"Lash out" Quotes from Famous Books
... clean-shaven chin and jaws gave a tone of decision and force to his features, made up a picture that at once arrested the eye. As we went along the roadside at a fast trot, his high-stepping horse seemed to be keeping his white eye on the lookout for a chance to lash out at somebody. The men evidently enjoyed the scene, cheering him loudly. I was particularly amused with one group of soldiers at rest by their stacked muskets. They sat upon their haunches, and clapped their hands as he passed, exclaiming and laughing, "Just see the old fellow! just ... — Military Reminiscences of the Civil War V1 • Jacob Dolson Cox |
Words linked to "Lash out" : knock, rip, rubbish, assail, whip, pick apart, scald, abuse, bombard, criticise, shout, clapperclaw, claw, barrage, blister, whang, vitriol, blackguard, criticize |
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