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Sind   /sɪnd/   Listen

A region of southeastern Pakistan.

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"Sind" Quotes from Famous Books

... to meet Mr. Keith's friends—and his inimies too," said the sergeant, taking off his helmet and bowing. "If I can sarve ye any time, sind worrd to Precin't XX, and I'll ...
— Gordon Keith • Thomas Nelson Page

... [Footnote 59: "Sie sind objectives, nicht subjectives Recht." Dicey, pp. 184 et seq., 193 et seq., 223 et seq., etc. Dicey treats the whole doctrine of the rights of liberty in the section "The Rule of Law." Individual liberty according to him is in England simply the correlative ...
— The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens • Georg Jellinek

... Mr. Shaw kissed Polly as if she had been his dearest daughter; and grandma held her close, whispering in a tremulous tone, "My little comfort, come again soon"; while Katy waved her apron from the nursery window, crying, as they drove, away, "The saints bless ye, Miss Polly, dear, and sind ye ...
— An Old-fashioned Girl • Louisa May Alcott

... have indicated in th' precedin' pages, that with th' cheers iv his sojers ringin' in his ears, he cud still write home to his wife: 'Ol' girl—I can't find annything fit to dhrink down here. Can't ye sind me some cider fr'm th' farm.' * * * In 1865 he was accused iv embezzlemint, but th' charges niver reached his ears or th' public's ontil eight years afther his death. * * * In 67' his foster brother, that he had neglected in Kansas City, slipped ...
— Mr. Dooley Says • Finley Dunne

... the same effect: "Dass sich die le- [[page 572]] bende Pflanzensubstanz derart innerlich differenzirt, dass einzelne Theile mit specifischen Energien ausgerstet sind, hnlich, wie die verschiedenen Sinnesnerven des Thiere" ('Arbeiten des Bot. Inst. in Wrzburg,' Bd. ii. 1879, p. ...
— The Power of Movement in Plants • Charles Darwin

... Wasgaupass, Wir haben nur einen einzigen Hass, Wir lieben vereint, wir hassen vereint, Wir haben nur einen einzigen Feind: Denn ihr alle wisst, denn ihr alle wisst, Er sitzt geduckt hinter der grauen Flut, Voll Neid, voll Wut, voll Schlaeue, voll List, Durch Wasser getrennt, die sind dicker als Blut. Wir wollen treten in ein Gericht, Einen Schwur zu schwoeren, Gesicht in Gesicht. Einen Schwur von Erz, den verblaest kein Wind, Einen Schwur fuer Kind und fuer Kindeskind, Vernehmt das Wort, sagt nach das Wort, Es waelzt sich durch ganz ...
— The New York Times Current History: the European War, February, 1915 • Various

... progress is one and the same, the evolution of the simple into the complex by successive differentiations.—Edinburgh Review, clvii. 428. Die Entwickelung der Volker vollzieht sich nach zwei Gesetzen. Des erste Gesetz ist das der Differenzierung. Die primitiven Einrichtungen sind einfach and einheitlich, die der Civilisation zusammengesetzt and geteilt, und die Arbeitsteilung nimmt bestandig zu.—SICKEL, Goettingen Gelehrte Anzeigen, ...
— Lectures on Modern history • Baron John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

... aber wan ihr dieses zu euch neimt, ihr zold alzo baldt hups gecuriret warden, zolches das ihr wie ein redlicher Cavalier andermaal tzoegerust, daz Jonfferliche Slosz besturmen, erobren, und da uber triomfiren zol. Dan ihr must viel gebrauchen daz weise von Ganze und Enteneyeren, die wol gebraten sind, Rothkohl mit feysem fleisch gekockt, alte Huner kleyn gehacket, Hanen Kammen, Swezerichen, Schaffe und Geisse-milch mit Reisz gekockt, auch Kalbs und Taubengehirn viel gegessen mit Nucis Muscati; und Reinischer Wein mesich getruncken; es is gewis wan ihr dieses ...
— The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and The Confession of the New-married Couple (1682) • A. Marsh

... fliessen nun zwei Wasser Wohl zwischen mir und Dir Das eine sind die Thraenen, Das andre ist der ...
— O. T. - A Danish Romance • Hans Christian Andersen

... ordered my carriers to leave at dawn from the other side of the lake, which I crossed in a boat, and joined them and my horse at the foot of the mountain chain which separates the valley of Srinagar from the Sind gorge. ...
— The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ - The Original Text of Nicolas Notovitch's 1887 Discovery • Nicolas Notovitch

