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Position   /pəzˈɪʃən/   Listen

The particular portion of space occupied by something.  Synonym: place.
A point occupied by troops for tactical reasons.  Synonym: military position.
A way of regarding situations or topics etc..  Synonyms: perspective, view.
The arrangement of the body and its limbs.  Synonyms: attitude, posture.
The relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society.  Synonym: status.  "The novel attained the status of a classic" , "Atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life"
A job in an organization.  Synonyms: berth, billet, office, place, post, situation, spot.
The spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated.  Synonym: spatial relation.  "He specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage"
The appropriate or customary location.
(in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player.
The act of putting something in a certain place.  Synonyms: emplacement, locating, location, placement, positioning.
A condition or position in which you find yourself.  Synonym: situation.  "Found herself in a very fortunate situation"
A rationalized mental attitude.  Synonyms: posture, stance.
An opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute.  Synonym: side.
An item on a list or in a sequence.  Synonym: place.  "Moved from third to fifth position"
The post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another.  Synonyms: lieu, place, stead.  "Took his place" , "In lieu of"
The act of positing; an assumption taken as a postulate or axiom.

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"Position" Quotes from Famous Books

... more than two weeks at the fishery—if such it might be called—and, under the circumstances, it cannot be said he was imprudent. Steadying himself with one arm about the mast, the captain stood firmly in his elevated position, and, as the sun came slowly up and the golden radiance spread over the sky and sea, he swept the arch of the horizon to the south, east and west, straining his keen vision for the first sight ...
— Adrift on the Pacific • Edward S. Ellis

... the cards with his hands. Adept in the art of trickery, though the others did not know it, he had placed the cards in such position that he knew almost identically where the high and ...
— The Boy Allies at Jutland • Robert L. Drake

... used as a community house and be a social center for the whole community. But the borders of the township belong to other communities and do not come to the township center, and these people on the edge of the township very naturally take the position that if the village and neighboring people wish to use the town hall, let them rent it of the town, but why should the whole township be taxed for advantages which only half of it can enjoy. The same line of argument arises with regard to the location ...
— The Farmer and His Community • Dwight Sanderson

... met in The House, on every floor, drew no sort of profit from these fighting combinations. They were too sensitive at heart and too timid not to be scared: they were fated to be the first to be crushed out of existence by them. Face to face with the working-class movement they were in the same position as Olivier and the most warmly generous of the young men of the middle-class. Their sympathies were with the workers organizing themselves. But they had been brought up in the cult of liberty: now liberty was exactly what the revolutionaries cared for least ...
— Jean-Christophe Journey's End • Romain Rolland

... matter was laid before him in all its details. He was not slow in taking a fair view of it, and spoke well and eloquently in my behalf—insisting on the improbability that a person of my habits and position would be wilfully mixed up with a transaction like that of which it appeared I was suspected—adding, that as he was fully convinced of my innocence, he was ready to enter into any surety with respect to my appearance at any time to answer anything ...
— The Romany Rye - A Sequel to 'Lavengro' • George Borrow

... not to mislead or betray them, not merely as to questions of morals and politics, but as to questions of what we may lump as 'advertising.' Has friend Witherby developed his great ideas of advertisers' rights to you?" Bartley did not answer, and Ricker went on: "Well, then, you can understand my position, when I say ...
— A Modern Instance • William Dean Howells

... repeated Murchuk with some indignation. "Not motch!" Murchuk was proud of his official position as Dominion Government Interpreter. "But I will go wit' you. It ...
— The Foreigner • Ralph Connor

... Quartermaster General, augmented the disorder; and to complete the whole, the night sank down dark as a wolf's mouth; there fell a thick and heavy rain, and the ground on which the beleaguering army must needs take up their position, was muddy and intersected with many canals. It is scarce possible to form an idea of the confusion which prevailed in the Burgundian army, where leaders were separated from their soldiers, and soldiers from their standards and officers. Every ...
— Quentin Durward • Sir Walter Scott

... I gone to the window by which I had entered, for all below was dark; and at the foot of the staircase, I stood, unable, in my panic, to remember the position of the door. A key grating in the lock informed me of this, but too late. On the instant the door opened, a flood of light entered, a cry warned me that I was detected. I turned to reascend, but stumbled before I had mounted ...
— In Kings' Byways • Stanley J. Weyman

... the enemy to the banks of the Leitha, your highness stopped, raised your hand, and laid your finger upon the fortress of Raab. This, of course, denotes the position of our own army, and the direction in which we ...
— Prince Eugene and His Times • L. Muhlbach

... woman heart's fullness she pitied and fed the poor mendicant without inquiring into the economic condition that made him a beggar. Her situation, she accepted with secret rebellion, with hidden shame and humiliation in her heart, but never asked why the age forced her into such a position. For affection, for sympathy, for confidence, and understanding, she hungered with a woman hunger; and, through her hunger for these, from the men and women with whom she labored she gained Knowledge of Life. Of the lives of her fellow workers—of the women who had ...
— Their Yesterdays • Harold Bell Wright

... value his friendship for its own sake and, on that ground, invite him to your home as your honored guest. And then, when he sits at your table, ask God to bless the food, the home, and the guest, and you have unquestionably maneuvered your friend into a position where he will contribute liberally to your business triumphs—if your contracts are cleverly drawn and you strike for the necessary signature while the glow of your generous ...
— Helen of the Old House • Harold Bell Wright

... be for every one! The Prince and Princess would never be happy again, their whole married life would be spoiled; and as for the King, I know he would not get over it. Really, when I begin to reflect on the importance of my position, I ...
— The Happy Prince and Other Tales • Oscar Wilde

... October, and Saturday. The day before the varsity had played its first football game of the season, trouncing Needham, 48 to 0. The work of Benz at fullback, who was endeavoring to fill the famous Bob's position, was a feature of the game. Time after time he tore off long runs through the left side of the line and mainly because there was no man like Judd on the opposing team to stop him. Cateye's work at left guard had made that side of the line as solid as a stone ...
— Over the Line • Harold M. Sherman

... death of their poor mother I am all alone. My position is a very trying one." Then, with a sudden burst of laughter, "However, I suppose it will be all the same a hundred ...
— Spring Days • George Moore

... anxious, all say, to learn the better ways of life. It is as unusual as it is striking to see a man of his age, and one who has had such an experience, willing to give up the old way, and put himself in the position of ...
— The Complete Works of Whittier - The Standard Library Edition with a linked Index • John Greenleaf Whittier

... a quarreller, Boris," he answered. "Ever since I became a man with a responsible position I have never annoyed anyone. ...
— Debts of Honor • Maurus Jokai

... honesty and moderation of the men and their leaders, that, notwithstanding the fact that their demands were not immoderate, and that the failure which came permanently deprived of a remunerative position a thousand members of their brotherhood, they refrained from the extreme to which they might easily have gone, and permitted themselves to be defeated, when they had the power to ...
— Monopolies and the People • Charles Whiting Baker

... the Mother of us all: No true Aristocracy but must possess the Land. Men talk of 'selling' Land: Whom it belongs to. Our much-consuming Aristocracy: By the law of their position bound to furnish guidance and governance. Mad and miserable Corn-Laws. (p. 218.)—The Working Aristocracy, and its terrible New-Work: The Idle Aristocracy, and its horoscope of despair. (222.)—A High Class without duties to do, like a tree planted on precipices. In a valiant suffering for others, ...
— Past and Present - Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII. • Thomas Carlyle

