. Beltan, which in Gaelic signifies Baal, or Bel's-fire, was antiently the time ...
— Balder The Beautiful, Vol. I. • Sir James George Frazer

... rubbed out your een yet, Hamish, or ye would ken the bonny spaewife. I've been watchin' her ...
— The McBrides - A Romance of Arran • John Sillars

... and pinching his daughter's ear, he said, "I suspect the only raiders we shall see here will be those who have designs upon your heart, my bonny Kate,—eh, Seymour?" ...
— For Love of Country - A Story of Land and Sea in the Days of the Revolution • Cyrus Townsend Brady

... to see you, pretty missie," replied the tall gypsy. "You are the dear little lady who crossed my hand with silver that night in the wood. Eh, but it was a bonny night, with a bonny bright moon, and none of the dear little ladies meant any harm—no, no, Mother Rachel ...
— A World of Girls - The Story of a School • L. T. Meade

... responded with full lung power. Some even began to sing: "For she's a jolly good fellow!" and there was a general outcry of "Speech! Speech!" The blushing Kirsty—a bonny, rosy, athletic looking lassie—was seized by her fellow prefects, and dragged, in spite of her protests, to the front of the platform. Kirsty had been born north of the Tweed, and in moments of excitement her pretty Scottish ...
— The Luckiest Girl in the School • Angela Brazil

... of the same nature—simple, blithe, and bonny—ready to make friends in a moment; and though she must have known all about us, never seeming to remember anything but that we ...
— Lady Hester, or Ursula's Narrative • Charlotte M. Yonge

... you'd ben goin' to stay here," interposed uncle Jerry. "Now ain't it too bad you've jest got to give it all up on account o' your aunt Mirandy? Well, I can't hardly blame ye. She's cranky an' she's sour; I should think she'd ben nussed on bonny-clabber an' green apples. She needs bearin' with; an' I guess you ain't much on ...
— Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm • Kate Douglas Wiggin

... beautiful house on South Figueroa Street, moved the last of his negro servitors and the last of his cellar and his young family into it and died. Since that day Kings had come and gone in it, big, bonny creatures, liked and sighed over, and the house was shabby now, cracked and peeling for the want of paint, the walks grass-grown, the lawn frowzy, lank and stringy curtains at the dim windows. There ...
— Play the Game! • Ruth Comfort Mitchell

... Phillydelphy, is it?" she said. "More likes it's too loonytics from Crazyland! What will ye mischiefs be cuttin' up next! But, faith, ye're the bonny ould ladies, and if ye'll come in and take a seat, I'll tell the missus ...
— Marjorie's Maytime • Carolyn Wells

... Parliament. So at last a Cummittee wur formed, an' they met one neet o' purpose ta decide wen it wod be th' moast convenient for 'em ta dig th' first sod ta commemorate an' start th' gurt event. An' a bonny rumpus thur wur, yo' mind, for yo' ma' think ha it wur conducted when thay wur threapin' wi' one another like a lot a oud wimen at a parish pump, wen it sud be. One sed it mud tak place at rush-buren, another sed next muck-spreadin' toime, a third sed it mud be dug et gert wind ...
— Th' History o' Haworth Railway - fra' th' beginnin' to th' end, wi' an ackaant o' th' oppnin' serrimony • Bill o'th' Hoylus End

... could substitute for it our hymn Which fired paternal hearts in sixty-one; The "Bonny Blue Flag" doth have a smoother ring, Or "Dixy" might ...
— 'A Comedy of Errors' in Seven Acts • Spokeshave (AKA Old Fogy)

... inheritance of his mother's fortune, but after that I took him away, and brought him up in strict accordance with my promises. He was told that both his parents had been drowned at sea. I gave him the name of John Tranter—Tranter was an old family name of mine. He was a bonny little fellow. I never thought that he might ...
— The Crooked House • Brandon Fleming

... bonny knight reels home exceeding clear, Prepared for clamour, and domestic war. Entering, he cries, "Hey! where's our thunder fled? No hurricane! Betty, 's your lady dead?" Madam, aside, an ample mouthful ...
— The Tatler, Volume 1, 1899 • George A. Aitken

... he was my husband, the bo'sun for many a year o' your ship the Black Eagle. He went out to try and earn a bit for me and the child, sir, but he's dead o' fever, poor dear, and lying in Bonny river, wi' a cannon ball at his feet, as the carpenter himself told me who sewed him up, and I wish I was dead and with him, so I do." She began sobbing in her shawl and moaning, while the child, suddenly awakened by the sound, rubbed its eyes with its wrinkled mottled hands, and then proceeded ...
— The Firm of Girdlestone • Arthur Conan Doyle

... Francis says she'll pull through; but what do you suppose will come of it even then?" Wells told him more about poor Jenny, all the story of her long, brave struggle so far as he knew it, which was far less than the facts, and Cranston wished with all his heart that Meg, his own bonny wife, were home to help and counsel. All the same he meant to see Kenyon, and ...
— A Tame Surrender, A Story of The Chicago Strike • Charles King

