"Potable" Quotes from Famous Books
... me is lack of desire. Prior to the attempted enforcement of the Eighteenth Amendment potable and vatted mixtures had but small lure for my palate, or my stomach, or my temperament. An occasional mild cocktail before a dinner, and perhaps twice a week a bottle of light beer or a glass of light wine with the dinner—these, in those old wild ... — One Third Off • Irvin S. Cobb
... had at last turned out a beer that met with the approval not only of his guests but of his own more exacting family. The vivacious brew would now and again behave unreasonably at the moment of being released, but it was potable when subdued. ... — Merton of the Movies • Harry Leon Wilson
... have seen many noted British and French and American practitioners, but I never saw the man so altogether admirable at the bedside of the sick as Dr. James Jackson. His smile was itself a remedy better than the potable gold and the dissolved pearls that comforted the praecordia of mediaeval monarchs. Did a patient, alarmed without cause, need encouragement, it carried the sunshine of hope into his heart and put all his whims to flight, as David's harp cleared the haunted chamber of the sullen king. Had ... — Medical Essays • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
... cleanliness, being conveyed up the steep narrow streets on donkeys in large stone jars. The city, standing on a rocky mountain, has no wells. As for the rain-water, it deposits a sediment in the tank, and becomes very sweet and potable: these tanks are cleaned out: twice every year. During the summer, at which time the heat in this part of Spain is intense, the families spend the greater part of the day in the courts, which are overhung with a linen awning, the heat of ... — The Bible in Spain • George Borrow |
Words linked to "Potable" : near beer, ade, refresher, drinkable, tea, nutrient, fruit crush, alcoholic drink, cocoa, oenomel, drinking chocolate, undrinkable, mate, liquid, hydromel, mixer, cyder, ginger beer, hot chocolate, drinking water, java, milk, alcoholic beverage, intoxicant, beverage, inebriant, cider, smoothie, food, tea-like drink, coffee, potion, chocolate, fizz, wish-wash, fruit drink, fruit juice, alcohol, soft drink, cooler |
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