... Reggie Burke, keener on polo than on anything else, but if you go to the Sind and Sialkote Bank to-morrow you would find Mr. Reginald Burke a very capable man of business, known and liked by an immense constituency ...
— Under the Deodars • Rudyard Kipling

... cook for you While betther is to spare, sir, But here's a jug of mountain dew, And there's a rattlin' hare, sir." St. Pathrick he looked mighty sweet, And says he, "Good luck attind you, And whin you're in your windin' sheet, It's up to heaven I'll sind you." ...
— Masterpieces Of American Wit And Humor • Thomas L. Masson (Editor)

... murmured the astounded lumberjack, as The Laird produced his wallet and counted into Dan's grimy quivering paw ten crisp hundred-dollar bills. "Oh, t'ank you, sor; t'ank you a t'ousand times, sor. An' ye'll promise me, won't ye, to sind for me firrst-off if ye should be ...
— Kindred of the Dust • Peter B. Kyne

... ein blosses Unterhaltungsdrama. AmA1/4sieren wollten die KomAdiendichter, nichts weiter. Jedes hAhere Streben lag ihnen fern. Wohl spickten sie ihre Lustspiele mit moralischen Sentenzen.... Aber die schAnen Sentenzen sind eben nur Zierat, sind nur Verbramung einer in ihrem Kerne und Wesen durch und durch unsittlichen Dichtung ... Mit der Wahrscheinlichkeit der Handlung wird es sehr leicht genommen: die seltsamsten ZufAlle werden als so ziemlich ...
— The Dramatic Values in Plautus • William Wallace Blancke

... This to the Bostonian. 'Didn't he order the stuff? Let's see yer wad. No more o' ye's goin' to l'ave this room 'till I gits nine dollars and sixty cints. Here, Macaroni'—and he called the Italian—'ring up the station-house and till thim to sind somebody 'round. Ye can't play that game ...
— The Veiled Lady - and Other Men and Women • F. Hopkinson Smith

... square of white cloth on the collar; and I began to find the eloquent blood mangling in my cheeks, and tingling in my ears; but their kindly feelings got the better of a gentle propensity to laugh, and the youngest said—"Sie sind gerade zu rechter zeit gekommen:" when, finding that her German was Hebrew to me, she tried the other tack "Vous arrivez a propos, le dejeuner ...
— Tom Cringle's Log • Michael Scott

... no moral right to live it becomes important to remember that in the economy of Prussian Junkerdom there is only one strong race—his own. "Wir sind die Weltrasse." The ultimate goal is the super-nation, and the premise upon which the whole policy is based is that Germany is predestined to be that super-nation. Bernhardi believes—and his belief is but the reflex ...
— The Evidence in the Case • James M. Beck

... nicht am Boden heften, Frisch gewagt und frisch hinaus! Kopf und Arm, mit heitern Kraften, Ueberall sind sie zu Haus; Wo wir uns der Sonne freuen, Sind wir jede Sorge los; Dass wir uns in ihr zerstreuen, Darum ist ...
— George Borrow and His Circle - Wherein May Be Found Many Hitherto Unpublished Letters Of - Borrow And His Friends • Clement King Shorter

... Drey sind, die de zeugen im Himmel; der Vater, das Wort, und der beilige Geist; und diese ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 25. Saturday, April 20, 1850 • Various

... of his conversations with Henry Crabb Robinson about Byron, said "There is no padding in his poetry" ("Es sind keine Flickwoerter im Gedichte"). This was in 1829, five years after Byron died. "This, and indeed every evening, I believe, Lord Byron was the subject of his praise. He compared the brilliancy and clearness of his style to ...
— Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 7 • Various

... "Sind out the rint, Joe, my darling," again bawled the widow, proving that very little said in the inner ...
— The Macdermots of Ballycloran • Anthony Trollope

... Kashmir the Artist would have to make his way up the Sind Valley—a valley, typical of those beautiful tributaries which add so much to the whole charm of Kashmir. These are comparatively narrow, and the mountain-sides are steep, but the valleys are not so narrow nor the sides so steep as the valleys of Sikkim, nor are the forests anything like so dense. ...
— The Heart of Nature - or, The Quest for Natural Beauty • Francis Younghusband

