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Bunkum   Listen

Unacceptable behavior (especially ludicrously false statements).  Synonyms: buncombe, bunk, guff, hogwash, rot.

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"Bunkum" Quotes from Famous Books

... "do you talk to me as if you'd begun English yesterday? You forget I've heard you translating bunkum ...
— The Prisoner • Alice Brown

... pill can be gilded with high falutin. It's for them that the Union Jack and the honour of Old England are dragged through every newspaper and brandished in every music hall. It's for them that all these atrocities are invented—most of them bunkum. Men are only savages with a thin veneer of civilisation, which is rather easily rubbed off, and then they act just like Red Indians; but as a general rule they're well enough behaved. The Boer isn't a bad sort, and the Englishman isn't a bad sort; but there's not room for both ...
— The Hero • William Somerset Maugham

... &c v.; boast, vaunt, crake^; pretense, pretensions; puff, puffery; flourish, fanfaronade^; gasconade; blague^, bluff, gas [Slang]; highfalutin, highfaluting^; hot air, spread-eagleism [U.S.]; brag, braggardism^; bravado, bunkum, buncombe; jactitation^, jactancy^; bounce; venditation^, vaporing, rodomontade, bombast, fine talking, tall talk, magniloquence, teratology^, heroics; Chauvinism; exaggeration &c 549. vanity &c 880; vox et praeterea nihil [Lat.]; much cry and little wool, brutum fulmen ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... I can at the moment, but I doubt if you'll get any satisfaction out of him. He'll stick to all he can, and his promise of restitution is all bunkum, I ...
— Pearl of Pearl Island • John Oxenham

... some women take to the bottle; others to the Bible. With Lola Montez, however, it was a case of from Bunkum to Boanerges, from the circle to the conventicle. Spiritualism had been tried and found wanting. Casting about for something with which to fill the empty niche and adjust her equilibrium, she turned to religion for consolation. The brand she selected was that favoured by the Methodists. One would ...
— The Magnificent Montez - From Courtesan to Convert • Horace Wyndham

... married her. At least, that was her belief at the time. During his first drunken bout he had flung it in her face that the form they had gone through was mere bunkum. Unfortunately for her, this was a lie. He had always been coolly calculating. It was probably with the idea of a safe investment that he had seen to it that the ceremony had ...
— Malvina of Brittany • Jerome K. Jerome

... know, and no flies, CHARLIE; swim with the Swells, and all that, But I'm blowed if this bunkum don't make me inclined to turn Radical rat. "Riparian Rights," too! Oh Scissors! They'd block the Backwaters and Broads, Because me and my pals likes a lark! Serve 'em right if old ...
— Punch, or The London Charivari, Vol. 101, August 15, 1891 • Various

... have bestowed on lawyers, pleaders, writers, and the like, who have, up to now, been in abject submission to them. They say little, but after all they are the most important fagots in the great bundle of communities, and all the glib bunkum in the world would not pay for their estrangement. ...
— The Works of Rudyard Kipling One Volume Edition • Rudyard Kipling

... he told us of their great marching feats, and wound up thus: "The other day Clements said to our ole man, 'Give the Borders a new pair of boots an' a ration of rum, an' they'll march to h——." Then after a pause, "Of course, that's a bit o' bunkum to keep us goin';" but his manner showed he was proud to repeat it nevertheless. On the 5th, we advanced to Doornkom, getting a fine herd of cattle from a kloof on our way, and having sundry necessary ...
— A Yeoman's Letters - Third Edition • P. T. Ross

Words linked to "Bunkum" :   crap, rot, drivel, shit, bull, dogshit, garbage, horseshit, Irish bull, bunk, bullshit

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