"Intoxicant" Quotes from Famous Books
... are the great men of this busy world, Whose ardor for the game is anodyne Against its buffets, and intoxicant To lend it reveller's meaning. Ardor given, ... — Mr. Faust • Arthur Davison Ficke
... complete subjection by law to the will of his master, even in the smallest things and affairs of personal life, and disposal of belongings. Great care was taken to state specifically in these early laws that there should be no sale of liquor or any intoxicant to slaves.[19] ... — The Journal of Negro History, Volume 4, 1919 • Various
... of esteem in Devar's mind from which he was never dislodged subsequently) prevented any striking development until a glad-eyed waiter had entered and taken an order for four highballs. Even Mrs. Curtis admitted the need of a stimulant, but Curtis steadily refused any intoxicant, even the mildest. Steingall endured the delay stoically. He actually held back a sufficient time to allow Horace P. Curtis to empty his glass with one well-sustained effort. Then he came to close quarters ... — One Wonderful Night - A Romance of New York • Louis Tracy
... produce the most tragically terrific upheavals! Had she not bought a return railway ticket, the whole disaster might have been averted. But for that horrible square inch of pink cardboard, all would have been well, her ordeal would not have been suffered in vain. The wickedly strong intoxicant had of course begun the mischief by making her blurt out those imbecile words that first set Will on the rampage; but it was the knowledge of the telltale ticket, close at hand, unguarded, certain to be found if looked for, that had unnerved her so completely. Otherwise, ... — The Devil's Garden • W. B. Maxwell
... one of those coincidences so common in the history of discovery, he was experimenting with ether as a pain-destroyer simultaneously with Morton, though neither so much as knew of the existence of the other. While a medical student he had once inhaled ether for the intoxicant effects, as other medical students were wont to do, and when partially under influence of the drug he had noticed that a chance blow to his shins was painless. This gave him the idea that ether might be used in surgical operations; and in subsequent years, in the course of his practice ... — A History of Science, Volume 4(of 5) • Henry Smith Williams
... perceive that she was talking like her father as the sleek geldings ambled in review before them. She played for very high stakes, and fortune favored her. The fever of the game flamed in her cheeks and eyes, and it got into her blood and into her brain like an intoxicant. People turned their heads to look at her, and more than one lent an attentive car to her utterances, hoping thereby to secure the elusive but ever-desired "tip." Arobin caught the contagion of excitement which ... — The Awakening and Selected Short Stories • Kate Chopin
... in his face, her red lips parted in an entrancing smile. He caught a whiff of her favorite perfume, and his hot brain absorbed it like a delicious intoxicant. ... — The Desired Woman • Will N. Harben |
Words linked to "Intoxicant" : ethyl alcohol, alcoholic drink, drink, home brew, drug, booze, intoxicate, hooch, kumis, cordial, potable, rotgut, kavakava, strong drink, slug, vino, street drug, alcoholic, mixed drink, hard liquor, hootch, spirits, perry, brewage, nipa, drinkable, rice beer, kava, beverage, aperitif, inebriant, pulque, neutral spirits, hard cider, drug of abuse, koumiss, intoxicating, homebrew, sake, liquor, saki, proof spirit, brew, alcoholic beverage, John Barleycorn, liqueur, hard drink, wine |
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