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Welt   /wɛlt/   Listen

A raised mark on the skin (as produced by the blow of a whip); characteristic of many allergic reactions.  Synonyms: wale, weal, wheal.
A raised or strengthened seam.

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"Welt" Quotes from Famous Books

... balmoral, Goodyear welt, clog, sock, buskin, sandal, slipper, creedmore, Creole, stogy, chopine, brogan, blucher, bottine, moccasin, oxford, ...
— Putnam's Word Book • Louis A. Flemming

... hazarded such a Germanism as the use of the word after-world, for posterity—"Es spreche Welt und Nachwelt meinen Namen" might have been rendered with more literal fidelity:—Let world and after-world ...
— The German Classics of The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Vol. III • Kuno Francke (Editor-in-Chief)

... are certain scioli or smatterers that are busy in the skirts and outsides of learning, and have scarce anything of solid literature to commend them. They may have some edging or trimming of a scholar, a welt or so; but ...
— Discoveries and Some Poems • Ben Jonson

... der auch, bevor sie | fielen, ihren knftigen Fall | vorauswissen kont, und da sie, des | Lichtes der Wahrheit verlustig, im | finsteren Hochmut verharren wrden. | | Buch XI, 33 | Da es aber Engel gibt, die gesndigt | haben und in die tiefste Tiefe dieser | Welt verstoen sind, die ihnen zu | einer Art von Kerker wurde, darin sie | bis zur bevorstehenden letzten | Verurteilung am Tage des Gerichtes zu | bleiben haben: das offenbart ganz | deutlich der Apostel Petrus. Er sagt, | da Gott die sndigen ...
— Valerius Terminus: of the Interpretation of Nature • Sir Francis Bacon

... des morgens helle licht Die dunkeln 'nachts durchbricht, Und die ganze welt erfrout ...
— Translations of German Poetry in American Magazines 1741-1810 • Edward Ziegler Davis

... no welt, however, across the sensibilities of Mrs. Neugass. The centuries had seen to that. She was craven and she ...
— Star-Dust • Fannie Hurst

... me, and I picked up what strength I had, intending to make a fight for it. I wasn't as brisk as I believed myself to be, unluckily, and I had only made it to my knees when they piled on to me from behind. I suppose one of them hit me with a board or something. There's a welt back there on my head, but ...
— Claim Number One • George W. (George Washington) Ogden

... Gott der nur von aussen stiesse, Im Kreis das All am Finger laufen liesse Ihm ziemt's, die Welt im Innern zu bewegen, Natur in Sich, Sich ...
— Fragments of science, V. 1-2 • John Tyndall

... great migration, these boundaries were advanced as far as the Danube, or, what is the same thing, to the Suabian Alps, although the Hercynian forest still occupied, from north to south, a space of nine days' journey on both banks of the Danube. "Gatterer, Versuch einer all-gemeinen Welt-Geschichte," p. 424, edit. de 1792. This vast country was far from being inhabited by a single nation divided into different tribes of the same origin. We may reckon three principal races, very distinct in their ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 1 • Edward Gibbon

... billy. Every whack brought blood and a heavy fall. McGawley and the barkeeper took a hand, the former hurling a spittoon that cracked a fellow's head open and sent the blood spurting, while the latter brought a bottle on a raftsman's skull that raised a welt as big as a cocoanut. Then the Captain rushed in, and the mate followed with a gang of roustabouts, who soon had quiet restored. I was hit pretty hard with a chair, otherwise my injuries were not serious. I did not use my revolver, as none were ...
— Forty Years a Gambler on the Mississippi • George H. Devol

... example. The line Du bist mein, und ich bin dein, corresponds in stanza 2 with Wenn die Welt in Truemmer fallt, and in stanza 4 with Elend, Noth, Kreuz, Schmach und Tod. Again in No. 77 the opening phrase, Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, of the twenty-second psalm needs music which conditions the other stanzas severely. Again ...
— A Practical Discourse on Some Principles of Hymn-Singing • Robert Bridges

... if it hadn't slipped," was the reply; "you must have hit that door an awful welt, for you're bruised on that side from the shoulder down. Just black and blue with a few touches of reddish purple. You're an impressionist sketch on the bruise line, I tell you! But there's nothing serious there. Using your carcass for a battering ram is apt to make a few contusions, ...
— The Boy With the U. S. Life-Savers • Francis Rolt-Wheeler