... and braes of bonny Doune he slowly moved, with weary limbs; looking up to the huge pile of the majestic castle in sickening of heart at the doubt that was about to become a certainty, and that involved the happiness or the absolute misery of his sister's life. Nay, ...
— The Caged Lion • Charlotte M. Yonge

... Why, Bartley's daughter, to be sure; not as I'd believe it if I hadn't known her mother, for she is no more like him in her looks or her ways than a tulip is to a dandelion. She is the loveliest girl in the county, and better than she's bonny. You don't catch her drawing bridle at her papa's beer-house, and she never passes my picture. It's 'Oh, Mrs. Dawson, I am so thirsty, a glass of your good cider, please, and a little hay and water for Deersfoot.' That's her way, bless your silly heart! She ain't ...
— A Perilous Secret • Charles Reade

... Wheelers with the warmest greetings of the Lanes! A bonny year be this to you—a year of sunny faces—may you live surrounded by those whom you love and damned indifferent ...
— The Letters of Franklin K. Lane • Franklin K. Lane

... thrilling past told by the old women of the farm, he drank in sensations which strengthened both the hardiness and the romanticism of his nature. A story is told of his being found in the fields during a thunder storm, clapping his hands at each flash of lightning, and shouting "Bonny! Bonny!"—a bit of infantile intrepidity which makes more acceptable a story of another sort illustrative of his mental precocity. A lady entering his mother's room found him reading aloud a description of a shipwreck, accompanying the words with excited comments ...
— Lady of the Lake • Sir Walter Scott

... and then went away. The next morning it returned. To be short, though it went away every night, it became our own cat, and one of our family. I gave it something which cured it of its eruption, and through good treatment it soon lost its other ailments and began to look sleek and bonny. ...
— Wild Wales - Its People, Language and Scenery • George Borrow

... that he threw the decanter at me. I heard him call my mistress a name, and I told him that he would not dare to speak so if her brother had been there. Then it was that he threw it at me. He might have thrown a dozen if he had but left my bonny bird alone. He was for ever ill-treating her, and she too proud to complain. She will not even tell me all that he has done to her. She never told me of those marks on her arm that you saw this morning, but I know very well that they come from a stab with a hat-pin. The sly fiend—Heaven forgive ...
— The Return of Sherlock Holmes - Magazine Edition • Arthur Conan Doyle

... afraid it will ruin aw our affairs again:—However, I have one stroke still in my head that will secure the bargain with my lord, let matters gang as they will. [Aside.] But I wonder, Maister Melville, that you did nai pick up some little matter of siller in the Indies; ah! there have been bonny fortunes snapt up there, of late years, by some of the ...
— The Man Of The World (1792) • Charles Macklin

... plump and bonny fowl, But ere I well had dined, The master came with scowl and growl, ...
— The Bible in Spain • George Borrow

... delicate tinge of colour to her usually pale cheeks, and she looked bright and bonny as she sat beside the tea-table, taking off her gloves and chatting, with her hat pushed slightly up from her forehead. It was an expansive moment with her, one of the rare ones when she unconsciously revealed something of ...
— The Heavenly Twins • Madame Sarah Grand

... They were bonny, healthy children, and very pretty, though not at all alike—little Rosanne being very dusky, while Rosalie was fair as a lily. All went well with them until about a year after their birth, when Rosanne fell ill ...
— Blue Aloes - Stories of South Africa • Cynthia Stockley

... ripping! My hat, you are pretty! Ellen dear, my only wish is to make you as happy as you are bonny." ...
— The Prodigal Father • J. Storer Clouston

... baby, do not cry, Five brave knights go riding by. One is dressed in bonny blue; He's the leader, strong and true. One is clad from head to toe In ...
— The Story-teller • Maud Lindsay

... be childishly faulty, but the feeling of the speech was without a flaw, and from the heart Daisy would have accepted Mrs. Yorke as she was, and thought it no shame or embarrassment to escort her anywhere; but bonny Allie was a lady of high degree, with an eye for appearances and the proprieties, and Mrs. Yorke's antiquated and incongruous gala costume would sorely have tried her soul, although she would doubtless have borne her company ...
— Uncle Rutherford's Nieces - A Story for Girls • Joanna H. Mathews

... what he, too, knew, to a good listener,—the master of the house. Then there was "Major Brom B., a hero of the great war, with his twenty-seven martial spirits, all uniformed in silver gray, his negro Bonny and his gun, 'the Bucanneer,' had not its fellow on the continent." These were all aids, and sources of unfailing interest about the many Westchester chimney firesides of that day. In his "Literary Haunts and Homes," Dr. Theodore F. Wolfe tells of a fine, old-time home, beyond ...
— James Fenimore Cooper • Mary E. Phillips

... conflict announced that it was at the hottest, the Jester began to shout, with the utmost power of his lungs, "Saint George and the dragon! Bonny Saint George for merry England! The castle is won!" And these sounds he rendered yet more fearful by banging against each other two or three pieces of rusty armor which lay ...
— Journeys Through Bookland - Volume Four • Charles H. Sylvester

