"Criminal offence" Quotes from Famous Books
... offset in other directions. A convention was concluded between Ecuador and Great Britain to suppress slave trading in that region. In Cuba, likewise, General Concha took measures for the total suppression of the slave trade. A law was passed making the trade a criminal offence in the Spanish West Indies. The government of Spain after much reluctance recognized the independence of Venezuela. Affairs in Spain had taken a new turn. On January 21, General Zurbano was betrayed ... — A History of the Nineteenth Century, Year by Year - Volume Two (of Three) • Edwin Emerson
... body of Pasino in the school and students occupied with its dissection. If evidence for the zeal of the medical students of that time for dissection were needed, surely we have it in the testimony at this trial. At a time when body-snatching has become a criminal offence usually there have been many repeated occurrences of it before the parties are brought to trial, so that it seems not unlikely that a good many dissections of illegally secured bodies were being done at ... — Old-Time Makers of Medicine • James J. Walsh
... very often hear on American lips," broke in Lavendar as he looked over the top of Henry Newbolt's poems. "I believe being dull is thought a criminal offence in your country. Now, isn't there some danger involved in this fear ... — Robinetta • Kate Douglas Wiggin
... merely reporting proceedings before the police magistrates and in the law courts, and many a rascal solaced himself for the disagreeables attending a preliminary examination at the police court for a criminal offence, by a verdict in his behalf in a civil action against any newspaper that had been bold enough to print a report of the proceedings. This kind of action originated from a ruling of Lord Ellenborough, ... — The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 2, August, 1864 - Devoted to Literature and National Policy • Various
... He had not desired Mrs. Rogers to purchase sulphuric acid; had not received any from her. In addition also to his testimony that she and her husband were always quarrelling, it was proved by a respectable person that high words had passed between them on the evening previous to the day the criminal offence was committed, and that foolish, passionate expressions had escaped her about wishing to be rid of such a drunken wretch. This evidence, combined with the medical testimony, appeared so conclusive to the magistrates that spite of the unfortunate woman's wild protestations of innocence, and ... — The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852 • Various
... another, to prohibit the killing of deer in the teeming months. These are laws that were loudly called for by judicious men; nor do I despair of getting an act to make the unlawful felling of timber a criminal offence. ... — The Pioneers • James Fenimore Cooper
... Duty to both Sexes, yet a Transgression herein, even with the aggravation of wronging another Man, and possibly a whole Family thereby, is ordinarily talk'd as lightly of, as if it was but a Peccadillo in a Young Man, altho' a far less Criminal Offence against this Duty in a Maid shall in the Opinion of the same Persons brand her with perpetual Infamy: The nearest Relations oftentimes are hardly brought to look upon her after such a dishonour done by her to their Family; whilst the ... — Occasional Thoughts in Reference to a Vertuous or Christian life • Lady Damaris Masham
... designed to help women evade the strict letter of the law when this, if enforced absolutely, would work injustice. Ignorance of the law, if there was no criminal offence involving good morals, was particularly accepted in the case of women "on account of the weakness of the sex."[150] A typical instance of the growth of the desire to help women, protect them as much as possible, and ... — A Short History of Women's Rights • Eugene A. Hecker
... trustee and any creditor, to all of whom previous notice of the application must be given, grant the bankrupt a discharge either absolutely or under conditions, but subject to the following qualifications, viz.:—(1) If the bankrupt has committed a criminal offence connected with the bankruptcy, the application must be refused unless for special reasons the court determines otherwise. (2) If the assets are not equal in value to ten shillings in the pound of the unsecured liabilities (unless the bankrupt can show that he is not responsible); or if proper ... — Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 - "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy" • Various
... inclined to the opinion, that, if positive legislation could be brought to bear upon this subject, making it a criminal offence for one person deliberately to concoct and designedly to spring a surprise upon another, society would derive incalculable benefit from the act. For the ordinary and inevitable surprises of every-day life are sufficiently ... — Autumn Leaves - Original Pieces in Prose and Verse • Various |
Words linked to "Criminal offence" : smuggle, lift, buy, kick back, highjack, victimless crime, war crime, fraud, impress, commission, black marketeer, misdemeanor, evildoing, grease one's palms, violation, fob off, capital offense, misdemeanour, palm off, plagiarise, mug, hold up, regulatory offense, crib, regulatory offence, cybercrime, felony, rustle, ransom, high treason, forgery, plagiarize, statutory offense, statutory offence, shoplift, traffic, extort, shanghai, attack, redeem, pirate, criminal law, lese majesty, thuggery, pay off, treason, Tazir crime, commandeer, bootleg, attempt, plunder, nobble, vice crime, run, committal, skyjack, pyramid, stick up, perpetration, law-breaking, blackmail, barratry, hijack, scalp, buy off, foist off, infringement, infraction, black market, rake off, carjack, abduct, bribe, loot, kidnap, push, snatch, Had crime, offense, mayhem, transgression, corrupt |
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