... Erst wenn dem neuen Weltbuerger durch den Aj-quig das Horoskop gestellt, der Name irgend eines Thieres beigelegt, Mi-si-sal (das citronengelbe Harz des Rhus copallinum) verbrannt, ein Lieblingsgoetze angerufen, und noche viele andere aberglauebische Mysterien verrichtet worden sind, wird das Kind nach dem Pfarrhause zur christlichen Taufe getragen. Das Thier, dessen Name dem Kinde kurz nach seiner Geburt vom Sonnenpriester beigelegt wird, gilt gewoehnlich auch als sein Schutzgeist (nagual) fuers ganze Leben." Dr. Karl ...
— Nagualism - A Study in Native American Folk-lore and History • Daniel G. Brinton

... increase of visual power in the natural state was to me a kind of miracle, as astonishing as it was unsought. My poor patient was in a state of absolute enchantment. He grinned from ear to ear, and called out, 'Das ist praechtig!' (This is charming!) Two ladies now passed before us, when he said, 'Da sind zwei fraeuenzimmer!' (There go two ladies!) 'How dressed?' I asked. 'Their clothes are of a dark colour,' he replied. This was true. I took my patient to a summer-house that commanded an extensive prospect. I fear almost to state it, but, nevertheless, it is perfectly true, that he ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 57, No. 352, February 1845 • Various

... speech f'r th' third reader an' rig up a bill that'd make keepin' house a recreation while so softenin' th' spirit iv th' haughty sign iv a noble race in th' kitchen that cookin' buckwheat cakes on a hot day with th' aid iv a bottle iv smokeless powdher'd not cause her f'r to sind a worthy man to his office in slippers an' without ...
— Mr. Dooley's Philosophy • Finley Peter Dunne

... don't be bothering me any more. Have you no sinse? Can't you get shut of Corkeran the cooper without me? Can't ye quarrel with the items? Tear the bill down the middle, if necessary, and sind him away with a flay (flea) in his ear, to make out a proper bill—which I can't see till to-morrow, mind. I never pay ...
— Tales And Novels, Vol. 8 • Maria Edgeworth

... Brante-wein, Schmeissens alle die Fenstern ein; lch ben liederlich, Du bist liederlich; Sind ...
— Guy Mannering • Sir Walter Scott

... we say of that other proposition of the king of pedants, to the effect that we have not come into the world to be happy but to fulfil our duty (Wir sind nicht auf der Welt, um gluecklich zu sein, sondern um unsere Schuldigkeit zu tun)? If we are in the world for something (um etwas), whence can this for be derived but from the very essence of our own will, which asks for happiness and ...
— Tragic Sense Of Life • Miguel de Unamuno

... the conclusion that it is his defects far more than his virtues that have made him the representative hero of the German people. His winged words voice the aspirations of his subjects. Like the Kaiser, every German believes that he is 'the salt of the earth'—Wir sind das Salz der Erde. Like Nietzsche, the modern German believes that the world must be ruled by a super-man, and that he is the super-man. Like Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the German is convinced that he belongs ...
— German Problems and Personalities • Charles Sarolea

... doorway, the captain gave some orders to a soldier who soon returned with a bit of chalk which had been used to number the lodging places. Von Hartrott wished to protect his uncle and began tracing on the wall near the door:—"Bitte, nicht plundern. Es sind ...
— The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse • Vicente Blasco Ibanez

... konnt ihn doch nicht uberwinden. Gleich trat ein junger Geck herein, Und nahm das Bild in Augenschein. 'O,' rief er, 'bei dem ersten Blicke, Ihr Gotter, welch ein Meisterstucke! Ach, welcher Fuss! O, wie geschickt Sind nicht die Nagel ausgedruckt! Mars lebt durchaus in diesem Bilde. Wie viele Kunst, wie viele Pracht Ist in dem Helm und in dem Schilde, Und in der Rustung angebracht!' Der Maler ward beschamt geruhret, Und sah den Kenner klaglich an. ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XX. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

... with lead. In Irak he showed himself equally masterful, but an iron hand was required by the revolutionists of Kufah and Basrah. He behaved like a good Knight in rescuing the Moslem women who called upon his name when taken prisoners by Dahir of Debal (Tatha in Sind). Al-Hajjaj was not the kind of man the Caliph would have chosen for a pander; but the Shi'ahs hates him and have given him a lasting bad name. In the East men respect manly measures, not the hysterical, philanthropic ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 4 • Richard F. Burton

... joyous upward flight; the broken chords of the harp; the swelling upward semitones of flute, oboe, and clarinet bringing forth the germ of No. 11b.; the trombone chords at the words "Leben und Tod sind unterthan ihr"; the arpeggio accompaniment of the violas, and the wonderfully poetic climax at the end, "des Todes Werk ... Frau Minne hat es meiner Macht entwandt." Brangaene's entreaties are vain; again she ...
— Wagner's Tristan und Isolde • George Ainslie Hight

