"Smirch" Quotes from Famous Books
... the law, you will be rich; you will be the Marquis de Rubempre, and you can indulge in the luxury of honor. You will be so extremely sensitive on the point of honor that no one will dare to accuse you of past shortcomings if in the process of making your way you should happen to smirch it now and again, which I myself should never advise," he added, patting ... — Eve and David • Honore de Balzac
... reproach myself for not having held my nerves in check more successfully. I went to your room and wrote you a note and thereby lost the control of events. From that very moment the secret of my unhappiness and, what is of greater moment, the smirch on my honor was half revealed to another, and after the first words we exchanged here it was wholly revealed. Now, inasmuch as there is another who knows my secret, I can no ... — The German Classics Of The Nineteenth And Twentieth Centuries, Volume 12 • Various
... answered, drawing away. "She is the most sacred memory I have in my life. I hate to think of her with you. And that because you smirch everything you touch. I ... — The Secret City • Hugh Walpole
... deprecatory hand. "You are wrong; no one has paid such a price. There are some natures so clear and fine that chance and extremity can put them anywhere—in any company—without taking one whit from their fineness or leaving one atom of smirch. Do you think I would have brought you here and risked your trust and censorship of my honor if you had not been—what you are? A decent man has as much self-respect as a decent woman, and the same ... — Seven Miles to Arden • Ruth Sawyer |
Words linked to "Smirch" : traduce, assassinate, drag through the mud, error, blemish, defect, accuse, libel, splotch, mistake, mar, inkblot, charge, blotch, splodge, badmouth, fingermark, fingerprint, fault, malign |
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