"Chromatic" Quotes from Famous Books
... sea that is notoriously evil. At twilight the wind dropped, the heave of the waters decreased. The scattered fleet, gliding through the hush, carried red, green, and white planets. The ships which lay in the western glow were black and simple shapes. Those to the east of us were remarkable with a chromatic prominence, and you thought, while watching them, that till that moment you had not really seen them. Presently the moon cleared the edge of the sea, a segment of frozen light, and moored to our stern with a quivering, ... — London River • H. M. Tomlinson
... minutes, Miss Warburton, by dint of opening parcels, had transformed the bedroom into a composite of the principal men's shops in Piccadilly and Bond Street. Mr. Prohack recoiled before the chromatic show and also before the prospect of ... — Mr. Prohack • E. Arnold Bennett
... chord combinations since the introduction of the tempered system is not very great. All, or nearly all, the chords used by Wagner are to be found in the works of Bach. The suggestion to explain Wagner's harmonies by assuming a "chromatic scale" rests upon a misapprehension of the nature of a scale. Every scale implies a tonality, i.e. a tonic note, to which all the other notes bear some definite numerical relation. There cannot be a chromatic scale in the scientific sense in music; what we call by that name in a keyed instrument ... — Wagner's Tristan und Isolde • George Ainslie Hight
... aquarium in Honolulu, which is like a pelagic rainbow factory, and the aquarium in New York with all its strange and beautiful denizens, I am a little ashamed of our English apathy. To maintain picture galleries, where, however beautiful and chromatic, all is dead, and be insensitive to the loveliness of fish, in hue, in shape and in ... — Roving East and Roving West • E.V. Lucas
... institution or another'; 'the great aim of his life was to make the music he wrote an interpretation of the words it was set to'; he 'broke many of the laws of music'; he 'considerable altered the stage'; he 'was noted for using many instruments not invented before'; in his 'composition he used the chromatic scale very much, and goes very deep in harmony'; he 'was the first taking up the style, and therefore to make a great change in music'; he was 'the cause of much censure and bickering through his writings'; ... — Literary Blunders • Henry B. Wheatley
... awake and tried to get to sleep the silence seemed unnaturally profound. The tick of the big clock down in the hall struck on the ear with almost a thud, and the light breeze outside moaned among the ventilators and played chromatic scales through the keyhole in a fashion quite disturbing. I wished that wind would shut up, and that the clock would run down. How was a fellow to get to sleep with such ... — Boycotted - And Other Stories • Talbot Baines Reed
... AEneas, disguised as Mercury, to hasten his departure. Dido's death song, which is followed by a chorus of mourning Cupids, is one of the most pathetic scenes ever written, and illustrates in a forcible manner Purcell's beautiful and ingenious use of a ground-bass. The gloomy chromatic passage constantly repeated by the bass instruments, with ever-varying harmonies in the violins, paints such a picture of the blank despair of a broken heart as Wagner himself, with his immense orchestral ... — The Opera - A Sketch of the Development of Opera. With full Descriptions - of all Works in the Modern Repertory • R.A. Streatfeild
... progressed. The fire in the grate looked impish—demoniacally funny, as if it did not care in the least about her strait. The fender grinned idly, as if it too did not care. The light from the water-bottle was merely engaged in a chromatic problem. All material objects around announced their irresponsibility with terrible iteration. And yet nothing had changed since the moments when he had been kissing her; or rather, nothing in the substance of things. But the ... — Tess of the d'Urbervilles - A Pure Woman • Thomas Hardy
... 3. Chromatic dispersion by our atmosphere, together with selective absorption, also by our atmosphere and its vapors, have been suggested as causes in ... — Scientific American Supplement, No. 441, June 14, 1884. • Various
... a small claim to originality. Still, there are slight indications of it in the tempo di valse, the concluding portion of the Variations, and more distinct ones in the Rondo, in which it is possible to discover the embryos of forms—chromatic and serpentining progressions, &c.—which subequently develop most exuberantly. But if on the one hand we must admit that the composer's individuality is as yet weak, on the other hand we cannot accuse him of being the imitator of any one master—such ... — Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete • Frederick Niecks
... beautiful living women wearing novelties in hats were thrown. A dense crowd was always collected in the stationary central way watching a vast kinematograph which displayed the changing fashion. The whole front of the building was in perpetual chromatic change, and all down the facade—four hundred feet it measured—and all across the street of moving ways, laced and winked and glittered in a thousand varieties of colour and lettering ... — Tales of Space and Time • Herbert George Wells
