"Splatter" Quotes from Famous Books
... and whines of the two dogs, Dix and Splash. They had been left out on the front seat of the car, with big curtains hung in front of them so no rain could splatter on them. ... — Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue on an Auto Tour • Laura Lee Hope
... same it wasn't easy getting her home. It was a long walk. Felicia hadn't two carfares and she had forgotten to ask the dentist for money. To make bad matters worse a heavy down pour of rain overtook them a good half mile from the house. Its cool splatter seemed to bring the Poetry Girl to her senses. She laughed ... — Little Miss By-The-Day • Lucille Van Slyke
... the southern slopes of Kilimanjaro, he heard the boom of cannon far away to the east. The afternoon had been dull and cloudy and now as he was passing through a narrow gorge a few great drops of rain began to splatter upon his naked shoulders. Tarzan shook his head and growled his disapproval; then he cast his eyes about for shelter, for he had had quite enough of the cold and drenching. He wanted to hasten on in the direction ... — Tarzan the Untamed • Edgar Rice Burroughs
... he had strolled for several miles along a road that was new to him, and then through a wood on bad advice from a colored woman... losing himself entirely. A passing storm decided to break out, and to his great impatience the sky grew black as pitch and the rain began to splatter down through the trees, become suddenly furtive and ghostly. Thunder rolled with menacing crashes up the valley and scattered through the woods in intermittent batteries. He stumbled blindly on, hunting for a way out, and finally, through webs of twisted branches, caught sight ... — This Side of Paradise • F. Scott Fitzgerald |
Words linked to "Splatter" : dust, spill, displace, splat, puddle, disperse, shed, sputter, small indefinite quantity, slosh, disgorge, scatter, dot, move, small indefinite amount, slush around, noise, slush, run out, splattering, slosh around, sprinkle |
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