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Primo   /prˈimˌoʊ/   Listen

The principal part of a duet (especially a piano duet).

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"Primo" Quotes from Famous Books

... Et primo incepit a digniori, scilicet a Guidone Guerra; et circa istius descriptionem lectori est aliqualiter immorandum, quia multi mirantur, immo truffantur ignoranter, quod Dantes, qui poterat describere istum praeclarum virum a claris progenitoribus et ejus claris gestis, ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 7, No. 43, May, 1861 • Various

... son de' dieci il primo, e vecchio fatto Di quaranta quattro anni, e il capo calvo Da un tempo in qua ...
— Stories from the Italian Poets: With Lives of the Writers, Vol. 2 • Leigh Hunt

... They sound as if they had been drawn from the people's store-house of song. The entrance of the presto surprises, and seems out of keeping with what precedes; but what we hear after the return of tempo primo—the development of those simple strains, or rather the cogitations on them—justifies the presence of the presto. The second appearance of the latter leads to an urging, restless coda in A minor, which closes in the same key and pianissimo with ...
— Chopin: The Man and His Music • James Huneker

... essential spirits that admit of proof—in the name of Nebuchadanezar the divine, who invented the convenient scheme of taking a cold collation under a hedge—by the power of that profound branch of learning, the Greek Digemma—by the authority of true Latin, primo, of Beotian Greek, secundo, and of Arabian Hebrew, tertio; which is, when united by the skill of profound erudition, primo, secundo, tertio; or, being reversed by the logic of illustration, tertio, secundo, primo. Commando te ...
— Going To Maynooth - Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of - William Carleton, Volume Three • William Carleton

... munitior quam ut primo impetu capi posset, the city was too strongly fortified to be taken at the first attack (lit. more strongly fortified than [so] that ...
— New Latin Grammar • Charles E. Bennett

... folia ciceris foliis, aut rutae haud absimilia, flores exigui, oblongi, lutei & spicatim digesti; est frigida & humida planta, licet parum recedat a medio temperamento. Hujus itaque descriptae arboris lignum in poculum efformatum, aquam eidem infusam primo in aquam intense Caeruleam, colore floris Buglossae; tingit, & quo diutius in eo steterit, tanto intensiorem colorem acquirit. Hanc igitur aquam si Vitreae Sphaerae infuderis, lucique exposueris, ne ullum quidem Caerulei coloris vestigium apparebit, sed instar aquae purae putae fontanae ...
— Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664) • Robert Boyle

... certainly, G.C.M. If a great painter, why not a great novelist? Well, pass, great novelist, G.C.M. But if a poetic, a pictorial, a story-telling or music-composing artist, why not a singing artist? Why not a basso-profondo? Why not a primo tenore? And if a singer, why should not a ballet-dancer come bounding on the stage with his cordon, and cut capers to the music of a row of decorated fiddlers? A chemist puts in his claim for having invented a new color; an apothecary for a new pill; the cook for ...
— Roundabout Papers • William Makepeace Thackeray

... domito saevom prostravit corpore Theseus 110 Nequiquam vanis iactantem cornua ventis. Inde pedem sospes multa cum laude reflexit Errabunda regens tenui vestigia filo, Ne labyrintheis e flexibus egredientem Tecti frustraretur inobservabilis error. 115 Sed quid ego a primo digressus carmine plura Conmemorem, ut linquens genitoris filia voltum, Vt consanguineae conplexum, ut denique matris, Quae misera in gnata deperdita laetabatur, Omnibus his Thesei dulcem praeoptarit amorem, 120 Aut ut vecta rati spumosa ad litora Diae Venerit, aut ut eam devinctam lumina ...
— The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus

... fronte lata, setosa. Oculi rotundi, remoti. Abdomen quinque annulatum, dorso nudo. Tarsi simplices. Alae incumbentes, abdomine longiores, nervo primo simplici. ...
— Visit to Iceland - and the Scandinavian North • Ida Pfeiffer

... uniform slightly more impressive than that of a South American generalissimo would be standing before the doors to save patrons the unpleasant necessity of opening them for themselves. But now, in the afternoon, the Universal Joint was closed. There was no one inside but Primo Palveri, the manager and majority stockholder of the Great Universal, and the new strip act he was watching. Malone didn't particularly like the idea of sharing his conversation with a burlesque stripper, but there was little he could do ...
— Occasion for Disaster • Gordon Randall Garrett

... itself in appropriately daring chromatic harmonies, he cannot be said to have evoked difficulties merely for the sake of conquering them. This is not the sparkling brilliancy of those Veronese transformed into Venetians—Bonifazio Primo and Paolo Caliari; or the gay, stimulating colour-harmony of the Brescian Romanino; or the more violent and self-assertive splendour of Gaudenzio Ferrari; or the mysterious glamour of the poet-painter Dosso Dossi. With Titian the highest degree of poetic fancy, the highest technical ...
— The Earlier Work of Titian • Claude Phillips

Words linked to "Primo" :   duo, duette, voice, duet, colloquialism, best, part

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