"Holdfast" Quotes from Famous Books
... his feet as the mass yielded to the downward pressure. He was sucked in to his knees, but instinctively he kept the upper part of his body extended horizontally, his out-stretched hand seeking for some chance holdfast. Then, as he was beginning to despair, he found it, a section of small diameter lead piping that had been uncovered by the breaking away of the surrounding earth. It bent under his clutch but did not give way. With one last effort he pulled himself clear, gained the firm ground ... — The Doomsman • Van Tassel Sutphen |
Words linked to "Holdfast" : clasp, nut and bolt, screw, sealing wax, clinch, dowel pin, locker, linkup, cringle, restraint, paper fastener, hook and eye, toggle, snap ring, nail, zip, toggle bolt, carabiner, link, joggle, dowel, snap, grummet, zipper, cleat, stopping, knot, cottar, seal, slide fastener, tie-in, buckle, corrugated fastener, hold fast, bellyband, cotter, eyelet, karabiner, catch, grommet, clothespin, constraint, button, loop, wiggle nail, clip, press stud, pin, zip fastener, lashing, tie, clothes peg, lock, snap fastener, clothes pin, fillet |
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