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Diagnostic   /dˌaɪəgnˈɑstɪk/   Listen

Concerned with diagnosis; used for furthering diagnosis.
Characteristic or indicative of a disease.  Synonym: symptomatic.  "A rash symptomatic of scarlet fever" , "Symptomatic of insanity" , "A rise in crime symptomatic of social breakdown"

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"Diagnostic" Quotes from Famous Books

... distinguish between a myelogenic leukocythaemia and a lymphatic leukaemia? How many of us could draw correct inferences from the fact that in typhoid fever there may not only be no increase in the number of certain of the white cells of the blood, but an actual leukopenia? How many appreciated the diagnostic value of the difference in the cellular elements in the blood in cases of scarlet fever and of measles, and how many have anything more than a general idea as to the significance of a hypoleucocytosis or a hyperleucocytosis in a case of acute pneumonia, or as to the relations of cells of different ...
— Histology of the Blood - Normal and Pathological • Paul Ehrlich

... "We will consider the explanation later," was his reply. He had produced from his pocket a small metal box which he always carried, and which contained such requisites as cover-slips, capillary tubes, moulding wax, and other "diagnostic materials." He now took from it a seed-envelope, into which he neatly shovelled the little pinch of sand with his knife. He had closed the envelope, and was writing a pencilled description on the outside, when we were startled ...
— John Thorndyke's Cases • R. Austin Freeman

... slung our man-of-war hammocks, worked there by day, and slept at night. Within were beds, chairs, a round table, a fine hanging lamp, and portraits of the royal family of Hawaii. Queen Victoria proves nothing; Kalakaua and Mrs. Bishop are diagnostic; and the truth is we were the stealthy tenants of the parsonage. On the day of our arrival Maka was away; faithless trustees unlocked his doors; and the dear rigorous man, the sworn foe of liquor and tobacco, returned to find his verandah littered with cigarettes ...
— In the South Seas • Robert Louis Stevenson

Words linked to "Diagnostic" :   diagnosis, characteristic

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