... the blazing eyes of the girl he quickly poured himself a glass of the wine and drank a few sips, then flung down the glass. He stepped forward and laid his hands on my shoulders. I winced as he touched the welt of the lash and could not raise my own arm to complete the ...
— The Door Through Space • Marion Zimmer Bradley

... ein Talent sich in der Stille, doch ein Charakter in dem Strome der Welt." (Talent is developed in solitude, character in the rush of ...
— Editorials from the Hearst Newspapers • Arthur Brisbane

... We decided to move on. As we plunged more deeply into the wood our spirits rose—reaching a point where they burst into song—on the part of the three men—"O Welt, wie bist du wunderbar!"—the lower part of which was piercingly sustained by Herr Langen, who attempted quite unsuccessfully to infuse satire into it in accordance with his—"world outlook". They strode ahead and left us to ...
— In a German Pension • Katherine Mansfield

... Goodrich who had said that Horace Bentley had only to get on a Tower Street car to turn it into a church. And if he had chosen to establish that 'dernier cri' of modern civilization where ladies go who have 'welt-schmerz' without knowing why, —a sanitarium, he might have gained back again all the money he had lost in giving his ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... scarcely knowing how it was done, snatched the heavy driver's whip from Moore's hand. The next instant, before the astounded Mexican could even throw up an arm in defence, the infuriated girl struck, the stinging lash raising a red welt across the swarthy cheek. Cateras staggered back, his lips giving utterance to ...
— The Strange Case of Cavendish • Randall Parrish

... philosopher Paulsen made short work of the "Weltraetsel" from his own standpoint, ("if a book could drip with superficiality, I should predicate that of the 19th chapter"). Harnack also condemned the theological section in the "Christliche Welt," and Troeltsch, Hoenigswald, and Hohlfeld took Haeckel severely to task on philosophic grounds. The naturalists ...
— At the Deathbed of Darwinism - A Series of Papers • Eberhard Dennert

... 1861 under the title, "Das Mutterrecht" (Mother-right) "Eine Untersuchung ueber die Gynaekokratie der Alten Welt nach ihrer religioesen und rechtlichen Natur," Stuttgart, Krais & Hoffmann. Morgan's fundamental work, "Ancient Society," appeared in a German translation in 1891, J. H. W. Dietz, Stuttgart. From the same publisher there appeared in German: "The Origin ...
— Woman under socialism • August Bebel

... could no longer forbear, and his good right arm swung round like a flash. Ping! went the stick on the back of the other's head, raising such a welt that the blood came. But the tanner did not seem to mind it at all, for bing! went his own staff in return, giving Robin as good as he had sent. Then the battle was on, and furiously it waged. Fast fell the blows, but few ...
— Robin Hood • J. Walker McSpadden

... "Yes!" "Well?" "Egal ich lebe gern!"... (i.e. egal is an expression of indifference, such as "it is all the same to me, I like living"). How simple and complete is the dog-point-of-view! "And is that all? didn't you wish to add something more?"... "in Welt" ( in (the) world). The expression "egal" she will probably have picked up ...
— Lola - The Thought and Speech of Animals • Henny Kindermann

... free hand went back. Very deliberately he struck him across the face with three ridged fingers. An angry welt raised. ...
— Slaves of Mercury • Nat Schachner

... we go too.' And by degrees their dogged persistence dulled the old woman's fierce anger. Maggie came home, and the cradle was established beside the hearth. At first the brothers had whispered together of righting her, but when she had answered them a question—a dull welt of shame tingling on their cheeks and hers as though some one had cut them with a whip—they knew it was useless. The man had gone to America some months before, and was beyond the reach of ...
— An Isle in the Water • Katharine Tynan

... sordid face and the three boxes of lucifer matches that he held for sale. My own false notes stuck in my chest. How well off I am! is the burthen of my songs all day long—"Drum ist so wohl mir in der Welt!" and the ugly reality of the cripple man was an intrusion on the beautiful world in which I was walking. He could no more sing than I could; and his voice was cracked and rusty, and altogether perished. To think ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 23 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson

