"Duct" Quotes from Famous Books
... the lids of the buckets in turn. There is fixed to the sides of the generator a funnel (13) with open bottom (13a) to direct the carbide, on to the rocking grid (14) which is farther below the funnel than appears from the figure. Gas passing up behind the funnel escapes through a duct (15) to the gasholder. The ring (7) is rotated through the action of the weight (16) suspended by the chain or rope (17) which passes round the shaft (18), which is supported by the bracket (19) and has a handle for winding up. An escapement, ... — Acetylene, The Principles Of Its Generation And Use • F. H. Leeds and W. J. Atkinson Butterfield
... canal opening into a groove at the apex, terminating on the anterior surface in an elongated fissure. As the canal is straight, and the tooth falciform, a like groove or longitudinal fissure is formed at the base, where it is inclosed by the aperture of the duct that communicates with ... — Scientific American Supplement, No. 421, January 26, 1884 • Various
... exile' | Rec'ord record' Com'pound compound' | Ex'port export' | Ref'use refuse' Com'press compress' | Ex'tract extract' | Re'tail retail' Con'cert concert' | Fer'ment ferment' | Sub'ject subject' Con'crete concrete' | Fore'cast forecast' | Su'pine supine' Con'duct conduct' | Fore'taste foretaste'| Sur'vey survey' Con fine confine' | Fre'quent frequent' | Tor'ment torment' Con'flict conflict' | Im'part impart' | Tra'ject traject' Con'serve conserve' | Im'port import' ... — Enquire Within Upon Everything - The Great Victorian Domestic Standby • Anonymous
... of the bird are in the small of the back close to the backbone, and there is a tube called the oviduct or egg-duct, leading from the ovary down to the lower end of the intestine, which it enters. There is no separate opening for the ... — The Renewal of Life; How and When to Tell the Story to the Young • Margaret Warner Morley
... Duct{us} in articulu{m} num{erus} si {com}posit{us} sit Articulu{m} puru{m} comites articulu{m} q{u}o{que} Mixti pro digit{is} post fiat [et articulus vt] Norma iubet [retinendo quod extra dicta ab illis] Articuli digitu{m} ... — The Earliest Arithmetics in English • Anonymous
... diphtheritic process may spread from the pharynx to the nasal cavities, causing blocking of the nares, with a profuse ichorous discharge from the nostrils, and sometimes severe epistaxis. The infection may spread along the nasal duct to the conjunctiva. The middle ear also may become involved by spread ... — Manual of Surgery - Volume First: General Surgery. Sixth Edition. • Alexis Thomson and Alexander Miles
... motor. These blowers were a continual source of trouble, and at the present day it has been arranged to collect air from the slip-stream of the propeller through a metal air scoop or blower-pipe and discharge it into an air duct which distributes it to ... — British Airships, Past, Present, and Future • George Whale
... tragedies, particularly those that bear the name of dramas—a sort of compromise between tragedy and comedy—a good number also of those highly-appreciated family portraits, belong to this class. The only effect of these works is to empty the lachrymal duct, and soothe the overflowing feelings; but the mind comes back from them empty, and the moral being, the noblest part of our nature, gathers no new strength whatever from them. "It is thus," says Kant, "that many persons feel themselves edified by a sermon that has nothing ... — The Works of Frederich Schiller in English • Frederich Schiller
... abdomen and the under jaw exceeding the upper. the scales of this little fish are so small and thin that without minute inspection you would suppose they had none. they are filled with roes of a pure white colour and have scarcely any perceptable alimentary duct. I find them best when cooked in Indian stile, which is by roasting a number of them together on a wooden spit without any previous preperation whatever. they are so fat they require no additional sauce, and I think them superior to any fish I ever tasted, ... — The Journals of Lewis and Clark • Meriwether Lewis et al
... fistula Abnormal duct or passage resulting from injury, disease, or a congenital disorder that connects an abscess, cavity, or hollow organ to the body surface or to another ... — Surgical Anatomy • Joseph Maclise |
Words linked to "Duct" : air passage, epididymis, plant structure, canal of Schlemm, vagina, channel, cerebral aqueduct, passage, plant part, venous sinus, digestive tube, ejaculatory duct, canalis vertebralis, umbilical, airway, cartilaginous tube, canaliculus, GI tract, sweat duct, vas deferens, digestive tract, tracheophyte, Haversian canal, laticifer, ampulla, canalis cervicis uteri, epithelial duct, ductule, Schlemm's canal, conduit, umbilical cord, inguinal canal, air-intake, lacrimal duct, spinal canal, canalis inguinalis, urethra, Sylvian aqueduct, duct gland, alimentary canal, pore, gastrointestinal tract, passageway, vertebral canal, seminal duct, cervical canal, lymphatic vessel, sinus venosus sclerae, lymph vessel, alimentary tract, vascular plant, sinus, ureter, common bile duct, bronchiole |
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