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Sense of touch   /sɛns əv tətʃ/   Listen
Sense of touch

The faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body (especially the hands).  Synonyms: cutaneous senses, skin senses, touch, touch modality.

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"Sense of touch" Quotes from Famous Books

... same thing is true in regard to the other senses; for how can it 50 be said that shell-fish, birds of prey, animals covered with spines, those with feathers and those with scales would be affected in the same way by the sense of touch? and how can the sense of hearing perceive alike in animals which have the narrowest auditory passages, and in those that are furnished with the widest, or in those with hairy ears and those with smooth ones? For we, even, hear differently when we partially stop up the ...
— Sextus Empiricus and Greek Scepticism • Mary Mills Patrick

... world was made! At dressing-time he had his sacred fish carried on a plate up to his room to show Clara; and, but for strong remonstrance on the part of that devoted handmaiden, would have kept it by his bedside all night, so as to assure himself at intervals, by sense of touch—let alone that of smell—of the adorable fact of its ...
— The History of Sir Richard Calmady - A Romance • Lucas Malet

... dark he can usually tell them by the sense of touch. There is not only the size and shape, but there is the texture and polish. Some apples are coarse-grained and some are fine; some are thinskinned and some are thick. One variety is quick and vigorous beneath the touch, another gentle ...
— Winter Sunshine • John Burroughs

... of "the system" was beyond Susan. But not what her eyes saw, and her ears heard, and her nose smelled, and her sense of touch shrank from. No ambition and no reason for ambition. No real knowledge, and no chance to get any—neither the leisure nor the money nor the teachers. No hope, and no reason for hope. No God—and no reason ...
— Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise • David Graham Phillips

... the ends like little cushions, and furnished with feathery hair; then stretched forth his legs, as if yawning. Piccolissima comprehended that the two little cushions which ornamented the extreme end of the foot of the fly, in which she counted five joints, might easily possess the sense of touch, and that this also rendered them more useful for motion, and for the toilet; it was like so many intelligent brushes, all ready to perceive and sweep away the least grain of dust. The little beards she also thought might have the power of taste, like ...
— Piccolissima • Eliza Lee Follen

... affection characterized by loss of muscular power or by the sense of touch, taste, sight or smell becoming impaired from injury to a nerve by ...
— The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English • R. V. Pierce

... mad. I don't know what I say half my time. For three weeks I've had to think and spell out every word that has come through my lips before I dared say it. Isn't that enough to drive a man mad? I can't see things correctly now, and I've lost my sense of touch. My skin aches—my skin aches! Make me sleep. Oh, Spurstow, for the love of God make me sleep sound. It isn't enough merely to let me ...
— Life's Handicap • Rudyard Kipling

... boat and caught hold of him, in sped the wave she had dreaded, with a loud roar, splashed her from head to foot, and rolled back, carrying the boat with it. The man lay on the beach as if unable to move, but by the sense of touch, as well as the dim light of the lantern, Eyebright already knew that it was not papa, but a ...
— Eyebright - A Story • Susan Coolidge

... distant, the mole being nearly five hundred yards in length. The queer-shaped bombs were then got up on deck, and Jim busied himself upon the task of attaching the fuses to them. He was obliged to work by the sense of touch alone, as he dared not, of course, use a light of any description. By the time that he had finished his preparations the Janequeo had almost reached the northern end of the mole, and the moment was ...
— Under the Chilian Flag - A Tale of War between Chili and Peru • Harry Collingwood

... senses left to Hopewell Drugg's unfortunate child that connected her with the world as it is, and with her fellow creatures. As she gradually had lost her sight and hearing, and, consequently, speech was more and more difficult for her, Lottie's sense of touch and ...
— Janice Day at Poketown • Helen Beecher Long

... shutting the door behind her. Holding her hands over her ears, she hurried upstairs to her bedroom. It was in darkness. She felt about on the wall for the button that turned on the electric light, but could not find it. Her hands, usually deft and certain in their movements, seemed to have lost the sense of touch. It was as if they had abruptly been deprived of their minds. She felt and felt. She knew the button was there. Suddenly the room was full of light. Without being aware of it she had found the button and turned it. In the light she looked down at her hands ...
— The Woman With The Fan • Robert Hichens

... if I had been stone blind; if I had groped my way by my sense of touch, and had been free, while I knew the shapes and surfaces of things, to exercise my fancy somewhat, in regard to them; I should have been a million times wiser, happier, more loving, more contented, more innocent and human in all good respects, than I am with the ...
— Hard Times • Charles Dickens*

... The sense of touch was quicker than that of sight, and with an exclamation of surprise she had drawn back ...
— Moods • Louisa May Alcott

... we naturally begin with the anecdotes least trying to the judicial faculties, and most capable of an ordinary explanation. Perhaps of all the senses, the sense of touch, though in some ways the surest, is in others the most easily deceived. Some people who cannot call up a clear mental image of things seen, say a saltcellar, can readily call up a mental revival ...
— The Book of Dreams and Ghosts • Andrew Lang

... he says, is so entitled in reference to the sense of touch of the child which is formed. For just as the touch by contact synthesizes and confirms the sensations of the other senses, proving objects to be either hard, warm, or adhesive, so also the fifth book of the Law is the synthesis ...
— Simon Magus • George Robert Stow Mead

Words linked to "Sense of touch" :   somesthesis, touch modality, somatic sensory system, skin senses, cutaneous senses, somatosensory system, somaesthesis, somesthesia, somatic sense, touch, exteroception, somataesthesis, somaesthesia, somatesthesia, somatosense

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