... of Yeddo runs the green welt of a table-land. Midway, at the base of this, tucked away from northern winds, hidden in green bamboo hedges, Kano lived, a mute protest against the new. Beside himself, of the household were Ume-ko, his only child, and an old family ...
— The Dragon Painter • Mary McNeil Fenollosa

... there is a best race, to define as well as one can that best race, and to regard all other races as material for extermination. This has a fine, modern, biological air ("Survival of the Fittest"). If you are one of those queer German professors who write insanity about Welt-Politik, you assume the best race is the "Teutonic"; Cecil Rhodes affected that triumph of creative imagination, the "Anglo-Saxon race"; my friend, Moses Cohen, thinks there is much to be said for the Jew. On its premises, this is a perfectly sound and reasonable policy, ...
— A Modern Utopia • H. G. Wells

... old and grey Larruped himself in his lonely cell, And many a welt on his pious pelt The scourge evoked as it ...
— A line-o'-verse or two • Bert Leston Taylor

... non e mai esistito, and similar authors in Holland, Poland, and other countries, including W. Benjamin Smith, the American author of The Pre-christian Jesus (1906), and P. Jensen in Das Gilgamesch Epos in den Welt-literatur (1906), who makes the Jesus-story a variant of the Babylonian epic, 2000 B.C. A pretty strong list! (2) "But," continues Drews, "ordinary historians still ignore all this." Finally, he dismisses Jesus as "a figure swimming obscurely ...
— Pagan & Christian Creeds - Their Origin and Meaning • Edward Carpenter

... it was all over, Mr. Sutcliffe took her back into the house, and there on the hall table were the books he had got for her from the London Library: The Heine, the Goethe's Faust, the Sappho, the Darwin's Origin of Species, the Schopenhauer, Die Welt als ...
— Mary Olivier: A Life • May Sinclair

... had always been that way in his two-year-old days; first, the general hustle—small legs and arms working with concentric swing; then the impatient admonishment of fierce-jabbing spurs; and finally the welt-raising cut of a vicious, unreasoning whip. It was not a pleasurable prospect; and at the first shake-up, Lauzanne pictured it coming. All thoughts of overtaking the horses in front fled from his mind; it was the dreaded punishment that interested ...
— Thoroughbreds • W. A. Fraser

... church, those chestnuts darkly-green,[142] Yon fir-crowned summit,[143] and the village scene, Wardour's long sweep of woods, the nearer mill, And high o'er all, the turrets of Font Hill: These views, when summer comes, shall charm no more Him o'er whose welt'ring corse the wild waves roar, Enough: 'twas Honour's voice that awful cried, Glory to him who for his country died! Yet dreary is her solitude who bends And mourns the best of husbands, fathers, friends! Oh! when she wakes at midnight, but to shed Fresh tears of anguish on ...
— The Poetical Works of William Lisle Bowles, Vol. 1 • William Lisle Bowles

... drove Full-fraught with mischief, and conducting home The unsuspicious King, amid the feast Slew him, as at his crib men slay an ox. Nor of thy brother's train, nor of his train Who slew thy brother, one survived, but all, Welt'ring in blood together, there expired. He ended, and his words beat on my heart As they would break it. On the sands I sat 650 Weeping, nor life nor light desiring more. But when I had in dust roll'd me, and wept To full satiety, mine ear again The oracle of Ocean ...
— The Odyssey of Homer • Homer

... wise, sit in a garden that is not ours, but belongs to a gentleman in slate-coloured silk, who, solely for the sake of the picture, condescends to work as a gardener, in which employ he is sweeping delicately a welt of fallen cherry blossoms from under an azalea aching to burst into bloom. Steep stone steps, of the colour that nature ripens through long winters, lead up to this garden by way of clumps of bamboo grass. You see the Smell was right when it talked of meeting ...
— Letters of Travel (1892-1913) • Rudyard Kipling

... but that's a damned shame, sir!" Bohannan protested, rubbing an ugly welt on his brow. His voice was thick, dull, unnatural. Madness glimmered in his blinking eyes. "With the blessed tongue of me parched to a cinder! And wine like that! Here, sir—take a handful of diamonds, or whatever, and give me ...
— The Flying Legion • George Allan England