... appealed to Americans and creoles alike, and the Riffraffs marched quite as often to the stirring measures of "La Marseillaise" as to "The Bonny Blue Flag." ...
— Solomon Crow's Christmas Pockets and Other Tales • Ruth McEnery Stuart

... girl, you look tired. We can't let you lose your bonny colour," she said, in her, pretty caressing way; nobody can be as sweet as ...
— The Heart of Una Sackville • Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

... in her, or—still more remarkable—in the unquestionably lovely girl at her side. Intrusiveness she might resent, but indifference she would and did. Who was this youth, she wondered, who not once had so much as stolen a look at the sweet, bonny face of her maiden sister? Surely 'twas a face any man would love to gaze upon,—so fair, so exquisite in contour and feature, so pearly in complexion, so lovely in the deep, dark brown ...
— The Deserter • Charles King

... holds that early popular poetry is "improvised and contemporary with its facts" (Histoire poetique de Charlemagne). If this dictum be applied to such ballads as "The Bonny Earl o' Murray," "Kinmont Willie," "Jamie Telfer" and "Jock o' the Side," it must appear that the contemporary poets often knew little of the events and knew that little wrong. We gather the true facts from contemporary letters and despatches. In the ballads the facts are confused and ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 - "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy" • Various

... Jim,' says Bella. 'What do you say, Captain? It seems to me we're doing all the talking, and you're doing all the listening. That isn't fair, you know. We like to hear ourselves talk, but fair play is bonny play. Suppose you tell us what you've been about all this time. ...
— Robbery Under Arms • Thomas Alexander Browne, AKA Rolf Boldrewood

... Bonny and plump, she had taken the weakly little bit of humanity, also the situation, into her strong, capable hands; treated the mother and babe just as she would have treated a couple of delicate lambs, and pulled them ...
— The Hawk of Egypt • Joan Conquest

... own conversation may be smiled at now for the same cause. Many of my friends mentioned even in this very recent account of the Coast "are dead now." Most of those I learnt to know in 1893; chief among these is my old friend Captain Boler, of Bonny, from whom I first learnt a certain power of comprehending the African ...
— Travels in West Africa • Mary H. Kingsley

... a bonny kiddie attired in the very stylish trousers and blouse of small James and shining with Dabney's valeting. His nicely plastered red mop to some extent mitigated the effect of the bare and scratched feet and his rollicking blue eyes ...
— The Heart's Kingdom • Maria Thompson Daviess

... would have crushed our power under his heel. But he needed help. It occurred to Bonaparte to aid him, and so oust us from our Indian Empire, which was then being quickly built up. It was a pretty idea, and well carried out at the commencement; for Bonny, as our sailors called him, managed to sail from France with thirty thousand veteran, well-tried troops; and having the good luck to elude our fleet, he called at Malta, which he quickly brought to terms, ...
— As We Sweep Through The Deep • Gordon Stables

... the job," Jane interpolated. She was a big, bonny girl with broad shoulders, steady blue eyes and a complexion that would have advertised any health resort. "Cook kicks herself that she ...
— Men of Affairs • Roland Pertwee

... landing. Sierra Leone had given him an exalted idea of African civilization, but this was at once dispelled by the appearance of Bonny. The houses were constructed entirely of black mud, and the streets were narrow and filthy beyond description. The palace was composed of two or three hovels, surrounded by a mud wall. In one of these huts ...
— By Sheer Pluck - A Tale of the Ashanti War • G. A. Henty

... Artemis whispers, "Is he not a bonny lad? See how he loves you, how devoted he is to you! He will work for you and make you happy; he will build your home for you. You will be the mother of ...
— The Second Thoughts of An Idle Fellow • Jerome K. Jerome

... lovelier, if a kindly sun had shone upon it. The ivy-grown, ancient bridge, with its high arch, through which we had a picture of the river and the green banks beyond, was absolutely the most picturesque object, in a quiet and gentle way, that ever blest my eyes. Bonny Doon, with its wooded banks, and the boughs dipping into the water! The memory of them, at this moment, affects me like the song of birds, and Burns crooning some verses, simple and wild, in accordance with their native melody.... We shall appreciate ...
— Seeing Europe with Famous Authors - Vol. II Great Britain And Ireland, Part Two • Francis W. Halsey

... go on board, when the first notion came to me of joining her. It was the Danish harbour-master who gave it. He came up, under his old white umbrella with the green lining, to the house where I was staying, and told me that the tramp was going to call in at San Thome and the Bonny River. ...
— The Harmsworth Magazine, v. 1, 1898-1899, No. 2 • Various

... mak haste, my bonny leddy," continued the old man"mak haste, and we may do yet! Take haud o' my arman auld and frail arm it's now, but it's been in as sair stress as this is yet. Take haud o' my arm, my winsome leddy! D'ye see yon wee black speck amang the wallowing ...
— The Antiquary, Complete • Sir Walter Scott

