"Make noise" Quotes from Famous Books
... whistles blaring. Factories still belch smoke and steam, although the new atomic power plants have lessened that to a certain extent. Crowds still throng the streets, noisy, hurrying, ill-mannered. It's one of those things that can't be helped. A city has to live, and it has to make noise. ... — Black Eyes and the Daily Grind • Milton Lesser |
Words linked to "Make noise" : noise, whine, jingle-jangle, jangle, clitter, sizzle, hum, drown out, brattle, purl, honk, screech, roar, sound, racket, crackle, squeak, blare, clack, resound, claxon, crunch, clatter, skreak, howl, stridulate, scraunch, backfire, blast, scream, screak, sough, go, jingle, creak, scranch, ring out |
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