... reason to believe that the cartilaginous substance of the upper part is gradually hardening, and will eventually become bone. From the nature of the band, and the manner in which it grows from each boy, it is impossible that they should be in any other position in relation to each other, but side by side, like soldiers, or coming up a little to front each other. Their arms and legs are perfectly free to move. The band is the only connexion between them; and their proximity does not inconvenience either; each of them, whether ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Vol. 14, - Issue 401, November 28, 1829 • Various

... by a deep channel. On the easternmost bank were nine fathoms, but on the other we found overfalls between five and seven fathoms. A native's fire that was burning on Oxley's Island served to fix the position of this last bank. ...
— Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia - Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 • Phillip Parker King

... I, but it will not affect your position or mine. We have done the best that we could, under the circumstances, to keep her honest, and I will ask you, in all candor, if she would have been virtuous ten days from hence had ...
— The Gold Hunter's Adventures - Or, Life in Australia • William H. Thomes

... due to those who are in a position of dignity, on account of a certain excellence of their estate: and accordingly inordinate desire for positions of dignity pertains to ambition. For if a man were to have an inordinate desire for a position of dignity, not for the sake of honor, but for the sake of a right use of a dignity exceeding ...
— Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) • Thomas Aquinas

... a little farther, he commanded a splendid position for his operations. Kitty was somewhat below him in a desirable place, yet the branch she was on joined the tree considerably above his head. Jones cast his lasso. It caught on a snag. Throw after throw he made with like result. He recoiled and recast nineteen ...
— The Last of the Plainsmen • Zane Grey

... the ditches, then into the pigs, till their whole pattern is marked out in glowing iron. Now the blast begins to drive great beautiful sparks through the tapping hole. This means that the molten iron is exhausted. The blast is turned off, and the "mud-gun" is brought into position and shoots balls of clay into the tapping hole to close it for another melting, or "drive." The crimson pigs become rose-red, darken, and turn gray. The men play streams of water over them and the building is filled with vapor. ...
— Diggers in the Earth • Eva March Tappan

... Gerrard remained to begin his irksome task of trying to induce the Regents, the Durbar, the army and the citizens to lay aside their differences and aim at the common good. The Rani's one idea was to safeguard her son's position by securing the loyalty of the army at all costs. The faintest sign of discontent among the troops threw her into a frenzy of terror, and brought orders for the instant granting of all demands and a distribution of rupees. As a natural result, the army speedily dominated the whole city, and ...
— The Path to Honour • Sydney C. Grier

... hungry for self-culture. The Queen was an accomplished scholar, and did her best to encourage the spread of literature in the country. But though the tide had set in with an ever-increasing flow, the flood had not as yet reached the women in Mary Forrester's position. Thus, when she married Ambrose Gifford, a new world was opened to her by such books as Surrey's Translation of the AEneid, and Painter's Tales from Boccaccio. She had an excellent memory, and had learned by heart Wyatt's Translation of the Psalms, and many parts of Spenser's ...
— Penshurst Castle - In the Days of Sir Philip Sidney • Emma Marshall

... be overcome is that of getting the machinery to hold the material firmly in exactly the position in which the machine- tool can be brought to bear on it in the right way, and without wasting meanwhile too much time in taking grip of it. But this can generally be contrived when it is worth while to spend some labour and expense on it; and then the whole operations can often ...
— Problems of Poverty • John A. Hobson

... Carpathia, addressed an official report, giving his account of the Carpathia's rescue work, to the general manager of the Cunard Line, Liverpool. The report read: "I beg to report that at 12.35 A. M. Monday 18th inst. I was informed of urgent message from Titanic with her position. I immediately ordered ship turned around and put her in course for that position, we being then 58 miles S. 52—E. 'T' from her; had heads of all departments called and issued what I considered the necessary orders, to be in preparation for ...
— Sinking of the Titanic - and Great Sea Disasters • Various

... fortification designed by Vauban, is only a few kilometers further on. We were beginning to think and calculate now in kilometers. After a smart trot of about twenty minutes we came to a coal yard on the left side of the road. We had passed a number of batteries of heavy guns in position ready to open fire. ...
— The Red Watch - With the First Canadian Division in Flanders • J. A. Currie

... claim and establish her rights and position in the world. Hannah, you must see that I mean to act honestly and honorably," said the young man, in ...
— Ishmael - In the Depths • Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth

... was very ominous. Germany was in a position where, sooner or later, she would be forced to act. Before this mission the Kaiser was in the dark. France, Russia and England did not have their cards on the table. He did not know which countries would remain neutral ...
— The Secrets of the German War Office • Dr. Armgaard Karl Graves

... I shall put you to every possible use; you may be quite certain that your position will ...
— A Noble Woman • Ann S. Stephens

... a generous table, which he was in a position to afford." Mrs Polsue sighed, and added with resignation, "I suppose we must say that the fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set ...
— Nicky-Nan, Reservist • Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch (Q)

... coal. Some of these overfed females—the wives of tradesmen, for instance—belonged to the Organized Benevolence Society, and engaged in this 'work' for the purpose of becoming acquainted with people of superior social position—one of the members was a colonel, and Sir Graball D'Encloseland—the Member of Parliament for the borough—also belonged to the Society and occasionally attended its meetings. Others took up district visiting as a hobby; they had nothing to ...
— The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists • Robert Tressell

... the drawbridge, and glanced down into the clear moat where he could see the great pike lying, but he did not stop to think about catching it, for he hurried on to the servants' hall, drawing himself up as he felt the importance of his position, and upon entering, the three troopers, who were seated at a good substantial meal, all rose and ...
— The Young Castellan - A Tale of the English Civil War • George Manville Fenn

... when Mr. Cecil Rhodes was called before it and put on the stand as a witness. Mr. Rhodes was the Prime Minister of Cape Colony, and resigned his position when the trouble ...
— The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 20, March 25, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls • Various

... the country foreigners are received with great friendliness. The lower classes in Japan have also reason for this, for whatever influence the latest political changes may have had on the old kuge, daimio, and samurai families of Japan, the position of the cultivator of the soil is now much more secure than before, when he was harmed by hundreds of small tyrants. His dress is the same as before, with the exception, however, that a great proportion of the male ...
— The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II • A.E. Nordenskieold

... part of London known as Kingsway,' he said, 'there is a beautiful building called "The London Opera House"!' He thrust both hands out, palms upwards, as if the building itself rested on them. 'It stands in a commanding position, with statues of the great composers gazing from the roof at the passing proletariat emanating from the Strand. Inside it is luxuriously equipped, as bents ...
— The Parts Men Play • Arthur Beverley Baxter

... the ridge above us, up which the wall runs; the ascent is, after surmounting the summer-house of Shah Zumaun, considerably steep, and very rugged. The highest position of the wall is 1,150 feet above the city. It is eight feet high, and six or seven thick, composed of slabs of the micaceous slaty stone of the place, cemented by mud, with a parapet of two feet, generally of kucha, or mud, with loopholes, ...
— Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and The - Neighbouring Countries • William Griffith

... robber had been lying on the floor, just below the window, very flat and very still. As the chief did not show himself to take aim, but reached up from his kneeling position and fired at random, the bold, bad man in-doors began to feel a return of confidence. He waited until a second fusillade was over, when he slipped softly through the back door, went around to the front, waited until a third volley had been fired, when he pounced on the chief from behind, ...
— Myths & Legends of our New Possessions & Protectorate • Charles M. Skinner