... I will get a bonny boat, And I will sail the sea, For I maun gang to Love Gregor, Since he canna ...
— Foes • Mary Johnston

... handy thing, thon!" ... A beautiful piece of work it was, perfectly balanced, keen as a razor, with a handle of the stag's horn.... It was the only weapon Shane had, and about it curled romance and the smoke of dead, royal hopes.... A bonny, homy place that cabin, peaceful as a garden of bees, when the water slipped past the beam. It was like a warm hearth-fire to come down there after a strenuous time on deck while the sou'wester crashed on the Welsh coast. Or in the roll of the Bay of Biscay, after a space watching ...
— The Wind Bloweth • Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne

... and such a big lace collar. And, dear me! it was just such a day as this, thirty-two years ago, that your mother walked up to the shearing with me, Charlotte; and I asked her if she would be my wife, and she said she would. Thou takes after her a good deal; she had the very same bright eyes and bonny face, and straight, tall shape thou has to-day. Barf Latrigg was sixty then, turning a bit gray, but able to shear with any man they could put against him. He'll be ninety now; but his father lived till he was more than a hundred, and most of his fore-elders touched the century. ...
— The Squire of Sandal-Side - A Pastoral Romance • Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr

... talk to her! The woman who served ye like this! what can you be thinking of? Let me call your brother. There he is coming along the road, brown and bonny, with his wife on ...
— Crowded Out! and Other Sketches • Susie F. Harrison

... said, "I am glad to see your bonny face at Dunstaffnage. It is three months since you left us, and the time has gone slowly; the very dogs have been pining for your voice. But who have we here?" he exclaimed, as ...
— In Freedom's Cause • G. A. Henty

... from him knowledge of when her pains began. After that first bout was over and she was lying half asleep in the old nursery, he happened to go up. The nurse—a bonny creature—one of those free, independent, economic agents that now abound—met him in the sitting-room. Accustomed to the "fuss and botheration of men" at such times, she was prepared to deliver ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... rollicking songs, in order to give all a chance. And so, with hearty chorus, "Three times around went she," "Virginia, Virginia, the Land of the Free," "No surrender," "Lula, Lula, Lula is gone," "John Brown's Body," with many variations, "Dixie," "The Bonny Blue Flag," "Farewell to the Star-Spangled Banner," "Hail Columbia," with immense variations, and "Maryland, My Maryland," till about the third year of the war, when we began to think Maryland had "breathed and burned" ...
— Detailed Minutiae of Soldier life in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865 • Carlton McCarthy

... all and set the score down to me!" she cried. "Drink up, my bonny boys; drink up, my loyal maids. Drink—drink till your skins will hold no more. No one pays to-night ...
— Cleek, the Master Detective • Thomas W. Hanshew

... this respect, so that the worth of the currency may even come in time to rest, in an acknowledged manner, somewhat on the state and keeping of the Bedford missal, as well as on the health of Caractacus or Blink Bonny; and old pictures be considered property, no less than old port. They might have been so before now, but that it is more difficult to choose the ...
— The Crown of Wild Olive • John Ruskin

... Mackaye, bonny Sandy Mackaye, There he sits singing the lang simmer's day; Lassies gae to him, And kiss him, and woo him— Na bird is sa ...
— Alton Locke, Tailor And Poet • Rev. Charles Kingsley et al

... but love be bonny A little while while it is new; But when 'tis auld it waxeth cauld And fades away like morning ...
— A Singer from the Sea • Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr

... from every part in; There was Esme, there was Martin; There was Fruelin and Johnny; Aubrey boon, and Robin bonny. Then to speech did one address him: "Mates, young Aucassin, God bless him! 'Struth, it is a fine young fellow! And the girl with hair so yellow, With the body slim and slender, Eyes so blue and ...
— Aucassin and Nicolette - translated from the Old French • Anonymous

... since, some of which I have tried. I am prepared to make the following statements: Earliana is the earliest quality tomato, for light warm soils, that I have ever grown; Chalk's Jewel, the earliest for heavier soils (Bonny Best Early resembles it); Matchless is a splendid main-crop sort; Ponderosa is the biggest and best quality—but it likes to split. There is one more sort, which I have tried one year only, so do not accept my opinion as conclusive. It is the result of a cross between Ponderosa ...
— Home Vegetable Gardening • F. F. Rockwell

... Trafalgar. It proved that the whole German Fleet could not fight out an action against our full force and have the smallest hope of success. I am just praying for the chance of a whack at them in the Malplaquet. My destroyer was a bonny ship, the best in the flotilla, but the Malplaquet is a real peach. ...
— The Lost Naval Papers • Bennet Copplestone

... a bloody charge we made, Nor mind the battle's blaze; God gave to us a hero bold, Our bonny Harry Hays! And on the heights of Gettysburg, At twilight first was seen, The stars of Louisiana bright, ...
— Mohun, or, The Last Days of Lee • John Esten Cooke

