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Puissance   Listen

Power to influence or coerce.

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"Puissance" Quotes from Famous Books

... to him that in nobilitie and parentage is not inferiour to the best? To whom may factes and exploites of famous personages be consigned, but to him whose prowesse and valiant actes be manifest, and well knowen to Englishmen, but better to straungers, which haue felt the puissance thereof? To whom may the combats, gests, and courses of the victorious be remembred, but to him whose frequent vse of mightye incountrie and terrible shocke of Shielde and Launce: is familier in ...
— The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 • William Painter

... France itself,—to France, Austria, Russia,—bound by such earthly Treaties, and the call of very Heaven, shall they not, in united puissance and indignation, rise to the rescue? France, touched to the heart by such treatment of a Saxon Kurfurst, and bound by Treaty of Westphalia to protect all members of the Reich (which it has sometimes, to our own knowledge, ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XVIII. (of XXI.) - Frederick The Great—Seven-Years War Rises to a Height.—1757-1759. • Thomas Carlyle

... upon his neighbour, that ye cite before us or before the Official of our cathedral church, for Monday of the feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the 19th of September, Gilles, noble baron de Rais, subject to our puissance and to our jurisdiction; and we do ourselves cite him by these presents to appear before our bar to answer for the crimes which weigh upon him. Execute these orders, and do each of you ...
— La-bas • J. K. Huysmans

... fondamentale de l'Acte et de la Puissance avec la critique de la philosophie nouvelle de MM. Bergson et Le Roy. Paris, ...
— Bergson and His Philosophy • J. Alexander Gunn

... qicunqes voudra estre a lui obeissant il ne serra greve de taillee ne aut's subsides p' qeconqz affaire q' ce soit et q' ceux il gardera et defendera contre vous et aut's dont plusours gentilz homes et autres bones villes lui ont entierement accordez sa volonte p' sa petite puissance q'ils veient q' vous avez et en outre ad fait le dit Godefrey mettre la main en la t're qe feust vassailles Honriot de Pemot J de Chesnos et en plusours aut's lieux et fait iniunccion q' nul ne obbeisse a vous s^{r} peine de la teste et tant d'autres choses plus g'nt q'si vous accordez ...
— A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 • Anonymous

... the stairs. They went in silence, saying nothing even when they parted, and Alicia, of her own accord, began to ascend. Half way up she paused and looked down. Hilda turned to meet her glance, and something of primitive puissance passed, conscious, comprehended, between the eyes ...
— Hilda - A Story of Calcutta • Sara Jeannette Duncan

... the priest, "that on account of the apple that Eve gave Adam to eat, all went to hell alike, the good as well as the evil, and to cast His people forth from hell did God become man, and cast these souls forth from hell of His bounty and of His puissance. And to this doth Joseph make us allusion by the castle or the Black Hermit which signifieth hell, and the Good Knight that shall thence cast forth them that are within. And I tell you that the Black Hermit is Lucifer, that is Lord of hell in like manner as ...
— High History of the Holy Graal • Unknown

... Ardelio; aged knight, Whose graver years would for no labor yield, His age was full of puissance and might Two sons he had to guard his noble eild, The first, far from his father's care and sight, Called Alicandro wounded lay in field, And Poliphern the younger, by his side, Had he not nobly fought ...
— Jerusalem Delivered • Torquato Tasso

... agir pour la conservation de ce qui a A(C)tA(C) crA(C)A(C), et, quoiqu' elle ne maintenue les formes organiques supA(C)rieures que par la seule propagation, il ne rA(C)pugne point au bon sens de penser qu' aujourd' hui encore elle a la puissance de produire les formes infA(C)rieures avec des elA(C)ments hA(C)tA(C)rogA(C)nes, comme elle a crA(C)A(C) originairement tout ce qui possA(C)de l' organisation." This shows that its author believed in ...
— Life: Its True Genesis • R. W. Wright

... who will deny that this [comfort], whatsoever [worth] it be, it behoveth much more to give unto lovesick ladies than unto men? For that these within their tender bosoms, fearful and shamefast, hold hid the fires of love (which those who have proved know how much more puissance they have than those which are manifest), and constrained by the wishes, the pleasures, the commandments of fathers, mothers, brothers and husbands, abide most time enmewed in the narrow compass of their chambers and sitting in a manner ...
— The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio • Giovanni Boccaccio