... moment later, clutching my arm convulsively, "you do not know my horrible position—you cannot dream what I have suffered, or ...
— Hushed Up - A Mystery of London • William Le Queux

... of the unredeemed provinces together with the Italian flag were borne through the crowd up the steps of the municipal palace to wave beside Prince Colonna, as he appeared from within the palace. Mayor of Rome, he had that afternoon resigned his position in order to join the army with his sons. Handsome, with a Roman face that reminded one of the portrait busts of his ancestors in the Capitoline Museum close by, he stood silent above the great multitude. The time for oratory had passed. He raised his ...
— The World Decision • Robert Herrick

... southern extremity of the Val di Chiana did not differ much in level. The general inclination of the valley was therefore small; it does not appear to have ever been divided into opposite slopes by a true watershed, and the position of the summit seems to have shifted according to the varying amount and place of deposit of the sediment brought down by the lateral streams which emptied into it. The length of its principal channel of drainage, and even the direction of its flow at any ...
— The Earth as Modified by Human Action • George P. Marsh

... minds of the dead can affect ours; but I don't see how they can affect matter—in table-rapping, for instance, and still more in appearing, and our being able to touch and see them.... I think that's my position," he ...
— The Necromancers • Robert Hugh Benson

... the young man, expelled from one college, was received into another. So bad use had he made of his former advantages that he was obliged to go back to the sophomore year; even here he had to study early and late to maintain his position. ...
— Hubert's Wife - A Story for You • Minnie Mary Lee

... echoed by my own lips. It was a fire that we saw, and the flames, which had now got furious headway, rose up like pillars to the sky, illuminating all the country round, and showing me, both by their position and the glare of the stream beneath them, that it was Orrin's house which was burning, and Orrin's hopes which were being destroyed before our eyes. The cry he gave as he fully realized this I shall never forget, nor the gesture with which he drove his spurs into his horse and flashed down that long ...
— The Old Stone House and Other Stories • Anna Katharine Green

... numbers the two hundred years from 400 to 600, at the close of which we find them settled in those regions which they have, generally speaking, occupied ever since. During these two centuries kaleidoscopic changes had been taking place in the position of the various Germanic tribes. Impelled partly by a native love of wandering, partly by the pressure of hostile peoples of other race, they moved with astonishing rapidity hither and thither over the face of Europe, generally in conflict with one ...
— The Nibelungenlied - Translated into Rhymed English Verse in the Metre of the Original • trans. by George Henry Needler

... abus'd, begin to heaue the, gorge, disrellish and abhorre the Moore, very Nature wil instruct her in it, and compell her to some second choice. Now Sir, this granted (as it is a most pregnant and vnforc'd position) who stands so eminent in the degree of this Fortune, as Cassio do's: a knaue very voluble: no further conscionable, then in putting on the meere forme of Ciuill, and Humaine seeming, for the better compasse of his salt, and most hidden loose Affection? Why none, why none: A ...
— The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare

... on a plain, or with ground slightly inclined in front, and using the point-blank or ricochet fire, is the most effective; very high points are unfavorable If possible, the concentric fire should be employed against the enemy's columns of attack. The position of the English artillery on the field of Waterloo, and the use of the concentric fire, furnishes one of the best examples for the disposition of this arm to be found in modern ...
— Elements of Military Art and Science • Henry Wager Halleck

... several times uses the expression, "and I will raise him up at the last day." If others contend that this has reference to "the last day of the last generation of the human race on the earth," yet I must candidly acknowledge, that I cannot see a shadow of evidence to prove this position. The last day in this instance, refers to the gospel dispensation, which commenced at the destruction of the temple, and involves the whole reign of Christ. It is synonymous with the "day of Christ" and the "day of the Lord" mentioned in several places by the apostles. ...
— Twenty-Four Short Sermons On The Doctrine Of Universal Salvation • John Bovee Dods

... but will try to join a French army. I will leave Bessie near London with Louise at some quiet place like Oxford or a village on the Thames. We can "take" wireless, but not send it, so as no one is sending and as we don't care to expose our position, we get no news. We are running far North and it is bitterly cold. I think Peary will sue us for infringing ...
— Adventures and Letters • Richard Harding Davis

... to this, you will be tempted to spend at least $5 a month more with a horse than without one; that is $60 more. You are throwing away $182 every year without adding $1 to your value as an employee, one ounce of dignity to your employment, or one foot of gain in your social position, no matter from what point you ...
— The Fat of the Land - The Story of an American Farm • John Williams Streeter

... Easter. He was a boy and silly. He annoyed me. I don't know why he persisted so; and finally I became thoroughly exasperated.... We did not part on very friendly terms; and I think that was why he did not return to us from college when he graduated. A man offered him a position, and he went away to try to make a place for himself in the world. And after he had gone, somehow the very mention of his name began to chill me. You see nobody knew. The deception became a shame to me, then a dull horror. But, little by little, not seeing him, and being young, after a ...
— The Firing Line • Robert W. Chambers

... warmth. But to the intellect of Herbert Spencer the idea of Space must have presented itself after a manner incomparably more mysterious and stupendous. The mathematician alone will comprehend the full significance of the paragraph dealing with the Geometry of Position and the mystery of space-relations,—or the startling declaration that "even could we penetrate the mysteries of existence, there would remain still more transcendent mysteries." But Herbert Spencer tells us that, apart from the conception of these geometrical ...
— The Romance of the Milky Way - And Other Studies & Stories • Lafcadio Hearn

... resolve, and bravery,—that wuz ploughed too deep in his face to be smoothed out, even by the mighty hand that had lain on it. The resolved look, the brave look with which he had met the warfare of life, toiled for victory over want, toiled to place his dear and helpless ones in a position of safety,—that look wuz on his face yet, as if the deathless hope and endeavor had gone on into eternity ...
— Samantha Among the Brethren, Complete • Josiah Allen's Wife (Marietta Holley)

... the principal who chanced to be at the head was a man of power and inspiration or the reverse. There were boys and girls gathered from all parts of the county and state, and they were of every kind and degree as to birth, position in the world, wealth or poverty. There was an opportunity for a deal of foolish and imprudent behavior, but on the whole surprisingly little advantage was taken of it. Among the third and fourth year students there was a certain amount of going to and from the trains in couples; some ...
— Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm • Kate Douglas Wiggin

... already alluded to as having been previously in antagonism with the people of Red River. Some sixty or seventy of these men, believing in the certain advance of the English force upon Fort Garry, had taken up a position in the little village of Winnipeg, less than a mile distant from the fort, where they awaited the advance of their adherents previous to making a combined assault upon the French. But Riel proved himself more than a match for his antagonists; ...
— The Great Lone Land - A Narrative of Travel and Adventure in the North-West of America • W. F. Butler

... frustrated, and that new combinations and dispositions must now be resorted to. The regiment to which Major Huntingdon was attached was ordered to the support of the left wing, and reached the distant position in an almost incredibly short time, while two regiments of the brigade to which Colonel Aubrey belonged were sent forward to the ...
— Macaria • Augusta Jane Evans Wilson

... to the crown of France. But Francis aimed higher still. He wished to make himself the arbiter of Europe and the over-lord of the European kings. Having been defeated by the equally famous king of Spain, Charles V, in his effort to gain the position and title of Holy Roman Emperor and the leadership of Europe, he set himself to overthrow the rising greatness of Spain. The history of Europe for a quarter of a century turns upon the opposing ambitions ...
— The Dawn of Canadian History: A Chronicle of Aboriginal Canada • Stephen Leacock

