"Causative" Quotes from Famous Books
... we are guided by an end or ideal of what we would bring about. To a being destitute of self-consciousness only a single sort of action is at any moment possible. When a certain force falls upon it, it meets with a fixed response. Or, if the causative forces are many, what happens is but the well-established resultant of these forces operating upon a being as definite in nature as they. Such a being contemplates no future to be reached through motions ... — The Nature of Goodness • George Herbert Palmer
... object selection and actually accomplish this in the unconscious. Indeed the attachments of libidinous feelings to persons of the same sex play no small role as factors in normal psychic life, and as causative factors of disease they play a greater role than those belonging to the opposite sex. According to psychoanalysis, it rather seems that it is the independence of the object, selection of the sex of the object, the same free disposal ... — Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex • Sigmund Freud
... important for Eimer is the transmission of those characters which the parents themselves have acquired in the course of their own development. He conceives that this transmission takes place when the causative influences exert themselves permanently on many succeeding generations. Eimer thinks that in this way the constitution of the respective species is gradually transformed. Besides the effect of external influences (which may vary according to the climate, ... — At the Deathbed of Darwinism - A Series of Papers • Eberhard Dennert |
Words linked to "Causative" : causal, abortifacient, anorectic, contributive, precipitating, contributing, motivating, motor, inducive, inductive, tributary, activating, actuating, motive, conducive, errhine, fast, contributory, sternutative, motivative, anorexigenic, responsible, noncausative, sternutatory, responsible for, cause |
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