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Hoodoo   Listen

(geology) a column of weathered and unusually shaped rock.
A practitioner of voodoo.
A charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers.  Synonyms: fetich, fetish, juju, voodoo.
Something believed to bring bad luck.

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"Hoodoo" Quotes from Famous Books

... a hoodoo picture from the start," he exclaimed, suddenly. "We have been jinxed with a vengeance. Some one has held the Indian ...
— The Film Mystery • Arthur B. Reeve

... sir," said old Cato to me as he gave a low bow of very great courtesy. Then he looked with eyes of great keenness into my stormy face. "Make a cross on the floor with that hoodoo in your shoe, little mas', ef you git in danger or need of luck," he whispered to me, coming very close. And as he directed I so performed at the very entrance of the audience chamber of the great Gouverneur of the State of Harpeth. Then, with ...
— The Daredevil • Maria Thompson Daviess

... of this laboratory, you hoodoo," shrilled Berry, "or I swear I'll kill you! I'll not give you the chance ...
— I Was a Teen-Age Secret Weapon • Richard Sabia

... in fact, administered an opiate. In addition to the arts of the hoodoo and medicine man, she possessed unusual knowledge of the virtue of wild plants, including those of dangerous quality. There was never race or tribe so primitive as to be ignorant of deadly herbs. This ...
— A Dream of Empire - Or, The House of Blennerhassett • William Henry Venable

... hoodoo for the circus business, and Kentucky got the whole bunch ready for a long stay at Dwight, Ill., but the agent routed us into Pennsylvania, and pa has had nothing but a series of ...
— Peck's Bad Boy at the Circus • George W. Peck

... any use for hoodoo tricks and the folks who practise them," Harding said. "They're frauds from ...
— Blake's Burden • Harold Bindloss

... to all that the boardroom traders and plungers, together with many of the semi-professional gamblers, who operated through commission houses, were selling out their long stock and going short over the opening of the Wall Street hoodoo-day, Friday, the thirteenth of the month. But it was also evident, with the heavy selling at the close and the stiffness of the price, which had never wavered as block after block was thrown on the market, that some powerful interest as well had taken ...
— Friday, the Thirteenth • Thomas W. Lawson

... red-hot cannon ball ware sec'etly dropped ober de side to Tom, yafter firs' temptin' him wid nice pieces ob salt junk. I nab neber seen ole Tom myself, sah, but dey say dat he is 'round heah yet. Lucinda Nelson, de great fortune tellah an hoodoo 'oman done tole me dat Tom's now livin' in a big ware-house down in ole Jamaica an' dat he sel'om comes out 'cause he's getting' quite ole. Ole Jamaica, yo' mus' remembah, sah, is fifteen fathom below de ocean now. Great earthquake come up ...
— The Story of Paul Boyton - Voyages on All the Great Rivers of the World • Paul Boyton

... comebacks—slip enclosed "Sorry we find your valuable Mss. unavailable for our publication, etc." However, nothing beats trying but failure. And although everything on this mud ball looks inky, and I am once more Past Grand Master of Hoodoo Philosophy, I shall grit my teeth and push ahead as I have done a thousand times before. My debts are growing like a snow ball and although I am not entirely broke, I am so badly bent that it ceases to be funny. There isn't a blooded dog here except the ones we Easterners ...
— Letters of a Dakota Divorcee • Jane Burr

... 'the star that presides over bad luck and evil and disappointment and nothing doing and trouble. I was born under that star. Every move I make, up bobs Saturn and blocks it. He's the hoodoo planet of the heavens. They say he's 73,000 miles in diameter and no solider of body than split-pea soup, and he's got as many disreputable and malignant rings as Chicago. Now, what kind of a star is that to be ...
— Roads of Destiny • O. Henry

Words linked to "Hoodoo" :   voodoo, non-Christian priest, vodoun, column, pillar, be, voodooism, physical object, charm, fetich, tower, fetish, good luck charm, priest, geology, object

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