... some foreign philanthropists for the purpose of educating Japanese girls of a respectable class in Anglo-Saxon attainments. This institution has between two and three hundred pupils, but I am not in a position to state what measure of success, if any, it has achieved, nor indeed do I know what "Anglo-Saxon attainments" are supposed to be. Many of them I should have thought were quite unsuitable for the ordinary Japanese girl, tending, as they must, to destroy her national individuality. ...
— The Empire of the East • H. B. Montgomery

... Simpson, the employer, and Defago the employed, among these primitive forces, were simply—two men, the "guider" and the "guided." Superior knowledge, of course, assumed control, and the younger man fell without a second thought into the quasi-subordinate position. He never dreamed of objecting when Defago dropped the "Mr.," and addressed him as "Say, Simpson," or "Simpson, boss," which was invariably the case before they reached the farther shore after a stiff paddle of twelve miles against a head wind. He only ...
— The Wendigo • Algernon Blackwood

... days, so near and so remote, of quests and spies and condottieri and many a risky blade-drawing business. And suddenly came a doubt, a strange doubt, springing out of some chance thought of tortures, and destructive altogether of the position ...
— Twelve Stories and a Dream • H. G. Wells

... chickens were piled there awaiting shipment—crushed into eight-inch crates, so that they could not lift their heads. Poe pictured an atrocious horror like that—a man being held in a torture-cell in such a position that he could not stand erect. It almost broke a man's nerve, to say nothing of his neck, just to read about it.... I had seen this thing before—yet never as this time. Queer how these things happen! A man must see a thing like that ...
— Child and Country - A Book of the Younger Generation • Will Levington Comfort

... as Donald was over his own position, he was equally concerned about the bank. The papers were full of disturbing innuendoes; people avoided speaking of it in his presence; distrust and suspicion lurked around ...
— A Romance of Billy-Goat Hill • Alice Hegan Rice

... eight square little rooms, which were of a similar form with those at Tambillos, but built chiefly of mud, which the present inhabitants cannot, either here or, according to Ulloa, in Peru, imitate in durability. They were situated in the most conspicuous and defenceless position, at the bottom of the flat broad valley. There was no water nearer than three or four leagues, and that only in very small quantity, and bad: the soil was absolutely sterile; I looked in vain even for a lichen adhering to the rocks. At the present day, with the advantage of beasts of burden, a ...
— A Naturalist's Voyage Round the World - The Voyage Of The Beagle • Charles Darwin

... and suffering, had begged him to leave her at the last hut. They had not yet come to the flat ground over which a litter might be carried with comparative ease; but nevertheless the men yielded, and she was placed in a recumbent position upon blankets, supported by boughs of trees. In this way she went through that day with somewhat less of suffering than before, and without that necessity for self-exertion which had been worse to ...
— Returning Home • Anthony Trollope

... discovers those social inequalities he had not previously observed. He will want to question me in turn on the maxims I have given him, maxims he is able to understand. When he derives everything from me, when he is so nearly in the position of the poor, he will want to know why I am so far removed from it. All of a sudden he may put scathing questions to me. "You are rich, you tell me, and I see you are. A rich man owes his work to the community like the rest because he is a man. What are you doing for ...
— Emile • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

... presented itself to the mind of Glanvill's predecessors simply as a duty or obligation attached by law to a transaction which was directed to a different point; just as the liability of a bailee, which is now treated as arising from his undertaking, was originally raised by the law out of the position in which he stood ...
— The Common Law • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

... neglect was so pronounced that our curiosity was aroused. The explanation came through the estaminet gossip, and later from Madame herself. A Hun captain of cavalry had stayed there a few days in August, '14, and not only had he allowed his detachment full license in the village, but had abused his position in the house in the accustomed manner of his bestial class. As Madame told us her story; how her husband had rushed off to his unit with the first call for reserves, leaving her alone with two children, and how the blond beast had come, ...
— Introduction to the Science of Sociology • Robert E. Park

... without my being forced to take some step; but I really feel so very unequal to expressing a decided opinion upon the great question of Bible readers, that I am certainly glad I have not taken up a hostile position hastily. As a matter of fact, he reads in very few cottages in my district; tracts he ...
— Life of John Coleridge Patteson • Charlotte M. Yonge

... I get a position as drawing-master; in that case I shall be here teaching the three amateurs in art. Do you think I can do it?" ...
— The Princess Aline • Richard Harding Davis

... they showed themselves clean men and women he would back them in an early marriage, there would be an appreciable decrease in the amount of young manhood which is now squandered on indecency. If every employer, or the state itself, would give a clean marriage a preferred position in the social and economic scale, and, by helping to meet the cost of it, recognize in a substantial way the value to the race of a family of vigorous children, an important factor in youthful sexual laxity would ...
— The Third Great Plague - A Discussion of Syphilis for Everyday People • John H. Stokes

... on what grounds the Doctor continues to assert the same position in his answer. But is it not most evident that the general exhortations to be met with in the Homilies of the Church of England, and such like declarations in the statutes of the kingdom, are meant only as rules for the civil obedience of the subject to the legal administration of ...
— The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. IV. (of 12) • Edmund Burke

... grown more tractable, and Uncle Ben succeeded in getting them all in their proper places. The boat thus trimmed sat even on the water, and the boys were delighted with this change in her position. Most of them were wholly unaccustomed to boats, and the one-sided posture gave them a sensation of uneasiness; but while they saw Uncle Ben and some of the others feeling so secure, they did not like to acknowledge ...
— The Boat Club - or, The Bunkers of Rippleton • Oliver Optic

... from the constant changing which occurs in the tinting of the landscape. You may look upon the Lake of Geneva every day, and at no one day, or even portion of the day, is the effect the same. The mountains of Savoy are there, and change not their position: neither does the Lake; but at one time the mountains will appear ten miles nearer to you than they will at another. The changing arising from refraction and reflection is wonderful. Never did I witness anything ...
— Olla Podrida • Frederick Marryat (AKA Captain Marryat)

... her infant son, and virtual reigning queen of Neustria. It was now the year 584. Fredegonde had by her beauty, ambition, boldness, and unscrupulousness raised herself from the lowly rank of a peasant's daughter to the high position of sovereign over a great dominion, a queenship which she was to hold during the remainder of her life, her strong will, effrontery, artifice, skill in deception, and readiness to strengthen her position by crime, enabling ...
— Historical Tales, Vol. 6 (of 15) - The Romance of Reality. French. • Charles Morris

... into the room, Mr. Parker, with a sigh, abandoned his position. He unclosed the fingers of his hand and removed the silk handkerchief. I saw upon the table my aunt's brooch, my sister's pendant and Sir Blaydon Harrison's diamond pig. I said not a word. I looked at them and I looked at Mr. Parker. He smiled ...
— An Amiable Charlatan • E. Phillips Oppenheim

... find a husband among the trades-people? Still less would that be possible. And besides the Marquise is not the woman to make a bad bargain; she will give Yvette only to a man of high position, and that man she will ...
— Yvette • Henri Rene Guy de Maupassant