... involuntarily playing that weird mysterious part—the part of an International Spy. He was seeing secret things. He had, in fact, crossed the designs of no less a power than the German Empire, he had blundered into the hot focus of Welt-Politik, he was drifting helplessly towards the great Imperial secret, the immense aeronautic park that had been established at a headlong pace in Franconia to develop silently, swiftly, and on an immense scale the great discoveries of ...
— The War in the Air • Herbert George Wells

... on his own feet! You look at his very shoes in wonderment, and are surprised you do not find some startling difference between those shoes and your shoes. But there is none,—only yours are a trifle stouter in the welt. You think Nat one of the fortunate boys of this world,—born, as your old nurse used to say, with a gold ...
— Dream Life - A Fable Of The Seasons • Donald G. Mitchell

... General Latour-Foissac, a highly distinguished officer, the command of Mantua, the taking of which had so powerfully contributed to the glory of the conqueror of Italy. Shortly after Latour's appointment to this important post the Austrians besieged Mantua. It was welt known that the garrison was supplied with provisions and ammunition for a long resistance; yet, in the month of July it surrendered to the Austrians. The act of capitulation contained a curious article, viz. "General ...
— Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, Complete • Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

... more were seriously wounded, and fully half of the remainder could show the scars of grazing bullets or tiny clean-cut holes through their clothing, telling of escapes from death by the fraction of an inch. Ridge Norris, for instance, found a livid welt across his chest, looking as though traced by a live coal, and marking the course of a bullet that, with a hair's deflection, would have ended his life, while Rollo Van Kyp's hat seemed to have been an ...
— "Forward, March" - A Tale of the Spanish-American War • Kirk Munroe

... the campe, let him be a Lord of misrule, if you wil, for he kept a plaine alehouse without welt or gard of anie Iuibush, and solde syder and cheese by pint and by pound to all that came (at that verie name of syder, I can but sigh, there is so much of it in renish wine now a dayes). Wei, Tendit ad sydera virtus, thers great ...
— The Vnfortunate Traveller, or The Life Of Jack Wilton - With An Essay On The Life And Writings Of Thomas Nash By Edmund Gosse • Thomas Nash

... this has. Why, they planned to get you to cross here all by yourself, and then lay you out so you couldn't run for a month. Didn't I see how they kept kicking at my shins all the time, and I reckon that's what they did with you. I've a welt on my leg right now from a heavy brogan; and I'd like to bet you they put on that sort of foot-wear so as to make their ...
— Fred Fenton Marathon Runner - The Great Race at Riverport School • Allen Chapman

... Cooper. "Fetch up your youngsters in the natur' an' admiration o' the Lord, an' don't be frightened to dress the knots off o' them. That was his idear, an' he went through with it straight. 'William,' says he to me; 'if I catch a oath out o' your mouth, I'll welt the (adj.) hide off o' you ;' an' many's the time he done it. 'Always show respect to an ole man or an ole woman,' says he; 'an' never kick up a row with nobody; an' when you see a row startin', ...
— Such is Life • Joseph Furphy

... to Pygmalion with his image sotted, For, as was he, even so am I deceived. The shadow only is to me allotted, The substance hath of substance me bereaved. Then poor and helpless must I wander still In deep laments to pass succeeding days, Welt'ring in woes that poor and mighty kill. O who is mighty that so soon decays! The dread Almighty hath appointed so The final period of all worldly things. Then as in time they come, so must they go; Death common is to beggars and to kings For whither do I run beside ...
— Elizabethan Sonnet Cycles - Idea, by Michael Drayton; Fidessa, by Bartholomew Griffin; Chloris, by William Smith • Michael Drayton, Bartholomew Griffin, and William Smith

... for the present, farewell to Reineke Fuchs, and to the song in which his glory is enshrined—the Welt Bibel, Bible of this world, as Goethe called it, the most exquisite moral satire, as we will call it, which has ever been composed. It is not addressed to a passing mode of folly or of profligacy, but it touches the perennial nature of mankind, laying bare our ...
— Froude's Essays in Literature and History - With Introduction by Hilaire Belloc • James Froude

