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Destroying angel   /dɪstrˈɔɪɪŋ ˈeɪndʒəl/   Listen
Destroying angel

Fungus similar to Amanita phalloides.  Synonym: Amanita verna.
Extremely poisonous usually white fungus with a prominent cup-shaped base; differs from edible Agaricus only in its white gills.  Synonyms: Amanita phalloides, death angel, death cap, death cup.

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"Destroying angel" Quotes from Famous Books

... Capelan uttered a sharp cry, and his terrified horse caused disorder in the ranks. Ali picked off a large number of officers, one after another; every shot was mortal, and his enemies began to regard him in, the light of a destroying angel. Disorder spread through the forces of the Seraskier, who retreated hastily ...
— Celebrated Crimes, Complete • Alexandre Dumas, Pere

... combination—the Colonization Society—is calculated to impress upon the mind of the public these atrocious maxims which every day strengthen a prejudice not only cherished by the whites against the blacks, but by the blacks against the whites. That foul fiend of hell, that destroying angel who hath power to take peace from the earth, and to kill with the sword, is gaining a commanding influence very fast over both parties. And who, but the advocates of the Colonization Society, receive him as a welcome guest? Who but ...
— Thoughts on African Colonization • William Lloyd Garrison

... That was the fatal month and year When cholera was rampant here; Malignant Asiatic type, Which from the book of life did wipe The name of many a sturdy one 'Twixt rise and setting of the sun. Dread terror brooded o'er the land, While the destroying angel's hand Smote here and there each deadly blow, Which laid in dust the proudest low! As I remember—those fared worst, Who in that dismal time were curst With dangerous and insatiate thirst. And H.V. Noel, surely here ...
— Recollections of Bytown and Its Old Inhabitants • William Pittman Lett

... lies the helpless beacon of their lives In darkness quencht—gone ere their infant thought Could realise the loss which Death had wrought— The stab the stern Destroying Angel gives. ...
— The Death of Saul and other Eisteddfod Prize Poems and Miscellaneous Verses • J. C. Manning

... storm which no one guides' tells me in thunder tones that there is a home of rest in the presence of the infinite Father! Oh, chance does not roam, like a destroying angel, through that 'snow-powder of stars!' The love of our God is over all his works as a mantle! Though you should 'take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,' lo! he is there! The sorrowing ...
— Beulah • Augusta J. Evans

... all lawgivers and legislators, said, while his face was yet radiant with the light of Sinai: "Whoso stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death." The destroying angel has gone forth through this land to execute the fearful penalties ...
— Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence - The Best Speeches Delivered by the Negro from the days of - Slavery to the Present Time • Various

... satellites of usurpation, tyranny, and murder, the people then gave vent to their tears and execrations. The contrite prayers of a sinful nation arose from every dwelling; and, like the blood of the Paschal Lamb on the doors of the Israelites, implored Divine Mercy to avert the sword of the destroying angel from them and their families, when he should be sent in wrathful visitation to take vengeance for that ...
— The Loyalists, Vol. 1-3 - An Historical Novel • Jane West

... for Merrie England cry! Hurrah for France the Grand! We charge the foe together, all abreast, and hand to hand! He caught a shadowy glimpse across the smoke of Alma's fray Of the Destroying Angel that shall blast his strength to-day. We shout and charge together, and again, again, again Our plunging battle tears its path, and paves it with the slain. Hurrah! the mighty host doth melt before our fervent heat; Against our side its breaking heart doth faint and ...
— Successful Recitations • Various

... be written, and these conclusions overwhelmed her to such a degree that she turned away from her favourite child in bitter passion, with the conviction that her son in whom she had trusted was her destroying angel. She hid her face from him ...
— The Delight Makers • Adolf Bandelier

... Destroying Angel and his gasping prey, stepped two, anointed with the chrism of the Priesthood of Cure; and undismayed by the strident, sibilant, fitful breath that distorted the blue lips of the victim, they parried the sweep of ...
— At the Mercy of Tiberius • August Evans Wilson

... every crevice in the clothes, it, in some cases, tore them from the wearer's limbs, or from his grasp. It penetrated the skin; benumbed the flesh; paralysed the faculties. The intense darkness added to the terror of the storm. The destroying angel hurried by, shrouded in his gloomiest apparel. None saw, though all felt, his presence, and heard the thunder of his voice. Imagination, coloured by the obscurity, peopled the air with phantoms. Ten thousand steeds appeared to be trampling ...
— Jack Sheppard - A Romance • William Harrison Ainsworth

... were not so much like men usurping power as asserting their natural place in society. Their rising was to illuminate and beautify the world. Their conquest over their competitors was by outshining them. The hand, that, like a destroying angel, smote the country, communicated to it the force and energy under which it suffered. I do not say, (God forbid!) I do not say that the virtues of such men were to be taken as a balance to their crimes; but they were some ...
— The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. III. (of 12) • Edmund Burke

Words linked to "Destroying angel" :   agaric, Amanita, genus Amanita

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