"Cartoon" Quotes from Famous Books
... me the other day that in her house it was the custom to fine everybody in the family ten pfennigs if they came down to breakfast without saying: "Gott strafe die Englander!" ("God punish the English!") In a recent Ulk there is a cartoon of a young mother holding up her baby to his proud father with the announcement that he has spoken his first words. "And what did he say?" ... — Antwerp to Gallipoli - A Year of the War on Many Fronts—and Behind Them • Arthur Ruhl
... perils I have been through! You'll see me again shortly; but there have been momentums in my career when I said to myself, "Shall I ever aller out of this alive!" I escaped the Petersburg police; they punched out your Cartoon, and all the lines about the Czar and the Jews; that's why I was so persecuted, and why I was watched. I wish to Heaven you wouldn't have Cartoons about Czars and Jews just when I'm at Peterborough, I mean Petersburg; same name, different ... — Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 99, August 30, 1890. • Various
... was six o'clock, and Perry had lost all resemblance to the young man in the liniment advertisement. He looked like a rough draft for a riotous cartoon. They were singing—an impromptu ... — Tales of the Jazz Age • F. Scott Fitzgerald |
Words linked to "Cartoon" : publication, sketch, strip, artistic creation, draw, comic strip, animated cartoon, wit, cartoonist, witticism, humour, humor, wittiness, art, funnies, artistic production, toon, short subject, cartoon strip |
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