... to me," he said, "that I didn't let Ben welt him wid the ax the other day. Somebody else will have to ...
— The Boy With the U. S. Foresters • Francis Rolt-Wheeler

... dem maecht'gen Talbot, der die Welt Mit seinem Kriegeruhm fuellte, bleibet nichts Als eine ...
— Notes and Queries, 1850.12.21 - A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, - Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc. • Various

... in mehreren Artikeln die Taetigfelt und Ziele dieses Vereins ausfuehrlich dargelegt werden. Es heisst darin, dass zu der Hauptaufgabe der Narodna Odbrana die Verbindung mit ihren nahen und ferneren Bruedern jenseits der Grenze und unseren uebrigen Freunden in der Welt gehoeren. ...
— Why We Are At War (2nd Edition, revised) • Members of the Oxford Faculty of Modern History

... rank. The statement has not a shadow of foundation. In fact, it is contradicted by Zinzendorf himself, who says: "ihre Idee war eigentlich nicht, dieses und dergleichen selbst zu bewerkstelligen, denn sie waren beide von den Ihrigen in die grosse Welt destiniert und wussten von nichts als gehorsam sein." I should like here to warn the student against paying much attention to what Ritschl says about Zinzendorf's theology and ecclesiastical policy. His statements are based on ignorance and theological prejudice: and ...
— History of the Moravian Church • J. E. Hutton

... Four be the elements, Innig gesellt, Here we assemble 'em, Bilden das Leben Each of man's world Bauen die Welt. And existence an emblem. ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, Complete • Various

... person," that he could not eat a certain sauce without tasting "blue," i.e. without experiencing a feeling of seeing a blue color. [Footnote: Dr. Freudenberg. "Spaltung der Personlichkeit" (Ubersinnliche Welt. 1908. No. 2, p. 64-65). The author also discusses the hearing of colour, and says that here also no rules can be laid down. But cf. L. Sabanejeff in "Musik," Moscow, 1911, No. 9, where the imminent possibility ...
— Concerning the Spiritual in Art • Wassily Kandinsky

... I hear?' says he, fetchin' Jonadab a welt on the back like a mast goin' by the board. 'Is it me friend Kelly ...
— The Depot Master • Joseph C. Lincoln

... wide, then folded over, and lightly hammered down. This brings the two edges together, and when placed in position, they should lie evenly between the edges of the material. A piece of string may be laid in the welt to give it a fuller appearance if the ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886 • Various

... in a few seconds, and Macdonald stood free of the little fury, a red welt across his cheek, the back of his hand cut until the blood oozed through the skin in heavy black drops. Chadron had not moved a hand to interfere on either side. Only now that the foolish display of Nola's temper was done he rocked in his saddle and shook the empty landscape ...
— The Rustler of Wind River • G. W. Ogden

... apparently gone through the small of his back. The blood still flowed. She could not tell whether or not Kell's spine was broken, but she believed that the bullet had gone between bone and muscle, or had glanced. There was a blue welt just over his spine, in line with the course of the wound. She tore her scarf into strips and used it for compresses and bandages. Then she laid him back upon a saddle-blanket. She had done all that was possible for the present, and it gave ...
— The Border Legion • Zane Grey

... first, but Abby was imperious. Moreover, the constant friction of the handle of the hammer had raised a blister in the palm of his hand. Abby had an ugly red welt around her thumb, caused by the resistance of the scissors; for it had been very hard work to cut the heavy carpet. But she did not complain, for she felt that she was a martyr ...
— Apples, Ripe and Rosy, Sir • Mary Catherine Crowley

... perceiving it was somewhat stiffened with starch, she was much displeased, and reproved him very sharply, fearing God would not prosper his journey. Yet was the man a plain countryman, clad in grey russet, without either welt or guard, (as the proverb is,) and the band he wore scarce worth three pence, made of their own homespinning. What would such professors, if they were now living, say to the excess of ...
— The Knight of the Golden Melice - A Historical Romance • John Turvill Adams

... offer my game, for a particular as well as a general end; and let us put this prancing monarch and that silly scare-monger, and these excitable "patriots," and those adventurers, and all the practitioners of Welt Politik, into one vast Temple of War, with cork carpets everywhere, and plenty of little trees and little houses to knock down, and cities and fortresses, and unlimited soldiers—tons, cellars-full—and let them lead their own lives there away ...
— Little Wars; a game for boys from twelve years of age to one hundred and fifty and for that more intelligent sort of girl who likes boys' games and books • H. G. Wells