... and those who can not be resisted are usually far too well satisfied with their own opinions to be willing to change them, or listen without impatience to any one who tells them that they are in the wrong. The position which gives the strongest stimulus to the growth of intelligence is that of rising into power, not that of having achieved it; and of all resting-points, temporary or permanent, in the way to ascendancy, the one which develops the best and highest qualities is ...
— Considerations on Representative Government • John Stuart Mill

... a very insignificant position on the estate, and lived in a rather poor, small house with his wife ...
— The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories • Leo Tolstoy

... additional evil, that by placing the several precise balances immediately before the eyes of Congress, they could take no step, which would not be charged with partiality. I will dwell no longer on this subject, for I trust the United States in Congress will agree with me in one leading position, that after taking a general view of the past, from the commencement of the war to the present moment, a certain rate or quota should be established for each State of the whole expense now incurred, excepting the public debt of the United States. I will presently assign the reasons for this ...
— The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Vol. XI • Various

... no effort to rise, but lay glaring at the ceiling, breathing hard. He remained in that position for a long time, until finally the glaze wore away from his eyes and a more rational expression settled over his features. Mr. Fisbee addressed him timidly: "You don't think we could reduce the size ...
— The Gentleman From Indiana • Booth Tarkington

... the door, but, receiving no answer, pushed it open and stepped inside the room. The old lady was sitting in exactly the same position as when Betty had seen her from the ...
— The Outdoor Girls at the Hostess House • Laura Lee Hope

... breathlessness and palpitation. Bicycle riding as a means for acquiring strength and vigor, improving the circulation and developing the respiratory organs, is unexcelled. Fast riding, or "scorching," among those not used to physical exertion, and leaning over the handle-bars so as to ride in a stooping position, are to be heartily condemned. The latter prevents the lungs from getting their full expansion, and cultivates a tendency to round shoulders. Men or women suffering from diseases of the sexual organs should, before riding, consult the physician ...
— The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English • R. V. Pierce

... as he looked after her. Owing to his memory of his former position at the mill, and to his mother's talk and teaching, Reuben did not entertain the same feeling of respect, mingled with fear, for the squire's family which was felt by the village in general. Instead of being two years younger than ...
— A Final Reckoning - A Tale of Bush Life in Australia • G. A. Henty

... needed, it may be hoped, for the space given to this curious kind; the bulk of its production, the length of its popularity, and the intrinsic merit of some few of its better examples vindicate its position here. But a confession should take the place of the unnecessary excuse already partly made. The artificial fairy tale of the more regular kind was not, by the law of its being, prevented almost unavoidably from doing service to ...
— A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 - From the Beginning to 1800 • George Saintsbury

... "Steely Jack" at that moment. "I have the confidence to believe," he said proudly, "that I shall go as far in peace as I did in war. Never to own that you're beaten, never to squeal when you're hurt, never to retreat from a position when once it has been captured must count back here for as much as it did out there. In France I had the reputation for never losing an inch of trench. I don't intend to lose an inch of trench now. My back is ...
— The Kingdom Round the Corner - A Novel • Coningsby Dawson

... caused demands for these medicines to come in from places far beyond the precincts of the little town. Our old apothecary, now degraded by the overshadowing influence of his grandson's character to a position not much above that of a shop-boy, stood behind the counter with a face sad and distrustful, and yet with an odd kind of fitful excitement in it, as if he would have liked to enjoy this new prosperity, had he dared. Then ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 87, January, 1865 • Various

... the north refers to the outer or profane world, and the east to the inner world of Masonry; and hence the north-east is symbolic of the double position of the neophyte, partly in the darkness of the former, partly in ...
— The Symbolism of Freemasonry • Albert G. Mackey

... awful position for any young man; and just as my poor George, distinguished in nothing, inept, bewildered, was in a mood murderous to the whole world save this anguished fairy, a wretched old gentleman must needs come sunning himself down the path, ...
— Once Aboard The Lugger • Arthur Stuart-Menteth Hutchinson

... TEA AS TO QUALITY.—The position of the leaf on the tea plant determines the quality of the tea. The farther from the top, the coarser are the leaves and the poorer is the quality. On the other hand, the smaller the leaves and the nearer the top, the better ...
— Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, Vol. 5 • Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences

... both World Wars. Sweden's long-successful economic formula of a capitalist system interlarded with substantial welfare elements has recently been undermined by high unemployment, rising maintenance costs, and a declining position in world markets. Indecision over the country's role in the political and economic integration of Europe caused Sweden not to join the EU until 1995, and to forgo the introduction ...
— The 2000 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... occupation several times, but always living in the city; always making his home in a boardinghouse or a hotel. His pluck and energy had had its reward, and for the past three years he had held a responsible and well-paid position in a mercantile house. But his life and his work had for him nothing but a passing interest; he had no sympathy with bonded warehouses, invoices, and ledgers. All he could look forward to was a higher position, a larger salary, and, when Miriam should graduate, a little home somewhere where she could ...
— The Girl at Cobhurst • Frank Richard Stockton

... a position to contradict the statement, but no matter to what country she belonged, St. Maxime has secured double immortality—first, in the saints' calendar; secondly, in the mausoleum of Auxerre. Alike these tombs and frescoes, with ...
— The Roof of France • Matilda Betham-Edwards

... three other voyages to the New World, he was given an important government position in Spain, which he held during the remainder of ...
— Discoverers and Explorers • Edward R. Shaw

... islands off Hyeres look like gems in the clear dark sea. They were known in ancient times as the Stoechades, signifying "the arranged" islands, a name indicative of their position in a line from east to west. The town of Hyeres seems tempting enough as a place of quiet residence, but the air is very unhealthy from ...
— Fair Italy, the Riviera and Monte Carlo • W. Cope Devereux

... over by Jacob Bright, was called, in our honor, by the National Association of Great Britain. She spoke on the educational and political status of women in America, I of their religious and social position. ...
— Eighty Years And More; Reminiscences 1815-1897 • Elizabeth Cady Stanton

... quivered, but she was silent. She began to realize her position of galley-slave, and welcomed with a dull joy the contempt and insults ...
— Literary Love-Letters and Other Stories • Robert Herrick

... them and checked their advance for a short time. But pretty soon, we saw the dragoons and infantry preparing to make a charge, and Old Put. knew there wouldn't be much chance of our withstanding the shock. So he ordered us to retire into the swamp just back of our position, where we would be safe from dragoons, at least, and where we would have an even chance with the infantry. I expected to see the general follow us; but he turned his horse towards the stone steps that led down the rocks from the meeting-house. As we fell back I had ...
— The Yankee Tea-party - Or, Boston in 1773 • Henry C. Watson

... I have just related to you occurred, the Lark sloop, which brought the cargo of rum, was lying alongside of the Royal George; in going down, the main-yard of the Royal George caught the boom of the Lark, and they sank together, but this made the position of the Royal George much more upright in the water than it would otherwise have been. There she lay at the bottom of the sea, just as you have seen small vessels when left by the tide on a bank. Cowper, when he heard the sad tale, ...
— Thrilling Stories Of The Ocean • Marmaduke Park

... upon your kind invitation, I am here to contribute my share—small though it be—to the general fund. I should, however, have much preferred the position of a quiet learner to that of an incompetent teacher—to have listened rather than to have spoken. But being here, it will be my purpose—by your indulgence—to speak, in general terms, upon such topics ...
— Address delivered by Hon. Henry H. Crapo, Governor of Michigan, before the Central Michigan Agricultural Society, at their Sheep-shearing Exhibition held at the Agricultural College Farm, on Thursday, • Henry Howland Crapo