... mighty plain" has a choral set to it in the Methodist Hymnal—credited to Thos. Harris, and entitled "Crimea"—which divides the three stanzas into six, and breaks the continuity of the hymn. Better sing it in its original form—long metre double—to the dear old melody of "Bonny Doon." The voices of Scotland, England and ...
— The Story of the Hymns and Tunes • Theron Brown and Hezekiah Butterworth

... have it fill'd my merry Diego, My liberal, and my bonny bounteous Diego, Even fill'd ...
— The Spanish Curate - A Comedy • Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher

... descriptions." Some said openly it was the work of several hands. The study of the fierce, fanatical Covenanters in "Old Mortality" is done not only with all the author's literary genius, but a wonderful fidelity to historical truth; and while the accuracy of the portrait of Claverhouse—"Bonny Dundee"—will always be disputed, no lover of romance will question its brilliant charm. The immediate popularity of "Old Mortality" was less than many of the "Waverley Novels," only two editions, amounting to 4,000 copies, being sold in ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Vol VII • Various

... the music swelled to a crash of joy, and the lights blazed up like day; And I held her fast to my throbbing heart, and I kissed her bonny brow; "She is mine, she is mine for evermore!" the violins seemed to say, And the bells were ringing the New Year in—O God! ...
— Songs of a Sourdough • Robert W. Service

... bonny, let down your milk, And I will give you a gown of silk, A gown of silk and a silver tee, If you'll let ...
— The Only True Mother Goose Melodies • Anonymous

... London, which was put off till Easter. Just before this, Herbert Bowater came back from Natal, and walked from Strawyers with all his happy dogs, as strong and hearty and as merry as ever; his boyish outlines gone, but wholesome sunburn having taken the place of his rosiness, and his bonny smile with its old joyousness. He had married Jenny and Archie himself, and stayed a month on their ostrich farm, which he declared was a lesson on woman's rights, since Mrs. Ostrich was heedless and ...
— The Three Brides • Charlotte M. Yonge

... Athol's a bonny country and Sussex is good to see, But it's long since I left Blighty and I'm not what I used to be; And May in Devon's a marvel and June on Tummel's fine, And that may be most folk's fancy, but it somehow isn't mine; For I know what I like, and the Land of Heart's Delight For me is just ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 159, August 18th, 1920 • Various

... laverock sings a bonny lay above the Scottish heather; It sprinkles down from far away like light and love together; He drops the golden notes to greet his brooding mate, his dearie; I only know one song more sweet,—the vespers ...
— The Poems of Henry Van Dyke • Henry Van Dyke

... fill up my cup, come fill up my can, Come saddle my horses, and call up my man; Come open your gates, and let me gae free, I daurna stay langer in bonny Dundee." ...
— The Best of the World's Classics, Vol. V (of X) - Great Britain and Ireland III • Various

... mother-language inspired by the occasion. A baby just able to smile at her, and coo and crow and chuckle in that peculiarly unctious manner common to babies of amiable character; a fair blue-eyed baby, big and bonny, with soft rings of flaxen hair upon his pink young head, and tender little arms that seemed meant for nothing so ...
— The Lovels of Arden • M. E. Braddon

... it's myself that would like to be one of your scholars, for it's bonny you look with that scarlet thing wrapped round your head!" exclaimed Mrs. M'Crawney in an admiring tone, when Katherine sat down to have a talk with her whilst 'Duke Radford did his business ...
— A Countess from Canada - A Story of Life in the Backwoods • Bessie Marchant

... to bed." But Eva's hands trembled too much to move them, so the old Scotch shepherd pushed her aside, muttering, "Yer feckless as yer bonny; get out of the way." Tenderly his rough hands cared for the little one, undressing and laying ...
— The Empire Annual for Girls, 1911 • Various

... laughin' roses are my lips, Forget-me-nots my ee, It's many a lad they're drivin' mad; Shall they not so wi' ye? Heigho! the morning dew! Heigho! the rose and rue! Follow me, my bonny lad, For I'll ...
— Flamsted quarries • Mary E. Waller

... Ladies bend the knee. Haste away to Scotia's Land, With kilt and Highland plaid; And join the sportive, reeling band, With ilka bonny lad.— For night and day,—we'll trip away, With cheerful dance, and glee; Come o'er the spray,—without delay, Each joy's ...
— Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. • Pierce Egan

... born on fair Sunday Is bonny and loving, and blithe and gay. Monday's bairn is fair in the face, Tuesday's bairn is full of grace, Wednesday's bairn is loving and giving, Thursday's bairn works hard for a living, Friday's bairn is a child of woe, Saturday's bairn has far to ...
— Current Superstitions - Collected from the Oral Tradition of English Speaking Folk • Various

... was bright, Kitty used to walk to Limerick and back again of an evening. Her beau most likely went with her, but sometimes she preferred to go alone, as she knowed no one would hurt a bonny little gal as herself. Tom knowed of these doings, as in days gone by he had jined her once or twice. So one night he put a white sheet around him as she was coming back from Limerick, and hid under the little bridge ...
— The Lost Trail - I • Edward S. Ellis