... Do not fear me. Clap but a civil gown with a welt on the one; and a canonical cloak with sleeves on the other: and give them a few terms in their mouths, if there come not forth as able a doctor, and complete a parson, for this turn, as may be wish'd, trust not my election: and, I hope, without wronging the dignity of either profession, ...
— Epicoene - Or, The Silent Woman • Ben Jonson

... (as 'tis said) Before was never made, But when of old the Sons of Morning sung, While the Creator great His constellations set, And the well-balanc'd world on hinges hung, And cast the dark foundations deep, And bid the welt'ring ...
— Bible Stories and Religious Classics • Philip P. Wells

... first supplied in Germany by Berthold Sigismund in his pamphlet, "Kind und Welt" ("The Child and the World") (1856); but his observations ...
— The Mind of the Child, Part II • W. Preyer

... and shapely arm. Its beauty was marred by a cruel red welt. He heard that same sweet voice laugh and cry together. Then he came back to life and hope. With one bound he ...
— Betty Zane • Zane Grey

... face upturned to the big stars which burned in the soft depths of the warm sky: the Southern Cross poised just over the crest of Apo. Below, on the black sea, the thrust of the vessel threw up a great welt which bordered the wedge of disturbed waters: phosphorescence gleamed like great wet stars. The tips of cigarettes glowed on the forward deck where members of the crew lay prone, exchanging occasional words in the hushed voices races not far from nature use in the still hours ...
— Terry - A Tale of the Hill People • Charles Goff Thomson

... short and laconic. Nevertheless, he was glad to see me. He grasped my shoulder as I dismounted, and shook me gently from side to side. His great form loomed before me, his lips framed in a cheerful grin, his eyes appraising and friendly. And then I noticed for the first time the livid welt of a cut across his cheek. Brutus read my glance, but he only shook his head ...
— The Unspeakable Gentleman • John P. Marquand

... not greatly disturbed, his eyes showing pugnacious and his jaw set, the Doctor rubbed his throat where Keith's knuckles had left a red welt. ...
— Keith of the Border • Randall Parrish

... I'd lie about a thing like that, do you?" said "Dodd." "You can see where he hit me," he proceeded, himself revealing the welt on his forehead. ...
— The Evolution of Dodd • William Hawley Smith

... long, damp welt of hair back from his big brow and nervously toed the rubber. I noted that he seemed to forget the runners on bases and delivered the ball without glancing at either bag. Of course this resulted in a double steal. The ball went ...
— The Redheaded Outfield and Other Baseball Stories • Zane Grey

... Stoffe, welche wir bis jetzt nicht in andere Stoffe zu spalten oder zu zerlegen vermgen und daher als chemisch einfach oder unzersetzbar betrachten, ohne dass[5] mit Bestimmtheit gesagt werden kann, dass sie wirklich unzersetzbar sind. Aus den chemischen Grundstoffen baut sich die ganze krperliche Welt vom einfachen Mineral bis zur Pflanze und dem ...
— German Science Reader - An Introduction to Scientific German, for Students of - Physics, Chemistry and Engineering • Charles F. Kroeh

... the sun "Sonne, du Mutterauge der Welt!" and Holty sings: "Geh aus deinem Gezelt, Mutter des Tags hervor, und vergulde die wache Welt"; in another passage the last writer thus apostrophizes the sun: "Heil dir, Mutter des Lichts!" These terms "mother-eye of the world," "mother of day," "mother of light," find analogues in other ...
— The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought • Alexander F. Chamberlain

... our methods of business and industry, and to clamber above us in the scale of civilisation. This has humiliated and irritated rather than chastened us, and our irritation has been greatly exacerbated by the swaggering bad manners, the talk of "Blood and Iron" and Mailed Fists, the Welt-Politik rubbish that ...
— An Englishman Looks at the World • H. G. Wells