... In studying the chromatic tints of these waters, a hollow pasteboard cylinder, five or six centimeters in diameter, and sixty or seventy centimeters in length, was sometimes employed for the purpose of excluding the surface reflection and the disturbances due to ... — The Lake of the Sky • George Wharton James
... its end. A formidable, official document was prepared, encrusted with chromatic seals and jaunty with fluttering ribbons, bearing the florid signatures of state. This commission conferred upon el Senor Don Felipe Carrera the title of Flag Admiral of the Republic of Anchuria. Thus within the space of a few minutes and the dominion of a dozen "extra dry," the country took ... — Cabbages and Kings • O. Henry
... such circus tricks as beating a trumpeter in holding on to a note, or racing with an orchestra and getting ahead of it; or Caffarelli, who entertained his audiences by singing, in one breath, a chromatic chain of trills up and down two octaves. Caffarelli was a pupil of the famous vocal teacher Porpora, who wrote operas consisting chiefly of monotonous successions of florid arias resembling the music that is now written for flutes and violins." All very well for the day, ... — The Merry-Go-Round • Carl Van Vechten
... on scientific principles which embody so much in the way of chromatic paradox as to warrant setting forth rather fully, even though at the present time, for good and sufficient reasons relating to German methods of locating vessels, the Americans have more or less abandoned their ideas of low visibility and taken ... — Our Navy in the War • Lawrence Perry
... the wild chromatic passages that Krafft sent up and down the piano with his right hand, while his left followed with full-bodied chords, each of which exceeded the octave. Before, however, there was time to laugh, this riot ceased, and ... — Maurice Guest • Henry Handel Richardson
... faint trail, in a steamy heat pulsing with chromatic birds and lizards, they journeyed through the forest, the skirts of the vast Ituri whose deepest recess is the home of the pygmy. One early forenoon they were halted by the warrior in apparently trackless jungle and bidden to camp. Mungongo was indignant, ... — Witch-Doctors • Charles Beadle |
Words linked to "Chromatic" : cherry, watercress, reddish-pink, tawny, mauve-blue, bronze, roseate, mousy, golden, bottle-green, brown-green, peacock-blue, pinkish-purple, colorful, purple-green, colored, mouselike, tangerine, straw, mousey, blood-red, creamy, hue, blue-lilac, copper colored, dark-brown, music, brownish-red, drab, gray-pink, magenta, dull-purple, color, ochre, blue-purple, greyish-blue, mosstone, taupe, dun, reddish, gilt, rose, flame-orange, maroon, pinkish-orange, coloured, rosy-purple, yellowish-beige, blue, earthlike, purplish, rusty-red, Chinese-red, magenta pink, hazel, rose-lilac, scarlet-pink, grey-brown, pink-red, umber, violet-pink, wine-red, chestnut-brown, purple-red, yellow-orange, golden-yellow, purplish-lilac, vermillion, orange-brown, rose-purple, silvery-green, grayish-pink, ruby-red, chartreuse, lilac, red-violet, ruby, peachy, purple, rusty-brown, pink, cerulean, bluish, chestnut, yellow-green, silver-green, maroon-purple, gold, blackish-brown, beige, crimson-yellow, rose-lavender, stone, sky-blue, yellow, canary, powder blue, moss green, red-purple, purplish-blue, blue-violet, tan, brown-purple, white-pink, jade, yellow-tinged, hazel-brown, amber, violet, orangish-red, coral, khaki, sorrel, tawny-brown, gray-green, dark-blue, silvery-blue, creamy-yellow, cherry-red, diatonic, orange, gilded, ocher, grayish-brown, pink-tinged, lavender, crimson-magenta, olive-drab, reddish-violet, lilac-colored, grey-green, snuff, blue-green, rose-red, teal, russet, blueish, purple-brown, sage-green, brown, brownish-purple, purplish-green, pinkish, greyish-pink, olive, sapphire, deep-pink, orange-red, golden-brown, buff, rose-mauve, grayish-green, rosy, mahogany-red, auburn, caramel brown, salmon, yellow-beige, silver-blue, purple-lilac, deep-yellow, crimson, purple-tinged, red-brown, rosaceous, brownish-green, mauve, yellowish-orange, reddish-brown, lilac-pink, chroma, bronzy, lilac-blue, red-lavender, sulfur-yellow, peachy-coloured, orangish, green, chukker-brown, rust-brown, rust-red, brownish-yellow, vinaceous, cinnabar, violet-tinged, fuscous, yellow-brown, canary-yellow, yellowish, xanthous, honey, coral-red, scarlet, buff-brown, blackish-red, reddish-orange, lavender-tinged, peachy-colored, scarlet-crimson, carnation, greenish-brown, pea-green, rusty, pink-orange, blushful, avocado, violet-blue, grey-blue, golden-green, cyan, light-green, purple-tinted, rust, tannish, bronze-red, sea-green, bright blue, powdery-blue, cerise, jade-green, ultramarine, bright-red, carmine, olive-brown, raspberry-red, coppery, gray-blue, ruddy, achromatic, mouse-colored, purplish-red, violet-tinted, azure, greenish, brownish, pinkish-lavender, cress green, greyish-green, dark-green, greyish-brown, bluish-lilac, cresson, red, crimson-purple, mauve-pink, gray-brown, purple-blue, pale blue, bluish-violet, rose-tinged, chocolate-brown, sage, purplish-brown, bluish-purple, pink-lavender, aureate, amber-green, vermilion, light-blue, sulphur-yellow, blae, bluish green, reddisn-purple, snuff-brown, reddish-lavender, rose-tinted, grey-pink, pink-purple, red-orange, lavender-pink, lilac-purple, brownish-orange, mummy-brown, grayish-blue, caramel, amethyst |
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