... we were spliced, Bonny Blue, (Silvery it gleams down the moon-glade o' time, Ah, sugar in the bowl and berries in the prime!) Coxswain I o' the Commodore's crew,— Under me the fellows that manned his fine gig, Spinning him ashore, a king in full fig. Chirrupy even when crosses rubbed me, Bridegroom Dick lieutenants ...
— John Marr and Other Poems • Herman Melville

... a time there lived a gentleman who owned fine lands and houses, and he very much wanted to have a son to be heir to them. So when his wife brought him a daughter, though she was bonny as bonny could be, he cared nought ...
— English Fairy Tales • Flora Annie Steel

... bonny to-day, Katie; do ye know it?" he continued, his glance lingering on her fresh color and her smiling face. In his heart he was saying: "An' what is it makes her so young-looking to-day? It was an old face she had on the last ...
— Between Whiles • Helen Hunt Jackson

... the worse that most of the actors were too young to learn parts, so that there was very little of the rather tedious dialogue, only plenty of dress and ribbons, and of fighting with wooden swords. But though St. George looked bonny enough to warm any father's heart, as he marched up and down with an air learned by watching many a parade in barrack-square and drill-ground, and though the Valiant Slasher did not cry in spite of falling ...
— In the Yule-Log Glow, Book II - Christmas Tales from 'Round the World • Various

... "To your bonny blue eyes, lad!" he said, and raised a glass. "Here's an end to the mutiny—and a drop to our ...
— Harrigan • Max Brand

... men students, but it has many attractive and bonny girl students, also, and these helped to distinguish the day, that is, with a little help from the ...
— Westward with the Prince of Wales • W. Douglas Newton

... was going ashore when I joined. Didn't even shake hands with the Chief! I thought he was going home to the bonny Scotland he always shouted about when he was canned, but the Second says, 'Na, na. He'll never go back to Grangemouth,' and Chief says, 'He'll get a job all right, all right.' Well, I was busy enough with my own concerns, and, as usual, there was a-plenty to do on the Corydon; ...
— Aliens • William McFee

... active speed Dismounted from his bonny steed, To seize the arms, which, by mischance, Fell from the bold Knight in a trance. These being found out, and restor'd 615 To HUDIBRAS their natural lord, As a man may say, with might and main, He hasted to ...
— Hudibras • Samuel Butler

... Locksley, "I will crave your Grace's permission to plant such a mark as is used in the North Country; and welcome every brave yeoman who shall try a shot at it to win a smile from the bonny lass ...
— Short Stories and Selections for Use in the Secondary Schools • Emilie Kip Baker

... "Eat out o' my right lug," says the Black Bull, "and drink out o' my left lug, and set by your leavings." Sae she did as he said, and was wonderfully refreshed. And lang they gaed, and sair they rade, till they came in sight o' a very big and bonny castle. "Yonder we maun be this night," quo' the bull; "for my auld brither lives yonder"; and presently they were at the place. They lifted her aff his back, and took her in, and sent him away to a park for the night. In the morning, ...
— The Blue Fairy Book • Various

... hand, which I gladly now embrace, hoping these lines will find you and your family all in good health, as me and my family are the same, thanks be to him that ruleth over all. I am now going to give you a little sketch of our country, of Bonny Nova Scotia, and the advantages and disadvantages. I settled here on this river about 23 years ago, upon lands that had never been cultivated, all a wilderness. We cut down the wood of the land and ...
— The Chignecto Isthmus And Its First Settlers • Howard Trueman

... a wild duck's, and this is a pigeon's. Ah, they put pigeons' feathers in the pillows—no wonder I couldn't die! Let me take care to throw it on the floor when I lie down. And here is a moorcock's; and this—I should know it among a thousand—it's a lapwing's. Bonny bird; wheeling over our heads in the middle of the moor. It wanted to get to its nest, for the clouds had touched the swells, and it felt rain coming. This feather was picked up from the heath, the bird was not shot: we saw its nest in the winter, full of little skeletons. Heathcliff ...
— Emily Bront • A. Mary F. (Agnes Mary Frances) Robinson

... fine. I should think you'd take your pick first, and then let Tom have what's left. You deserve well of the world, and time flies. Don't you let my coming back here interfere with your plans. I'm not in your way. If you think I'm back on your hands, and that you can't bring home your bonny bride because I'm in your house, you're dead wrong. You ought to be relieved." She ended by indicating the memorandum of her assets; and then tore it into bits and began pushing them into a little pile ...
— Otherwise Phyllis • Meredith Nicholson

... Gulf Stream was no joke. He coasted by the seaboard States. Hurrah! all danger past, Quickly he sailed the last few miles and reached his home at last; His mother welcomed him, and said, "I'm glad there was no shower; But hurry in, my bonny boy, I've ...
— The Jingle Book • Carolyn Wells

