"Family line" Quotes from Famous Books
... in the parlor in surroundings which were of the first magnitude of grandeur to her, with corn pictures adorning the walls along with some of the colonel's early transgressions in landscapes, and the portraits of colonels in the family line who had gone before. That was the kind of fixings Joe would like, thought she, nodding her serious head; just the kind of things that Joe would enjoy and understand, like a ... — The Bondboy • George W. (George Washington) Ogden
... government which prevails throughout the North American tribes is well illustrated. Kinship is the tie by which the members of the tribe are bound together as a common body of people. Each tribe is divided into a series of clans, and a clan is a group of people that reckon kinship through the family line. The children therefore belong to the clan of the mother. Marriage is always without the clan; the husband and father must belong to a different clan from the mother and children, and the children belong to their mother and are governed by her brothers, or by her mother's brothers if they ... — Canyons of the Colorado • J. W. Powell |
Words linked to "Family line" : blood, family, descent, blood line, line of descent, phratry, dynasty, line, parentage, stock, homefolk, gens, bloodline, folk, people, name, house, ancestry, origin, pedigree, stemma, lineage |
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