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Landed estate   /lˈændəd ɪstˈeɪt/   Listen
Landed estate

Extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use.  Synonyms: acres, demesne, estate, land.

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"Landed estate" Quotes from Famous Books

... divided into two opposite classes—lean, penurious-looking mortals, or jolly fellows who are determined to get possession of, because they want to enjoy, the good things of the wo others, in the fulness of their persons and the robustness of their constitutions, seem to bespeak the reversion of a landed estate, rich acres, fat beeves, a substantial mansion, costly clothing, a chine and curkey, choice wines, and all other good things consonant to the wants and full-fed desires of their bodies. Such men charm fortune by the sleekness of their ...
— Table-Talk - Essays on Men and Manners • William Hazlitt

... and 1611, while London remained Shakespeare's chief home, he built up at Stratford a large landed estate which his purchase of New Place had inaugurated. In 1601 his father died, being buried on September 8. He apparently left no will, and the poet, as the eldest son, inherited the houses in Henley Street, the only portion of the property of the elder ...
— A Life of William Shakespeare - with portraits and facsimiles • Sidney Lee

... the finishing stroke on his smartness. He needed a woman to launch him properly; it was the one thing still lacking. In two months all Paris would be talking of him, and he would see his name in the papers. Six weeks were enough. His inheritance was in landed estate, houses, fields, woods and farms. He had to sell all, one after the other, as quickly as he could. At every mouthful Nana swallowed an acre. The foliage trembling in the sunshine, the wide fields of ripe grain, the vineyards so golden in September, the tall grass in which ...
— Nana, The Miller's Daughter, Captain Burle, Death of Olivier Becaille • Emile Zola

Words linked to "Landed estate" :   signory, fief, hacienda, realty, real property, Crown land, smallholding, seigniory, plantation, seigneury, manor, freehold, countryseat, feoff, glebe, leasehold, homestead, real estate, barony, entail, immovable

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