... might, hardihood, potency, puissance, stamina; tenacity, toughness, durability; impregnability, invincibility; security, validity, conclusiveness, cogency, efficacy; support, stay; intensity, vividness; virility; vehemence, violence, force, impetuosity; fortitude; robustness, lustiness, ...
— Putnam's Word Book • Louis A. Flemming

... this; but verses and shameful words! However, O my nurse, this dog must be in one of three cases: either he is Jinn-mad, and hath no wit, or he seeketh his own slaughter, or else he is assisted to his wish of me by some one of exceeding puissance and a mighty Sultan. Or hath he heard that I am one of the baggages of the city, who lie a night or two with whosoever seeketh them, that he writeth me immodest verses to debauch my reason by talking of such matters?" Rejoined the old woman, "By ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 7 • Richard F. Burton

... italien avant tout et c'est pour faire jouir a mon pays du self government a l'interieur, come a l'extereur que j'ai entrepuis la rude tache de chasser l'Autriche de l'Italie sans y substituer la domination d'aucune autre Puissance'—Cavour to the Marquis Emmanuel d'Azeglio ...
— Cavour • Countess Evelyn Martinengo-Cesaresco

... shall give universal utterance to the universal instinct, and shall hold selfish power in politics, in art, in religion, for the devil that it is; when neither its crazy pride nor its amusing vanity shall be flattered by the puissance of the "geniuses" who have forgotten their duty to the common weakness, and have abused it to their own glory. In that day we shall shudder at many monsters of passion, of self-indulgence, of heartlessness, whom we still more or less openly adore for their "genius," and shall account ...
— Henry James, Jr. • William Dean Howells

... Quhilk malice hes continewed ever against him, maist innocent of that cryme, as your experience bearis witness; and planelie protestis, that neather he nor his said Sone suittis and seikis any pre-eminence,[993] eather to the Croune or Authoritie, bot als far as his puissance may extend, is readdy, and ever shalbe, to concur with the rest of the Nobilitie his brethren, and all otheris whais hartis ar tweichet to manteane the commoun caus of religioun and liberty of thair native cuntrey, planelie ...
— The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox

... thought of the rest of the church.—"Comme l'election et la consecration de S. Lo avoient ete miraculeuses, Dieu fit voir par des signes qui n'etoient pas moins surprenants que tout s'etoit fait selon sa volonte: car a la premiere entree que le jeune Prelat fit dans son Eglise, la divine Puissance voulut prouver a St. Gildard, aux autres Prelats qui etoient encore presents, et a toute l'Eglise de Coutances, que tout ce qu'ils avoient fait lui etoit tres-agreable. Ce qui fut confirme par un Miracle ...
— Architectural Antiquities of Normandy • John Sell Cotman

... eloquence fut d'une force presque miraculeuse qui pouvait [presqu'elle] persuader [ait] aux rois de vendre leurs royaumes afin de procurer [pour avoir] des armes et des soldats pour aider [a offrir] a Pierre dans la guerre sainte qu'il voulait livrer aux infideles. La puissance de Pierre [l'Hermite] n'etait nullement une puissance physique, car la nature, ou pour mieux dire, Dieu est impartial dans la distribution de ses dons; il accorde a l'un de ses enfants la grace, la beaute, les perfections corporelles, a l'autre l'esprit, la grandeur morale. ...
— The Life of Charlotte Bronte - Volume 1 • Elizabeth Gaskell

... thus took part in the great ecclesiastical questions, Charlemagne paid zealous attention to the instruction of the clergy whose ignorance he deplored. "Ah," said he one day, "if only I had about me a dozen clerics learned in all the sciences, as Jerome and Augustin were!" With all his puissance it was not in his power to make Jeromes and Augustins; but he laid the foundation, in the cathedral churches and the great monasteries, of episcopal and cloistral schools for the education of ecclesiastics, and, carrying ...
— The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 4 • Various

Words linked to "Puissance" :   puissant, power, powerfulness

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