... travelled and hunted; explorers, keen motorists, interested in aviation, active in army organisation. Good, brown-faced stuff they were, but impervious to ideas outside the range of their activities, more ignorant of science than their chauffeurs, and of the quality of English people than welt-politicians; contemptuous of school and university by reason of the Gateses and Flacks and Codgers who had come their way, witty, light-hearted, patriotic at the Kipling level, with a certain aptitude for bullying. They varied in ...
— The New Machiavelli • Herbert George Wells

... distinction, one of them being connected with a leading Daily Paper in this city, and others having served in the State and National Legislatures, was the motive which led to the foundation of this excellent Charity. Our late distinguished townsman, Noah Dow, Esquire, as is welt known, bequeathed a large portion of his fortune to this establishment,—"being thereto moved," as his will expressed it, "by the desire of N. Dowing some publick Institution for the benefit of Mankind." Being consulted as to the Rules ...
— Atlantic Monthly Volume 7, No. 39, January, 1861 • Various

... our comely king, In Nottingham, and well more, Could he not hear of Robin Hood, In what country that he were; But alw-ay went good Rob-in By halk and eke by hill, And alway slew the king-es deer, And welt them at his will. ...
— A Bundle of Ballads • Various

... noch kleen, Jehann, Do weer de Welt so grot! We seten op den Steen, Jehann, Weest noch? by Nawers Sot. An Heben sell de stille Maan, Wi segen, wa he leep, Un snacken, wa de Himmel hoch, Un ...
— Chips From A German Workshop. Vol. III. • F. Max Mueller

... brief orders, and turned back to Fanny. "To-morrow morning every other paper in New York will have pictures showing Mildred Inness, the beauty, on her snow-white charger, or Sophronisba A. Bannister, A.B., Ph.D., in her cap and gown, or Mrs. William Van der Welt as Liberty. We'll have that little rat with the banner, and it'll get 'em. They'll talk about it." His eyes narrowed a little. "Do you always get ...
— Fanny Herself • Edna Ferber

... and fell on any shoulder whatsoever, the nearest one, or at times upon a face to leave a welt at first white, then red, and later dirty with the ...
— The Reign of Greed - Complete English Version of 'El Filibusterismo' • Jose Rizal

... she saw the girl's face. It was she who was the fool. The welt would tell its own story, and the other servants would talk. It was already a deep purple, and swollen. Both women were trembling. The Countess, still ...
— Long Live the King • Mary Roberts Rinehart

... returned to Muskwa, the cub was within three feet of him, squirming flat in the sand and whimpering softly. Thor lifted his right paw four inches from the ground. "Another inch and I'll give you a welt!" ...
— The Grizzly King • James Oliver Curwood

... a greater weight and be of a superior quality than if double that number were left. When ripe, a dry and cloudy day should be selected to cut it, as the sun destroys its quality after cutting. It ought then to lie sufficiently long upon the ground so as to welt before carting to the sheds, hanging up each stalk next morning so as not to touch ...
— The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom • P. L. Simmonds

... giebt in der ganzen Welt kein besseres Mittel gegen alle Stoerungen der Magenthaetigkeit als gerade ...
— Treatise on the Diseases of Women • Lydia E. Pinkham

... against the baron, in her fretful impatience of Allan, one thing was ever dominant and obtrusive; one thing she tried to put away, but could not,—the handsome, colorless face of Major Van Zandt, with the red welt of her riding-whip ...
— Thankful Blossom • Bret Harte

... Saug' ich aus freier Welt; Wie ist Natur so hold und gut, Die mich am Busen haelt! Die Welle wieget unsern Kahn 5 Im Rudertakt hinauf, Und Berge, wolkig himmelan, Begegnen ...
— A Book Of German Lyrics • Various

... One time when his pa come home from work after dark and Willie ain't got his chores done, he scolded him, and when Willie brung in th' coal fer th' kitchen stove he was cryin' and he jist hauls off, he's s' mad, and kicks th' stove an awful welt, and says, 'Yuh will burn coal, ...
— The Fotygraft Album - Shown to the New Neighbor by Rebecca Sparks Peters Aged Eleven • Frank Wing

... effort. The spade caught Mrs. Fry below the waistline and for nearly a month thereafter she was in the habit of repairing with female visitors to an upstairs bedroom where she proudly revealed to them the extensive welt produced by her husband's belated return ...
— Anderson Crow, Detective • George Barr McCutcheon