... Geist! so spricht man nicht zu Christen: Desshalb verbrennt man Atheisten, Weil solche Reden hoechst gefaehrlich sind. Natur ist Suende, Geist ist Teufel; Sie hegen zwischen sich den ...
— Continental Monthly , Vol I, Issue I, January 1862 - Devoted to Literature and National Policy • Various

... communicirt.) c. Also the passage preceding this: "Our custom is, that on holy days, and also at other times, if communicants are present, we hold mass AND admit to communion such as desire it." (So wird diese Weise bei uns gehalten, dasz man an Feiertagen, auch sonst so communicanten da sind, mess haelt, und etliche so das begehren, communiciert. Servatur apud nos una communis missa singulis feriis, atque aliis etiam diebus, si qui sacramento velint uti, ubi porrigitur sacramentum his qui petunt.) Here, then, we find three passages in this very Article itself, ...
— American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics • Samuel Simon Schmucker

... ich wegzieh', Sind Kisten and Kasten voll!' Wann ich wiederkomm', wann ich wiederkomm', ...
— The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: - Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English, Volume 5. • Various

... 26: Wahrscheinlich sind Uranos und Kronos erst aus dem Culte des Zeus abstrahirt worden. Preller[4], ...
— The Religions of India - Handbooks On The History Of Religions, Volume 1, Edited By Morris Jastrow • Edward Washburn Hopkins

... soll mi estas aminta ich habe geliebt vi estis aminta Sie hatten geliebt li estas amanta er ist liebend sxi estis amata sie war im Zuge geliebt zu werden ni estos amintaj wir werden geliebt haben vi estas amataj Sie werden geliebt ili estas amitaj sie sind geliebt worden mi estus aminta ich wrde geliebt haben vi estus amita Sie wrden geliebt worden sein li estas foririnta er ist fortgegangen ili estus foririntaj sie wrden ...
— International Language - Past, Present and Future: With Specimens of Esperanto and Grammar • Walter J. Clark

... the austere habits of its English brother. It is fond of the society of its fellows. The range of this fine bird in the plains of India is confined to the North-West Frontier Province Sind, and the Punjab. ...
— A Bird Calendar for Northern India • Douglas Dewar

... earthquakes, the direction of the winds, or the currents of the sea. We thus arrive at the conviction of the last importance, that all natural bodies with which we are acquainted are equally endowed with life (gleichmaessig belebt sind); that the distinction between living and dead matter does not exist. When a stone is thrown into the air and falls by certain laws to the ground, or when a solution of salt forms a crystal, the result is neither more nor less a mechanical manifestation of life, than the flowering of a plant, ...
— What is Darwinism? • Charles Hodge

... Tannenbaum, wie tru sind deine Blatter! Da gruenst nicht nur zur Sommerseit, Nein, auch in ...
— Andersonville, complete • John McElroy

... I'll have to sind five timme poor oul mother in Ireland. But no matther: I said a hundherd; and what I said I'll stick to, if I have to starve ...
— John Bull's Other Island • George Bernard Shaw

... public servant. The Cape Town people are by race and habit the reverse of demonstrative; yet it was noticed that day, as it had been noticed when Frere left Sattara (India) thirty years before, and again when he left Sind twenty-one years before—a sight almost unknown amongst men of English or German race in our day—that men looking on were unable to restrain their tears. At Sattara and in Sind the regret at losing him was softened by ...
— Native Races and the War • Josephine Elizabeth Butler

... 1864 mi belovid wife fur the luv of God sind mee pop gose the wezel. yours till deth . larry ...
— A Rivermouth Romance • Thomas Bailey Aldrich

... Punjab and Sind it has been possible to colonise uninhabited wastes, and flourishing communities, aggregating nearly two million inhabitants, are ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 152. January 17, 1917 • Various

... Africa, the Mediterranean shores, and a great part of India, Arabia, and Persia. But what is more interesting and more confusing still, other desert plants which are not cactuses, living in South Africa, Sind, Rajputana, and elsewhere unspecified, have been driven by the nature of their circumstances and the dryness of the soil to adopt precisely the same tactics, and therefore unconsciously to mimic ...
— Falling in Love - With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science • Grant Allen