... bound to defend her friend. "Oh, really, you are quite mistaken," said she. "Madame Leonce is much above her position; she is quite a lady. If she wanted to enrich herself at Monsieur Gavard's expense, she might easily have done so long ago. It seems that he leaves everything lying about in the most careless fashion. It's about that, indeed, that I want to speak to ...
— The Fat and the Thin • Emile Zola

... government: Prime Minister James F. MITCHELL (since 30 July 1984); Deputy Prime Minister Parnel CAMPBELL (since NA February 1994); note - governor general appoints leader of the majority party to position of prime minister cabinet: Cabinet; appointed by the governor general on the advice of the ...
— The 1995 CIA World Factbook • United States Central Intelligence Agency

... my former position in the carriage, disconcerted, unnerved by this repulse. But the carriage drew up before her gate; and she, as she stepped out of it, held out her hand to me, saying in ...
— The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Volume VIII. • Guy de Maupassant

... I don't in the least. He is horrid every way: blunt, and rude, and horrid. I never cared for him. But I care for myself! He has put me in the position of having done an unkind thing—an unladylike thing—when I was only doing what I had to do. Why need he have taken it the way he did? Why couldn't he have said politely that he couldn't accept ...
— The Register • William D. Howells

... years since they were freed, many of them are our best friends.—I do not know of anything else you wanted to know or I would gladly write you. In some sections of the South there may have been cruel treatment but it was generally from the overseers who were ignorant men and took advantage of their position to give license to their ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 5, 1920 • Various

... having reached the age which looks for perfect rest, gave up the handsome rooms on the first floor to the Count and Countess Steinbock, and took those above. The Baron by his son's exertions found an official position in the management of a railroad, in 1845, with a salary of six thousand francs, which, added to the six thousand of his pension and the money left to him by Madame Crevel, secured him an income of twenty-four thousand francs. ...
— Cousin Betty • Honore de Balzac

... disregarded. There could be no doubt that,—though his name was not mentioned, he, Rameau, was accurately designated as the youngest member of the Council. Still, however he might have owed his present position to the recommendation of Lebeau, there was nothing in the conversation of M. de Mauleon which would warrant participation in a popular emeute by the editor of a journal belonging to that mocker of the mob. Ah! but—and here again he glanced over the paper—he was asked "not to act; but ...
— The Parisians, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... their intrinsic worth. Their education is conducted mainly with the view of pleasing and attracting the admiration of others, rather than of improving and developing their qualities of mind and heart. They are imbued with notions of exclusiveness, fashion, and gentility. A respectable position in society is held up to them as the mark to be aimed at. To be criminal or vicious is virtually represented to them as far less horrible than to be "vulgar." Immured within the bastile of exclusivism, woman is held captive to all the paltry shifts and expediencies ...
— Thrift • Samuel Smiles

... Protamniota were like, I do not suppose any one is in a position to say, but I cannot think that the thoroughly Lacertian Protorosaurus had anything to do with them. The reptiles which are most amphibian in their characters, and therefore, probably, most nearly approach the Protamniota, are the ...
— Critiques and Addresses • Thomas Henry Huxley

... smaller birds have an enemy in our native white-footed mouse, though I have not proof enough to convict him. But one season the nest of a chickadee which I was observing was broken up in a position where nothing but a mouse could have reached it. The bird had chosen a cavity in the limb of an apple-tree which stood but a few yards from the house. The cavity was deep, and the entrance to it, which was ten feet from the ground, was small. Barely ...
— Birds and Bees, Sharp Eyes and, Other Papers • John Burroughs

... I think the French Zola controversy much more practical and exciting than the English Shakspere one. The admission of Zola to the Pantheon may be regarded as defining Zola's position. But nobody could say that a statue of Shakspere, even fifty feet high, on the top of St. Paul's Cathedral, could define Shakspere's position. It only defines our position towards Shakspere. It is he who is fixed; it is we who are unstable. The nearest approach to an English ...
— All Things Considered • G. K. Chesterton

... Pinus are monoecious, the pistillate in the position of a long shoot, taking the place of a subterminal or lateral bud, the staminate in the position of a dwarf-shoot, taking the place of a leaf-fascicle but confined to the basal ...
— The Genus Pinus • George Russell Shaw

... reached the position, and there he waited, being able to look into the camp and see every figure revealed by ...
— Frank Merriwell's Bravery • Burt L. Standish

... Strange position I was occupying, here among the most cruel of slave- holders. And they were calling me a superintendent of the underground railroad at home; and here was the starting-point on our underground railway, but a silent listener, ...
— A Woman's Life-Work - Labors and Experiences • Laura S. Haviland

... important command has been placed in the hands of an officer of your lordship's high professional character and merits. You must permit me, in making this announcement, to add my sincere thanks for the manner in which you conducted the duties of your position, and particularly for the valuable information you have communicated to the Board, and the attention you have paid to the many points you had brought ...
— The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald, Vol. II • Thomas Lord Cochrane

... not in a position to speak with authority or exactness of the events which will shortly take place in the British fleet. I am a mere soldier, you understand. But let us suppose a case. King William sails early to-morrow, with Rear-Admiral Rooke's squadron, ...
— The Blue Pavilions • Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... position of the towns and villages on the coast and in the interior, the roads between them and the Marseilles canal; which, from the Durance, enters the sea at Cape Croisette. At the southern side are given the "Iles d'Or," called also the "Islands of Hyres," ...
— The South of France—East Half • Charles Bertram Black

... placed in a most painful position. In England she had scarcely been able to support her invalid mother by her own exertions, but in a strange country and without friends these difficulties seemed increased. Her first act was to look over the advertizing columns of the papers, and her eye caught ...
— A Lady's Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 1852-53. • Mrs. Charles (Ellen) Clacey

... the average of his countrymen, with an eye and countenance more open than usual, and a free and confiding manner, he soon attracted the attention of the missionary. His position in life was above the class of common mechanics, and his education rather good for his position. His occupation was to carve small idols in wood for the houses of his idolatrous countrymen, of every variety of style and workmanship, some plain and cheap, and some of the most ...
— Forty Years in South China - The Life of Rev. John Van Nest Talmage, D.D. • Rev. John Gerardus Fagg

... position along world's busiest shipping lanes; Eritrea retained the entire coastline of Ethiopia along the Red Sea upon de jure independence from Ethiopia on ...
— The 1999 CIA Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... worse. In fact, some people would have been delighted with the position. For the spot was beautiful; the wagon formed a comfortable sleeping tent, provisions and water were plentiful, and there was ample opportunity for adding to the larder by tying in wait at early morning and late evening for the ...
— Diamond Dyke - The Lone Farm on the Veldt - Story of South African Adventure • George Manville Fenn

... house with her basket, Miss Cadwallader went to get ready for supper, Rufus followed in her steps. Asahel and Elizabeth stayed in the sunset glow to see Winthrop finish his part of the work; and then they walked up together. Elizabeth kept her position on one side of the oars, but seemed as moody as ever, till they were about half way from the rocks; then suddenly she looked up into Winthrop's face ...
— Hills of the Shatemuc • Susan Warner

... doctrine of Locke, through Descartes,[3] was also derived from Democritus. It was that all the sensible qualities of things, except position, shape, solidity, number and motion, were only ideas in us, projected and falsely regarded as lodged in things. In the things, these imputed or secondary qualities were simply powers, inherent in their atomic constitution, and calculated to excite ...
— Some Turns of Thought in Modern Philosophy - Five Essays • George Santayana

