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Rebate   /rˈibˌeɪt/   Listen

A refund of some fraction of the amount paid.  Synonym: discount.
A rectangular groove made to hold two pieces together.  Synonym: rabbet.

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"Rebate" Quotes from Famous Books

... chicken as rice), a vegetable, and a glass of beer each, for thirty-five cents for both. Saturdays we hunted for different smaller out-of-the-way restaurants. Wednesday nights "Uncle K." of the University of Wisconsin always came to supper, bringing a thirty-five-cent rebate his landlady allowed him when he ate out; and we had chicken every Wednesday night, which cost—a fat one—never more than fifty cents. (It was Uncle K. who wrote, "The world is so different with Carl gone!") Once we rented bicycles and rode all through the Tiergarten, Carl and I, with the expected ...
— An American Idyll - The Life of Carleton H. Parker • Cornelia Stratton Parker

... last, "they build good cottages, yellow brick, d—d ugly, I must say; look after the character of their tenants; give 'em rebate of rent if there's a bad harvest; encourage stock-breedin', and machinery—they've got some of my ploughs, but the people don't like 'em, and, as a matter of fact, they're right—they're not made for these small fields; set an example goin' to church; patronize the Rifle Range; ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... to deal with such an Adversary. Nevertheless, there are many in the World, who are both call'd and accounted Wits, and really are so; which (one would think) should derive something of Credit upon this Qualification, even in the Esteem of this Author himself, or at least rebate the Edge of his Invectives against it, considering that it might have pleas'd God to have ...
— A Discourse Concerning Ridicule and Irony in Writing (1729) • Anthony Collins

Words linked to "Rebate" :   groove, rusticate, join, refund, channel, cut, bring together

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