... and in their frequent adverbial construction;"[8] and in a letter written me shortly before his death, he remarks, in speaking of the similarity of these three tongues: "Ich bin ueberzeugt dass diese [die Cariben] eine Elite der Tupis waren, welche erst spaet auf die Antillen gekommen sind, wo die alte Tupi—Sprache in kaum erkennbaren Resten uebrig war, als man sie dort aufzeichnete." I take pleasure in bringing forward this opinion of the great naturalist, not only because it is not expressed so clearly in any of his published writings, ...
— The Arawack Language of Guiana in its Linguistic and Ethnological Relations • Daniel G. Brinton

... work which gained him such repute a few years later. Within three weeks of his arrival at Lahore he was despatched on a mission to Umritsur, with instructions to survey and report generally on the district. This done, he proceeded to the Sind Sagur Doab country, where he was stationed as political officer in command. To cultivate the acquaintance of the two Nazims, or ruling chiefs, the Sirdars Chuttur Singh and Lall Singh, and support their ...
— John Nicholson - The Lion of the Punjaub • R. E. Cholmeley

... History of the King's Son of Sind and the Lady Fatimah 2. History of the Lovers of Syria 3. History of Al-Hajjaj Bin Yusuf and the Young Sayyid 4. Night Adventure of Harun Al-Rashid and the Youth Manjab a. Story of the Darwaysh and the Barber's ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 5 • Richard F. Burton

... hundred thanks, O Baber! for the bounty of the merciful God Has given you Sind, Hind, and numerous kingdoms; If, unable to stand the heat, you long for cold, You have only to recollect the frost ...
— Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol 3 • Various

... suesseste Glueck fuer die trauernde Brust, Nach der schonen Liebe verschwundener Lust, Sind ...
— Cord and Creese • James de Mille

... a mill in the Lydenburg district used by the British for grinding corn, and the enemy very soon retaliated by blowing up one of our mills at Pilgrim's Rest. As the Germans say, "Alle gute dingen sind drei." Several such experiences and the occasional capture of small droves of British cattle were all the incidents worth mentioning. It was in this comparatively quiet manner that the third year of our campaign came to a termination. The War was still raging and our lot was hard, ...
— My Reminiscences of the Anglo-Boer War • Ben Viljoen

... Andenken Schillers, geschriebene Werk kann, uebersetzt, fuer uns kaum etwas Neues bringen; der Verfasser nahm seine Kenntnisse aus Schriften, die uns laengst bekannt sind, so wie denn auch ueberhaupt die hier verhandelten Angelegenheiten bey uns oefters durchgesprochen und ...
— The Life of Friedrich Schiller - Comprehending an Examination of His Works • Thomas Carlyle

... aisy 'nough ter see thet wid half an eye. But this un isn't thet koind of a man, an' he's so moighty perlite about it Oi jist cud n't sind the loikes of him away. It's 'Missus Guffy, me dear madam, wud ye be koind enough to convey me complimints to Misther Robert Hampton, and requist him to grant me a few minutes of his toime on an important matter?' Sure, an' what do ye think ...
— Bob Hampton of Placer • Randall Parrish

... koennen uns keinen Gegenstand denken, ohne durch Kategorien; wir koennen keinen gedachten Gegenstand erkennen, ohne durch Anschauungen, die jenen Begriffen entsprechen. Nun sind alle unsere Anschauungen sinnlich, und diese Erkenntniss, so fern der Gegenstand derselben gegeben ist, ist empirisch. Empirische Erkenntniss aber ist Erfahrung. Folglich ist uns keine Erkenntniss a priori moeglich, als ...
— Hume - (English Men of Letters Series) • T.H. Huxley

... Treue das erste Erforderniss einer guten bersetzung ist. Dann aber war mein Augenmerk vorzglich auf Wohlklang und Verstndlichkeit gerichtet. Letztere werden bei bersetzungen dieser Art nur zu oft vernachlssigt, da manche der Ansicht sind, ihre Arbeit sei um so besser, je treuer sie die ussere Form des Originals in allen Einzelheiten wiedergebe. Aber dieweil diese so mhsam an der Schale knacken, entschlpft ihnen nicht selten der Kern. Mein Bestreben war demnach keineswegs, z.B. jeden Vers ngstlich dem ...
— The Translations of Beowulf - A Critical Biography • Chauncey Brewster Tinker

... are also allowed to sind home the rint o' their houses to kape the poor Irish from starvin', an' to help the lords an' ladies of yer fine castles to kape the likes o' yees ...
— The Art of Disappearing • John Talbot Smith

Words linked to "Sind" :   Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Pakistan, region, part, West Pakistan

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