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Famish   Listen

(past & past part. famished; pres. part. famishing)
Be hungry; go without food.  Synonyms: hunger, starve.
Deprive of food.  Synonym: starve.
Die of food deprivation.  Synonym: starve.  "Many famished in the countryside during the drought"

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"Famish" Quotes from Famous Books

... mountain-deer; The prey he scorns, the carcase spurns, He loves the cress, the fountain cheer. His lodge is in the forest;— While carion-flesh enticing Thy greedy maw, thou buriest Thou kite of prey! thy claws in The putrid corse of famish'd horse, The greedy hound a-striving To rival thee in gluttony, Both at the bowels riving. Thou called the true bird![149]—Never, Thou foster child of evil,[150] ha! How ill match with thy feather[151] The talons[152] of thy devilry! ...
— The Modern Scottish Minstrel , Volume I. - The Songs of Scotland of the past half century • Various

... champ the galling bit? Shall haughty man my back bestride? Shall the sharp spur provoke my side? Forbid it, heavens! reject the rein; Your shame, your infamy, disdain. Let him the lion first control, And still the tiger's famish'd growl. Let us, like them, our freedom claim, And make him tremble at our name.' A general nod approv'd the cause, And all the circle neigh'd applause. When, lo! with grave and solemn pace, A steed advanc'd before the race, With age and long experience wise; Around he cast his thoughtful ...
— The Children's Garland from the Best Poets • Various

... hope! the drunkard's heart is hard as stone, No grief disturbs his selfish, sensual joy; His wife may weep, his starving children groan, And Poverty with cruel gripe annoy. He neither hears, nor heeds their famish'd moan, The glorious wine-cup owns no base alloy. Surrounded by a low, degraded train, His fiendish laugh defiance bids to pain; He hugs the cup—more dear than friends to him— Nor sees stern ruin from the goblet rise, Nor flames of hell careering ...
— Life in the Clearings versus the Bush • Susanna Moodie

... Sepulchre, and cryed with a lowd voice, saying: o yee dead spirites whom I have so highly and greatly offended, vouchsafe to receive me, behold I make Sacrifice unto you with my whole body: which said, hee closed the Sepulchre, purposing to famish himselfe, and to finish his life there in sorrow. These things the young man with pitifull sighes and teares, declared unto the Cowheards and Shepheards, which caused them all to weepe: but they fearing to become subject unto new masters, prepared ...
— The Golden Asse • Lucius Apuleius

... wail in the trees—as if a child were whimpering out there? That is the plaint of the fairies who live in the buds and twigs, in the flower cups and mosses. They famish, their gods will hear. Their gods hear when ours is deaf. You will see. There will be clouds over us to-morrow and we ...
— The Hollow of Her Hand • George Barr McCutcheon

... desired again they would approve of his good intent, and not seek to dehort him from it:" and so constantly died, precesque eorum taciturna sua obstinatione depressit. Even so did Corellius Rufus, another grave senator, by the relation of Plinius Secundus, epist. lib. 1. epist. 12. famish himself to death; pedibus correptus cum incredibiles cruciatus et indignissima tormenta pateretur, a cibis omnino abstinuit; [2768]neither he nor Hispilla his wife could divert him, but destinatus mori obstinate magis, &c. die he would, and die he did. So did Lycurgus, ...
— The Anatomy of Melancholy • Democritus Junior

... of their Master.... The Negroes are very numerous, some Gentlemen having Hundreds of them of all Sorts, to whom they bring great Profitt; for the Sake of which they are obliged to keep them well, and not over-work, starve or famish them, besides other Inducements to favour them; which is done in a great Degree, to such especially that are laborious, careful and honest; tho' indeed some Masters, careless of their own Interest or deputation, are too cruel ...
— Pioneers of the Old South - A Chronicle of English Colonial Beginnings, Volume 5 In - The Chronicles Of America Series • Mary Johnston

... Sir, and look not so rueful, But hearken to me who'm the Dog for a Truffle; Though your body be thin, and your spirits be low, Comparisons often will comfort bestow; Look at me, and acknowledge, that I'm somewhat leaner, For they famish poor TRUFFLER to make ...
— The Council of Dogs • William Roscoe

... shall answer for those distinctions of caste and systems of labor which so degrade and famish masses of human beings, that the divine miracle of the feeding of the five thousand must be multiplied many times over before the truths of nature or revelation can be received into teachable minds or susceptible hearts? And who shall answer for the ...
— Thoughts on Educational Topics and Institutions • George S. Boutwell

Words linked to "Famish" :   decease, hurt, exit, be full, pass, choke, cash in one's chips, go, suffer, conk, buy the farm, pass away, feed, deprive, kick the bucket, snuff it, expire, croak, give-up the ghost, drop dead, pop off, die, perish

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