... she had passed a number of men, several of whom had paid her the not unusual compliment of wishing she was their sweetheart, one of the lingerers added, 'Your bonny face, my lass, makes the day look brighter.' And another day, as she was unconsciously smiling at some passing thought, she was addressed by a poorly-dressed, middle-aged workman, with 'You may well smile, my lass; many ...
— North and South • Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell

... left out of sixty-three, who were clinging to the rocks, waiting for death. Why wasn't that just as fine as commanding an army, or even leading a forlorn hope in battle? Then there was dear Margaret Roper—I think she is the one for you, May Margaret!—and Cochrane's Bonny Grizzy, and—oh, ever and ever so many of them. Yes, I take up my stand once and for all on ...
— The Merryweathers • Laura E. Richards

... eyes—instead of the black hair and blue eyes that are usually found with this type in Ireland—and delicate feet and ankles that are not common in these parts, where the woman's work is so hard. Her sister, who lives in the house also, is a bonny girl of about eighteen, full ...
— In Wicklow and West Kerry • John M. Synge

... rich English from London," said I; for that was how we explained everything that was above our comprehension in the border counties. We stood for the best part of an hour watching the bonny craft, and then, as the sun was lying low on a cloudbank and there was a nip in the evening air, we ...
— The Great Shadow and Other Napoleonic Tales • Arthur Conan Doyle

... they did, arriving at the Bonny Brier Bush a few minutes later in rather a breathless but ...
— The Shield of Silence • Harriet T. Comstock

... half-past eight, by the clock, they brought the laird hame stiff and stark, cauld as a stane a'ready. The mistress is clean daft wi' sorrow; an' I doot but Mr. Brian will hae a sair time o't wi' her and the bonny young ...
— Under False Pretences - A Novel • Adeline Sergeant

... that she met my son in the road the day you left her, and spoke to him in the Romany tongue; and when he saw she was one of our folk, in spite of her fine clothes, he fell in love with her bonny face, as OUR men fall in love, and took her to our camp. She told us all her trouble, and sat crying and sobbing, poor lassie, till our hearts were sore for her. We comforted her as best we could; and at last she took ...
— The Gadfly • E. L. Voynich

... said I. "No, indeed. He doesn't want to see an old crock like me." The engine rattled. "I hope he's pleased at finding his mother looking so bonny." ...
— The Red Planet • William J. Locke

... he, "it is Mother Millot, our portress, another of your good friends, neighbor, and whose poultices I recommend to you. Come in, Mother Millot—come in; we are quite bonny boys this morning, and ready to step a minuet if ...
— An "Attic" Philosopher, Complete • Emile Souvestre

... one in a dream, and never stopped till he got to his own house. He lighted all his candles, and then awoke his children (who had cried themselves to sleep) that they might enjoy the bonny light; and, when they saw it they clapped their hands ...
— St. Nicholas Magazine for Boys and Girls, Vol. 5, May, 1878, No. 7. - Scribner's Illustrated • Various

... pursue their daily labours for the use of those who are born to enjoy these blessings. The sturdy hind now attends the levee of his fellow-labourer the ox; the cunning artificer, the diligent mechanic, spring from their hard mattress; and now the bonny housemaid begins to repair the disordered drum-room, while the riotous authors of that disorder, in broken interrupted slumbers, tumble and toss, as if the hardness of ...
— The History of Tom Jones, a foundling • Henry Fielding

... Donald, "you were a slip of a girl with a sharp tongue when I mind you first, and a woman with a sharp tongue when I said good-bye to you. You have lost your bonny looks and your shining red hair; you've lost a husband, so you tell me, but ...
— The Northern Iron - 1907 • George A. Birmingham

... a large town which has lived as long as Chester has, and gone on growing, could have contrived to remain so satisfyingly beautiful, or keep such an air of old-time completeness. But the secret is, I suppose, that Chester is "canny" as well as "bonny," and, being wise, she refused to throw away her precious antique garments for glaring new ones. When she had to add houses, or even shops, wherever possible she reproduced the charm and quaintness of the black and white Tudor or Stuart buildings ...
— Set in Silver • Charles Norris Williamson and Alice Muriel Williamson

... tell you something, Brand?—something that will keep you awake all this night, and not with the saddest of thinking? If I am not mistaken, I fancy you have already 'stole bonny Glenlyon away.'" ...
— Sunrise • William Black

... is it possible that Warman's spite Should stretch so far, that he doth hunt the lives Of bonny ...
— A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VIII (4th edition) • Various

... joy so rife into the swallows that skim the shallows and have the yellowest children for the wind that blows is the life of the river flowing for ever that washes the grasses still as it passes and feeds the daisies the little white praises and buttercups bonny so golden and sunny with butter and honey that whiten the sheep awake or asleep that nibble and bite and grow whiter than white and merry and quiet on the sweet diet fed by the river and tossed for ever by the wind that tosses the swallow that crosses over the shallows ...
— At the Back of the North Wind • George MacDonald

