"Geologically" Quotes from Famous Books
... deprived of this heat we should in a few days be enveloped in a frost which would destroy nearly all vegetation, and in a few months neither man nor animal would be alive, unless crouching over fires soon to expire for want of fuel. We also know that, at a time which is geologically recent, the whole of New England was covered with a sheet of ice, hundreds or even thousands of feet thick, above which no mountain but Washington raised its head. It is quite possible that a small diminution in the supply of heat sent us by the sun would gradually reproduce the ... — Side-lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science • Simon Newcomb
... report of the country through which the Army of the West passed, accompanied by maps, and his Reconnoissance in New Mexico and California, published by the government in 1848, is the first authentic record of the region, considered topographically and geologically.] ... — The Old Santa Fe Trail - The Story of a Great Highway • Henry Inman |