"Creativeness" Quotes from Famous Books
... it would have been in any age of genuine or real creativeness for a leading preacher of Christianity to have pronounced Dr. Abbott's words, and you will see how far humanitarianism has fallen from faith in the spirit. I know that passages maybe quoted from the Bible which might seem to make Christ himself responsible for this new Simony; ... — The Jessica Letters: An Editor's Romance • Paul Elmer More
... institutions are to be judged by the good or harm that they do to individuals. Do they encourage creativeness rather than possessiveness? Do they embody or promote a spirit of reverence between human beings? Do ... — Political Ideals • Bertrand Russell
... to the claims of the college hampered, to a certain extent, her poetic creativeness; the volumes that she has left are as few as they are precious, every one "a pearl." Speaking of these poems, Miss Scudder says: "And in her own verse,—do we not catch to a strange degree, hushed echoes of heavenly ... — The Story of Wellesley • Florence Converse
... so much mental brilliancy, was moral greatness. The age he lived in was an age of selfish despots, treacherous generals, godless priests. It was an age of intellectual vigour and artistic creativeness; but it was also an age of mean ambition, sordid policy, and vitiated principles. Lorenzo remained true in all respects to the genius of this age: true to its enthusiasm for antique culture, true to its passion for art, ... — Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Second Series • John Addington Symonds |
Words linked to "Creativeness" : imaginativeness, innovation, uncreativeness, inventiveness, wizardry, conception, cleverness, imagination, divergent thinking, genius, fecundity, ingeniousness, ability, fruitfulness, creativity, out-of-the-box thinking, originative, invention, uncreative, power, excogitation, ingenuity, vision, flight, creative, design |
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