... the prince got to the Keeper's lodge, And had been jocund in the house awhile, Tossing off ale and milk in country cans, Whether it was the country's sweet content, Or else the bonny damsel fill'd us drink That seem'd so stately in her stammel red, Or that a qualm did cross his stomach then, But straight he fell ...
— The Growth of English Drama • Arnold Wynne

... wife almost seems to have unhinged him," she said, with a troubled pucker of her brows. "But—but I don't wonder, I really don't. She was the sweetest girl. Poor soul. And that bonny wee boy. But there, I can't bear to think of it all. You mustn't blame him too much, Charles. I guess you don't in your heart. It's just as his attorney you feel mad about things. It's best to remember you were his friend first, ...
— The Man in the Twilight • Ridgwell Cullum

... the first time he had realised how much Carl's eyes were like Cecilia's. Now he realised it again once more. Would he ever again see his dead wife's eyes looking at him from his son's face? What a bonny, clean, handsome lad he was! It was—hard—to see him go. John Meredith seemed to be looking at a torn plain strewed with the bodies of "able-bodied men between the ages of eighteen and forty-five." Only the other day Carl had been a little scrap of a boy, hunting bugs in Rainbow Valley, taking ...
— Rilla of Ingleside • Lucy Maud Montgomery

... a bonny lass, Master Bernard," he said with slow appreciation. "A bonny lass she be. You ain't thinking of getting settled now? I'm thinking she'd keep your ...
— The Odds - And Other Stories • Ethel M. Dell

... extraordinary, a total absence of the genus Erica (heath),[168] which covers so many thousands of acres in corresponding latitudes in Europe. Mrs. Butler mentions, in her Journal, 'that some poor Scotch peasants, about to emigrate to Canada, took away with them some roots of the "bonny blooming heather," in hopes of making this beloved adorner of their native mountains the cheerer of their exile. The heather, however, refused to grow in the Canadian soil. The person who told me this said that the circumstance had ...
— The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Warburton

... The bonny lark, companion meet, Bending thee 'mang the dewy weet Wi' spreckled breast, When upward springing, blithe to greet The purpling ...
— Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 10 - The Guide • Charles Herbert Sylvester

... bonny boat! Whither or whence, With thy fluttering golden band?" "I greet thee, little bird! To the wide sea, I haste from ...
— Voices for the Speechless • Abraham Firth

... Ann Bonny was born in Cork. She was of a truculent disposition, and the murdering part of piracy was much to her taste. When her husband was led out to execution, the special favor was granted of an interview with her; but her only benediction was,—"I'm sorry ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, Number 59, September, 1862 • Various

... He was the most powerful and wealthiest subject in Scotland; in France he was Duc de Touraine; he was descended in lawful wedlock from Robert II.; "he micht ha'e been the king," as the ballad says of the bonny Earl of Moray. But he held proudly aloof from both Livingstone and Crichton, who were stealing the king alternately: they then combined, invited Douglas to Edinburgh Castle, with his brother David, and served up the ominous bull's head at that "black dinner" recorded ...
— A Short History of Scotland • Andrew Lang

... she saw Rhoda, as she had often seen her, tripping along the causeway, with her bonny, merry face, and her dancing feet. But she knew well it was only a trick her memory was playing. The fold lay all silent and deserted beneath her watchful eyes, with every door safely closed, and the gate at the far ...
— The Christmas Child • Hesba Stretton

... white hause-bane, And I'll pike out his bonny blue e'en: Wi' ae lock o' his gowden hair We'll theek our nest ...
— Lyra Heroica - A Book of Verse for Boys • Various

... and how did you get back without me hearing the sound of the carriage wheels!" she exclaimed. "Eh dear, eh dear, I meant to be down on the front steps to greet you, Miss Nan. Eh, but you look bonny, and let me examine your hair, dear—I hope they cut the points regular. If they don't, it will break ...
— Red Rose and Tiger Lily - or, In a Wider World • L. T. Meade

... big ones that one might come to see them as a show and a wonder. And now, Sanchica, see that the gentleman is comfortable; put up his horse, and get some eggs out of the stable, and cut plenty of bacon, and let's give him his dinner like a prince; for the good news he has brought, and his own bonny face deserve it all; and meanwhile I'll run out and give the neighbours the news of our good luck, and father curate, and Master Nicholas the barber, who are and always have been such friends of ...
— Don Quixote • Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

... were glistenin' i' t' sun-leet. T' fishin' boats were out at sea, an' t' air were fair wick wi' kittiwakes an' herrin' gulls. So I just undressed misen, walked down to t' watter an' started swimmin'. Eh! but t' sea were bonny an' warm, an' for once I got all yon dowly thowts o' death clean out o' my head. So I just struck out for t' buoy that were anchored out at sea, happen hafe a mile frae t' shore. That had allus bin my swim sin first we took to comin' to Bridlington, and I'd niver had no trouble i' swimmin' theer ...
— Tales of the Ridings • F. W. Moorman

Words linked to "Bonny" :   beautiful

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