... of rocks they were all at their wits' ends. Many were anxious to fire at Trow; but even if they hit him, would Morton's position have been better? Would not the wounded man have still clung to him who was not wounded? And then there could be no certainty that any one of them would hit the right man. The ripple of the waves, though it was very slight, nevertheless ...
— Aaron Trow • Anthony Trollope

... incompatible with an advanced state of culture, and as time went on the Shamanistic faith of the Sumerians tended toward a rudimentary form of polytheism. Out of the multitude of spirits there were two or three who assumed a more commanding position than the rest. The spirit of the sky, the spirit of the water, and more especially the spirit of the underground world, where the ghosts of the dead and the demons of night congregated together, took precedence of the ...
— Babylonians and Assyrians, Life and Customs • Rev. A. H. Sayce

... he saw in Napoleon only Taine's 'condottiere' who kicked Volney in the stomach. Everybody wished to define the true Napoleon. Count Martin, in the face of the imperial centrepiece and of the winged Victorys, talked suitably of Napoleon as an organizer and administrator, and placed him in a high position as president of the state council, where his words threw light upon obscure questions. Garain affirmed that in his sessions, only too famous, Napoleon, under pretext of taking snuff, asked the councillors to pass to him their gold boxes ornamented with miniatures and decked with diamonds, which ...
— The Red Lily, Complete • Anatole France

... owed "subjection," even though she might qualify it by "sweet reluctant amorous delay." This was completely in harmony with the legal position of the wife. As a subject she was naturally in subjection; she owed her husband the same loyalty as a subject owes the sovereign; her disloyalty to him was termed a minor form of treason; if she murdered him the crime was legally worse than murder and she rendered herself ...
— Little Essays of Love and Virtue • Havelock Ellis

... state: KIM Chong-il (since NA July 1994); note - in September 1998, KIM Chong-il was reelected Chairman of the National Defense Commission, a position accorded the nation's "highest administrative authority"; KIM Yong-nam was named President of the Supreme People's Assembly Presidium and given the responsibility of representing the state and receiving diplomatic credentials elections: premier elected by the Supreme People's ...
— The 2002 CIA World Factbook • US Government

... STEPHENS') is probably CHALCHIHUITLICUE (that is, the Yucatec equivalent of that goddess), who was the sister of Tlaloc. His sign occurs in the upper left-hand corner of the border, and in Plate XLIX the same sign occurs in a corresponding position. ...
— Studies in Central American Picture-Writing • Edward S. Holden

... captained by Mr Walter Neas, who, partly as a reward for gallantry as I believe, was afterwards appointed manager of Her Majesty's mines in Warora, Central India. We were all lowered in a skip together and the position of the air-way having been precisely ascertained one man lay face downwards on the skip's bottom and broke through the brickwork with a pick. The sullen waters of the pool were only some eight or ten feet beneath us. The bricks splashed in one after the other until ...
— Recollections • David Christie Murray

... of her children, Richard's mother appointed one of the ladies of the court their governess. This governess was a personage of very high rank, being descended from the royal line. With the ideas which Lady Cecily entertained of the exalted position of her family, and of the future destiny of her children, none but a lady of high rank would be thought worthy of being intrusted with such a charge. The name of the ...
— Richard III - Makers of History • Jacob Abbott

... to have at least one Indian in the party as woodsman, hunter and general camp servant. For this position my friend, Frank H. Keefer, of Port Arthur, Ontario, recommended to me, and at my request engaged, Peter Stevens, a full-blood Ojibway Indian, of Grand Marais, Minnesota. "Pete" arrived in New York under the wing of the railway conductor during the ...
— The Long Labrador Trail • Dillon Wallace

... positively, but making inquiry at the same time, will advance each position with some doubt, lest while we gain this trifling point of being supposed to have written this treatise with tolerable neatness, we should lose that which is of the greater importance, the credit, namely, of not adopting ...
— The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4 • Cicero

... cm. diameter, and roll a piece of stiff note-paper round each, so that about a centimetre projects as a ridge above the upper surface of the cork, and secure in position with a ...
— The Elements of Bacteriological Technique • John William Henry Eyre

... occupied the pass of Thermopylae with his army, and, after adding to the natural strength of the place by artificial defences, established himself there as if in an impregnable position, the Romans decided that to attack him in front was altogether impossible, but Cato, remembering how the Persians under Xerxes had turned the Greek forces by a circuitous march over the mountains, took a part of the force and set off by night. When ...
— Plutarch's Lives, Volume II • Aubrey Stewart & George Long

... very, very hungry. Tears filled his eyes and ran over and dripped from his nose. He curled up on the leaves at the bottom of the hollow to try to go to sleep and forget. Under him was something hard. He twisted and turned, but he couldn't get in a comfortable position. Finally he looked to see what the trouble was caused by. What do you think he found? Six big, fat nuts! Yes, Sir, six big, fat nuts! Little Mr. Squirrel was so glad that he cried for ...
— Mother West Wind "How" Stories • Thornton W. Burgess

... of his kind, had been forced to seek his advancement in a distant State, through the influence of those formidable opinions which exiles the genius of the poor in South Carolina. For ten years he had sailed out of the port of Boston, had held the position of mate on two Indian voyages under the well-known Captain Nott, and had sailed with Captain Albert Brown, and received his recommendation, yet this was not enough to qualify him for the nautical ideas of ...
— Manuel Pereira • F. C. Adams

... as the police reformed in the street, and recommenced their march. The military force that had accompanied the police, had formed on the avenue, about a block and a half above where the latter were stationed, while the detachment was clearing the houses. Two howitzers were placed in position commanding the avenue. Colonel O'Brien, of the Eleventh New York Volunteers, who was raising a regiment for the war, had gathered together, apparently on his own responsibility, about fifty men, and appearing on the field, from his superior rank, assumed command. For a short ...
— The Great Riots of New York 1712 to 1873 • J.T. Headley

... it. They end by becoming so numerous as to form an almost continuous screen around the larva. This excremental awning, made half of silk and half of droppings, is the rough draft of the cocoon, or rather a sort of scaffolding on which the stones are deposited until they are definitely placed in position. Pending the piecing together of the mosaic, the scaffolding keeps the victuals ...
— Bramble-bees and Others • J. Henri Fabre

... in hand. In the event of any license, they're sure to find time to kick up trouble, and annoy their elders. Those, who know (how well they are supervised), will then say that children are always up to mischief. But those, who don't, will maintain that they take advantage of their wealthy position to despise people; to the detriment as well of their mistresses' reputation. How I regret that there's nothing that I can do with him. Time after time, have I had to send for his father; and he has been the better, after a scolding from him." Pointing at Pao-yue, "I don't mind whether you feel ...
— Hung Lou Meng, Book II • Cao Xueqin

... Mormons. The Gentiles are Democrats or Republicans; the Mormons are never anything but Mormons, voting on this side or on that, for one man or another, as the Mormon interest dictates and the Mormon President and the apostles direct. Every Mormon who has a vote occupies a double position; he is a Mormon in religion and a Mormon in political faith. In that way every office is filled with a Mormon, or with a Gentile who can be blind to Mormon iniquities. To-day a bigamist in Utah has no more to fear from the law than has a gambling-house ...
— The Mormon Menace - The Confessions of John Doyle Lee, Danite • John Doyle Lee

