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Oscillate   /ˈɑsəlˌeɪt/   Listen

(past & past part. oscillated; pres. part. oscillating)
Be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action.  Synonyms: hover, vacillate, vibrate.
Move or swing from side to side regularly.  Synonym: vibrate.

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"Oscillate" Quotes from Famous Books

... injurious tool, instrument mind, intellect mad, insane birth, nativity sail, navigate sailor, mariner ship, vessel lying, mendacious upright, erect early, premature upright, vertical first, primary shake, vibrate raise, elevate swing, oscillate lift, elevate leaves, foliage greet, salute beg, importune choose, select beggar, mendicant choose, elect smell, odor same, identical sink, submerge name, nominate dip, immerse follow, pursue room, apartment follow, succeed see, perceive teach, instruct see, inspect teach, inculcate sight, ...
— The Century Vocabulary Builder • Creever & Bachelor

... pleasant, at the next moment highly unpleasant, in accordance with the emotional attitude resulting from its associations. Visual images have no such extreme flexibility; they are too definite to be so easily influenced. Our feelings about the beauty of a flower cannot oscillate so easily or so far as may our feelings about the agreeableness of its odor. Our olfactory experiences thus institute a more or less continuous series of by-sensations accompanying us through life, of no great practical significance, but ...
— Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 (of 6) • Havelock Ellis

... and Stephen also declined, for another reason, namely that the result might prove to be different, which, he held, would be depressing. The other Zulus oscillated between belief and scepticism, as do the unstable who set to work to study the evidences of Christianity. But Sammy did not oscillate, he literally howled, and prepared the food which poured in upon us so badly that I had to turn on Hans to do the cooking, for however little appetite we might have, it was necessary that we should keep up our ...
— Allan and the Holy Flower • H. Rider Haggard

... reality M. Sagnac operated in the converse manner. He took two equal weights of a salt of radium and a salt of barium, which he made oscillate one after the other in a torsion balance. Had the durations of oscillation been different, it might be concluded that the mechanical mass is not the same for ...
— The New Physics and Its Evolution • Lucien Poincare

Words linked to "Oscillate" :   oscillation, hesitate, swing, librate, oscillatory, waver, hunt, waffle, sway, shillyshally

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