"Colorful" Quotes from Famous Books
... glass with the famed Lafayette madeira of Matocton, and solemnly drank yet another toast. He loved to do, as you already know, that which was colorful. ... — The Rivet in Grandfather's Neck - A Comedy of Limitations • James Branch Cabell
... dim, moist spring days more colorful to Hugh's heart than any of his days—there cut into his consciousness like a hard, thin edge, a sense of a little growing change in Sylvie. It had been there—the change,—slightly, dimly there, ever since the sheriff's visit. It was not that she doubted Hugh—such a suspicion ... — Snow-Blind • Katharine Newlin Burt
... night—a sheet was enough for comfort—and through his wide-open windows came sound, evanescent and summery, alive with remote anticipation. He was thinking that the young years behind him, hollow and colorful, had been lived in facile and vacillating cynicism upon the recorded emotions of men long dust. And there was something beyond that; he knew now. There was the union of his soul with Gloria's, whose radiant fire and freshness was ... — The Beautiful and Damned • F. Scott Fitzgerald
... left the office. Under his arm he carried the flat pasteboard package secured by elastic bands. At five-fifteen he walked swiftly down the famous corridor of the great red stone hotel. The colorful glittering crowd that surged all about him he seemed not to see. He made straight for the main desk ... — Personality Plus - Some Experiences of Emma McChesney and Her Son, Jock • Edna Ferber
... The colorful mazes of the Sargasso were as irritating as flowered wall paper in a sickroom. Even Hogan's and Deschaillon's spirits sagged under the brilliant sweltering sameness. The navvies moved about half naked, and burned ... — The Cruise of the Dry Dock • T. S. Stribling
... her at the shifting, colorful scene. There was certainly plenty to be seen and every minute held its own bit of interest. As they watched, another 'plane soared into view, black as a crow against the evening sky; it showed first as a mere speck, rapidly grew larger, and ... — The Boy Aviators' Treasure Quest • Captain Wilbur Lawton
... the swirling dark green surf was closing in above our heads, the big morning sun popped his rim up over the edge of the ocean. And through our transparent walls of pearl we saw the watery world about us suddenly light up with that most wondrously colorful of visions, a daybreak beneath ... — The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle • Hugh Lofting
... really—she had to fill in the story they illustrated. She told it while Richard ate: how the intrepid Spaceman gallantly used his ray gun against the villainous Martians to aid the green-haired Princess. Richard spooned up the thrills with his mush, gazing fascinated at Cappy's colorful and fantastic pictures, propped before him on the table. Had Ted been home, the scene ... — Tree, Spare that Woodman • Dave Dryfoos
... made of stones and precious jewels, with four gates, one at the furthest extreme in each direction. It was a circular city, made mostly of the same materials as the wall and temple, which were a plain, silvery stone; a dark rock with inherent patterns; a mixture of cobblestone and a colorful compositor rock; and a vast array of metals, everything from brass to silver to platinum. Made in an ancient style, the buildings were tall, the average being what was equivalent to at least a dozen or two stories in the pre-desolation times, and they were close together, built along ... — The Revolutions of Time • Jonathan Dunn
... watched in silent glee while the irate Happy Family scurried here and there behind the band, swinging their ropes down upon the woolly backs, and searching their vocabularies for new and terrible epithets. Andy smiled broadly as a colorful phrase now and then boomed across the coulee in that clear, snappy atmosphere, which carries sounds so far. He did not expect to do much smiling upon his own account, that day, and he was therefore grateful for the opportunity ... — Flying U Ranch • B. M. Bower
... that," Hayden assured her. He looked about him, down through the vista of the rooms with their differing and garish schemes of decoration, at the groups of people moving to and fro, at the whole kaleidoscopic, colorful picture. "Lots of people ... — The Silver Butterfly • Mrs. Wilson Woodrow
... commented Miss Ocky. She reclaimed her colorful souvenir of the East, then glanced up as the study door opened. "Hello, Simon. I expect you will sleep easier to-night; no fear of fire bugs in ... — The Monk of Hambleton • Armstrong Livingston
... on my hand when I went into my room and switched on the lights. Soft and colorful, the haunted room sprang into view. The writing-table and piano gleamed bare without their usual burdens of scattered papers and music, removed that afternoon. For lack of familiar occupation, when I sat down in my favorite place, I took ... — The Thing from the Lake • Eleanor M. Ingram
... the Wyoming hills lay a valley watered by a stream that ran down from Cheyenne Pass; a band of Sioux Indians had an encampment there. Viewed from the summit of a grassy ridge, the scene was colorful and idle and quiet, in keeping with the lonely, beautiful valley. Cottonwoods and willows showed a bright green; the course of the stream was marked in dark where the water ran, and light where the sand had bleached; brown and black dots scattered over the valley were ... — The U.P. Trail • Zane Grey
... play written and performed in the Chinese manner with the delightful and charming conventions of that ancient institution. This beautiful romantic drama of love, fidelity, treachery and poetry is a decidedly colorful fantasy that appeals to all classes of theater goers. It tells, in varied scenes, of the devotion of a wife for her adventurous husband, of his prowess as a warrior and his ultimate return. (Not available for amateur production at present, ... — Why the Chimes Rang: A Play in One Act • Elizabeth Apthorp McFadden |
Words linked to "Colorful" : orange-colored, metal-coloured, olive-coloured, ginger, flesh-coloured, bright, creamy-white, violet-coloured, polychrome, pied, motley, dun-coloured, liver-colored, metal-colored, flashy, orange-flowered, monochromous, showy, fawn-coloured, painted, tawny-coloured, trichromatic, metallic-colored, varicoloured, neutral-colored, bichrome, olive-colored, chestnut-coloured, bicolor, color, gingery, noisy, cinnamon colored, bay, rose-colored, monochrome, dark-colored, flame-coloured, pale-colored, gay, picturesque, liver, cinnamon-colored, particoloured, varicolored, gold-colored, bicoloured, monochromatic, garnet-colored, chocolate-coloured, chromatic, crimson, orange-coloured, dichromatic, shot, colored, lead-coloured, many-sided, monochromic, indigo, tricolor, garnet-coloured, creamy-colored, colouring, peach-colored, vivid, straw-colored, shrill, colour, gold-coloured, dusky-colored, cinnamon coloured, multicolor, straw-coloured, buff-coloured, silver-colored, multi-color, brave, dun-colored, red-faced, tawny-colored, coloring, psychedelic, cinnamon-red, colorless, chocolate-colored, fawn-colored, pastel-colored, vibrant, flesh-colored, reddened, red, uncolored, dark-coloured, buff-colored, neutral-coloured, multi-colored, particolored, iridescent, bicolored, calico, lead-colored, chatoyant, violet-colored, orange-hued, deep, cream-colored, flame-colored, multicolour, honey-coloured, brightly-coloured, braw, dusky-coloured, colourless, brightly-colored, rust-colored, brilliant, black, fluorescent, multicolored, jazzy, trichrome, metallic-coloured, multi-colour, polychromic, violet-flowered, honey-colored, prismatic, multicoloured, chestnut-colored, roan, sporty, changeable, gaudy, vividness, pale-hued, red-flowered, bicolour, ablaze, purple-flowered, violet-purple, blue-flowered, multi-coloured, blackened, flushed, rosy-colored, rich, piebald, polychromatic, cinnamon-coloured |
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