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Low temperature   /loʊ tˈɛmprətʃər/   Listen
Low temperature

The absence of heat.  Synonyms: cold, coldness, frigidity, frigidness.  "Come in out of the cold" , "Cold is a vasoconstrictor"

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"Low temperature" Quotes from Famous Books

... the first part of the month of May had appeared with respect to temperature, its close was by no means equally promising, and on the first of June, at two A.M., the thermometer stood at 8 deg. This unusually low temperature, much exceeding in severity anything we had experienced at Melville Island at the same season, rendered it necessary to defer for a time a journey which it was proposed that Captain Lyon should undertake, across the land to the westward at the head of Quilliam Creek, ...
— Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the • Sir William Edward Parry

... conditions, low temperature, lack of moisture, the plasmodium may pass into a resting phase, when it masses itself in heaps and may become quite dry in lumps of considerable size, and so await the return of favorable conditions when former activity is quickly resumed. ...
— The North American Slime-Moulds • Thomas H. (Thomas Huston) MacBride

... temperature at the hammer. This condition has led many drop-forge and manufacturing concerns to consider annealing as an unnecessary operation and expense. In many cases the drop forging has only been heated to a low temperature, often just until the piece showed color, to relieve the so-called hammer strains. While this has been only a compromise it has been better than no reheating at all, although it has not properly refined the grain, which is necessary for good ...
— The Working of Steel - Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel • Fred H. Colvin

... that only very clean milk is entirely safe in an absolutely raw state, and that heat is usually needed to kill the germs. But this heat, even at the comparatively low temperature of pasteurization, has been found to destroy the vitamins that prevent scurvy. Orange juice should always be given to infants over one month old ...
— How to Live - Rules for Healthful Living Based on Modern Science • Irving Fisher and Eugene Fisk

... length of the zone of oncoming material (and consequently much greater bulk), the gases and other products of combustion would be cooled sufficiently between the combustion zone and the stack so as to leave the kiln at a comparatively low temperature. Besides, the oncoming material would thus be gradually raised in temperature instead of being heated abruptly, as in the ...
— Edison, His Life and Inventions • Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin

... amount of surface-water admitted into its structure will, of course, be greatly diminished. There may, however, be conditions under which even the looser snow is comparatively impervious to water; as, for instance, when rain falls upon a snow-field which has been long under a low temperature, and an ice-crust is formed upon its surface, preventing the water from penetrating below. Admitting, as I believe we must, that the water thus introduced into the snow and ice is one of the most powerful agents to which its motion is due, we must suppose that it has a twofold ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 12, No. 74, December, 1863 • Various

... period of twenty-four hours to complete the nitration, which, considering the danger of keeping the nitro-glycerine in contact with the mixed acids for so long, probably more than compensates for the somewhat doubtful advantage of being able to perform the nitration at such a low temperature. The Boutnny process was in operation for some time at Pembrey Burrows in Wales, but after a serious explosion the process ...
— Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise • P. Gerald Sanford

... of the Moon. He was a rather fussy housekeeper. The shack above the Big Crack's rim was as tidy as any lighthouse or fur-trapper's cabin. He tended his air-apparatus with a fine precision. It was perfectly simple. In the shadow of the shack he had an unfailing source of extreme low temperature. Air from the shack flowed into a shadow-chilled pipe. Moisture condensed out of it here, and CO{2} froze solidly out of it there, and on beyond it collected as restless, transparent liquid air. At the same time, liquid air from another tank evaporated to maintain the proper air pressure in ...
— Scrimshaw • William Fitzgerald Jenkins

... the two rivers were not united to form the Koond as at present, but that they had each their own channels when the Faqueer's Rock must have stood between them. In fact both channels, in which water has flowed, still remain. My broken Thermometer pointed out the low temperature of the Lohit water, and 208 degrees was the point at which water boiled in two experiments. All attempts at passing along the river on this side would be vain, owing to a cliff which is totally impracticable. The Mishmees know of no rivulet called the Mtee; probably this has been mistaken ...
— Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and The - Neighbouring Countries • William Griffith

Words linked to "Low temperature" :   frigidness, chill, temperature, cool, iciness, nip, vasoconstrictive, vasoconstrictor, coldness, pressor, frigidity, gelidity, frostiness, chilliness, coolness, cold, hotness

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