... nay, if he can keep the level he has gained, such a work will be the greatest, and by far the greatest poetical creation, that, whether in our own or in foreign poetry, the nineteenth century has produced. In the face of all critics, the Laureate of England has now reached a position which at once imposes and instils respect. They are self-constituted; but he has won his way through the long dedication of his manful energies, accepted and crowned by deliberate, and, we rejoice ...
— Famous Reviews • Editor: R. Brimley Johnson

... to steady herself in the rocking chamber before she could walk to the bed by which Mr Davis stood; but the effort to do so roused her, and, although conscious of an oppressive headache, she viewed with sudden and clear vision all the circumstances of her present position. Mr Davis was near the head of the bed, holding the night-lamp high, and shading it with his hand, that it might not disturb the sick person, who lay with his face towards them, in feeble exhaustion, but with ...
— Ruth • Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell

... with the first scene in Bonduca,—not for the idle purpose of finding out which is the better, but in order to see and understand the difference. The latter, that of B. and F., you will find a Avell arranged bed of flowers, each having its separate root, and its position determined aforehand by the will of the gardener,—each fresh plant a fresh volition. In the former you see an Indian fig-tree, as described by Milton;—all is growth, evolution, [Greek (transliterated): genesis];—each line, each word almost, begets the following, and the ...
— Literary Remains, Vol. 2 • Coleridge

... most painful position, by his mother's side in the first buggy, supported by an aunt on the other side, while somebody led his horse. In the next buggy, between two daughters, sat a young fellow who was engaged to one of them—they were to be married after the holidays. ...
— The Rising of the Court • Henry Lawson

... him. He preferred to preface his failings with an overture on the orchestra, to draw up the curtain, and to act his drama of life to a crowded audience of smart people in the stalls. When they hissed him, he only pitied them, and wondered at their ignorance. His social position kept him in Society, however much Society murmured against him; and, far from fearing scandal, he loved it. He chose his friends partly for their charm, and partly for their bad reputations; and the white flower of a blameless life was much too inartistic to have any attraction ...
— The Green Carnation • Robert Smythe Hichens

... bushes. All the duck- kind waddle; divers and auks walk as if fettered, and stand erect on their tails: these are the compedes of Linnaeus. Geese and cranes, and most wild-fowls, move in figured flights, often changing their position. The secondary rerniges of tringae, wild-ducks, and some others, are very long, and give their wings, when in motion, an hooked appearance. Dab-chicks, moor-hens, and coots, fly erect, with their legs hanging down, and hardly make any dispatch; the reason is plain, their wings are placed too ...
— The Natural History of Selborne • Gilbert White

... was another report, evidently a shot at long range; but the only effect was to drive the game more in the direction of Jack's position, or what they ...
— Off to the Wilds - Being the Adventures of Two Brothers • George Manville Fenn

... [Changing her position.] If only Nicko had been there, I shouldn't have given young Farncombe all those dances, nor wandered about with him in the intervals, nor allowed him to see me home. It all simply wouldn't, couldn't have happened. ...
— The 'Mind the Paint' Girl - A Comedy in Four Acts • Arthur Pinero

... now approaching Dorsetshire, and saw before them a rising ground, with a large stone set in a conspicuous position. ...
— Alfgar the Dane or the Second Chronicle of Aescendune • A. D. Crake

Words linked to "Position" :   preceptorship, interior, angular position, rulership, siphon, moderatorship, asana, deanship, decubitus, inclination, nobility, dead centre, mislay, deanery, pedestal, juxtaposition, marshal, sign, panoramic view, proconsulate, captainship, deploy, set down, proctorship, stance, stand up, berth, librarianship, apostleship, dominant, superposition, social rank, stratify, viceroyship, governorship, slot, northernness, praetorship, bastardy, social station, bailiffship, judicature, site, appose, stick in, seigneury, unerect, anteriority, rank, take, war machine, deposit, coincidence, sinecure, regency, trusteeship, seed, dispose, custodianship, caliphate, curacy, landmark, center field, caste, recess, list, counsellorship, cadetship, lose, orientation, terms, elbow room, move, upright, plum, point, wing, priorship, relation, outer, vertical, catcher, face, displace, sit, lay over, guard, low-class, bird's eye view, rear, retirement, commandership, high profile, externality, world view, cock, business, presidentship, unfavorable position, low-level, equality, occupation, juxtapose, magistrature, hot seat, room, magistracy, social status, rectorship, erect, slope, inner, forward, throne, put in, lowness, proconsulship, arrangement, stewardship, polls, arrange, post, orient, residency, insert, pile, tilt, lower-class, pose, pastorate, place down, superpose, lead, leadership, accountantship, space, goaltender, first, councilorship, mayoralty, nestle, tee up, verticalness, place, ship, misplacement, half-mast, vanguard, judgeship, managership, cardinalship, dignity, seigniory, clap, solicitorship, enclose, public office, lectureship, womanhood, office, rest, lowliness, pitch, jar, point of view, precentorship, premiership, instal, comptrollership, replace, southernness, thrust, principalship, lithotomy position, underlay, pride of place, cleanup, election, councillorship, khanate, put down, imbricate, rectorate, set up, way, order arms, back, commandery, sprawl, bar sinister, legislatorship, bishopry, left-handedness, receivership, order, bed, goalie, ladle, futurism, horizontality, lean, primateship, pillow, protectorship, anterior, episcopate, legation, sow, pigeonhole, illegitimacy, postposition, generalship, upend, line of work, dress, exterior, light, snuggle, superimpose, goalkeeper, take aim, emirate, repositioning, glycerolize, associateship, recline, prepose, job, sainthood, attorneyship, line up, internship, locating, military, mid-off, settle, lie, posit, stand, postpose, standing, posterior, vantage, left, posteriority, square, inspectorship, middle-class, positioning, direction, spot, cleanup spot, ordination, chairmanship, discipleship, ectopia, status, cram, subordinate, verticality, mound, settle down, front, lineman, lotus position, equivalence, chieftaincy, legateship, install, wardership, favourable position, tuck, dead center, legal status, studentship, emplacement, fix, situation, treasurership, paradigm, manhood, outwardness, ballet position, set, role, high ground, thaneship, ground, glycerolise, prelature, mid-on, instructorship, presidency, right, left field, baronetage, sprawling, train, emplace, messiahship, eversion, chaplainship, vice-presidency, par, noblesse, teachership, armed forces, fatherhood, directorship, rabbinate, bodily property, external, docket, station, misplace, view, professorship, barrel, tribuneship, trench, admiralty, shelve, peasanthood, captaincy, presentation, consulship, marginality, Weltanschauung, senatorship, curatorship, nationality, incumbency, seat, aim, state, plant, cutting edge, equation, bottle, foremanship, clerkship, holy order, half-staff, ensconce, controllership, setting, poise, parallelize, chancellorship, uprightness, situate, anomaly, sight, internal, butt, middle, apprenticeship, erectness, gradient, center, secretaryship, academicianship, perch, introduce, park, upper-class, intersperse, overlordship, reposition, headship, repose, forefront, leaning, toehold, feudal lordship, coffin, wardenship, editorship, command, positioner, lieutenancy, missionary position, low status, first base, step, military machine, armed services, place upright, rack up, direct, counselorship, eldership, centerfield, chair, generalcy, ambassadorship, tee, occlusion

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