... Gotteswillen, was geht das mir an? Was soll ich daraus machen? Taglich sagt die Frau Wirthin, 'Gretchen' (dumb-show of paying a piece of money into her hand), 'du bist eine der besten Sprach —Lehrerinnen der Welt!' Act, Gott! Und taglich sagen die edlen jungen Manner, 'Gretchen, liebes Kind' (money-paying again in dumb-show—three coins), 'bleib' taub—blind—todt!' und so bleibe ich.... Jetzt wird es ungefahr neun Uhr sein; bald kommen sie vom Spaziergehen ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... Johannes heisst, So reich an Gottes Hulden; Sein Bruder Heinrich nach dem Geist, Ein rechter Christ ohn' Schulden. Von dieser Welt geschieden sind, Sie ha'n die Kron' erworben, Recht wie die frommen Gottes Kind Fuer sein Wort sind gestorben, Sein' ...
— The Hymns of Martin Luther • Martin Luther

... that no one comes to clear up this country, one itches to be at the job, and then one realizes that before one can begin here, one must get to work back there, where the fools and pedants of WELT POLITIK scheme mischief one against another. This country frets me. I can't see any fun in it, can't see the humour of it. And the people away there know no better than to play off tribe against tribe, sect against ...
— The Research Magnificent • H. G. Wells

... and hung on again. "I could use a babe," he said. Suddenly he jerked. "Who hit me?" he asked. Across his face was a red welt, the shape of ...
— The Minus Woman • Russell Robert Winterbotham

... idealism"—and "to point towards that which is artistically genuine, true and eternally valid, as an antidote to all sorts of half-true or half-mad doctrines and maxims." [Footnote: (See Eduard Bernsdorf in Signale fur die musicalishe Welt, No. 67, 1869).] ...
— On Conducting (Ueber das Dirigiren): - A Treatise on Style in the Execution of Classical Music • Richard Wagner (translated by Edward Dannreuther)

... Her voice was full of self-reproach, and before he could stop her she lifted his hand and kissed the welt. ...
— A Texas Ranger • William MacLeod Raine

... I had been unjust enough to think could not belong to a Frenchman. With all this, which is his military portion, he is passionately fond of literature, a most delicate critic in his own language, welt versed in both Italian and German, and a ...
— The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay Volume 3 • Madame D'Arblay

... the horse is afflicted with urticaria. Similar eruptions, but distributed less generally, about the size of a silver dollar, may occur as a symptom of dourine, or colt distemper. Hard lumps, from which radiate welt-like swellings of the lymphatics, occur in glanders, and blisterlike eruptions occur around the mouth and ...
— Special Report on Diseases of the Horse • United States Department of Agriculture

... are successive cycles of activity and repose, each cycle being measured by countless milliards of centuries. According to the moderns, self-evolution being necessary, there can be no repose, so that Ohne Welt kein Gott. (4.) The Finite is, therefore, the existence form of the Infinite; all that is in the latter for the time being is in the former. All that is possible is actual. (5.) The Finite is the ...
— What is Darwinism? • Charles Hodge

... front of the first-line trenches appeared to be cut, mangled, twisted into balls, beaten back into the earth and exhumed again, leaving only a welt of crater-spotted ground in front of the chalky contour of the first-line trenches which had been mashed and ...
— My Second Year of the War • Frederick Palmer

... we made short stretches off the land, and back again, all one day and night, working slowly to the eastward. We still met with no interruption. I was fast getting confidence in myself; handling the Amanda, in my own judgment, quite as welt as Marble could have done it, and getting my green hands into so much method and practice, that I should not have hesitated about turning round and shaping our course for New York, so far as the mere business of ...
— Afloat And Ashore • James Fenimore Cooper

... my Lord the King! That ye will any good!" Half a year dwelled our comely King In Nottingham, and well more, Could he not hear of ROBIN HOOD, In what country that he were: But always went good ROBIN By halke and eke by hill, And always slew the King's deer And welt them at his will. Then bespake a proud for'ster That stood by our King's knee, "If ye will see good ROBIN Ye must do after me! Take five of the best Knights That be in your lead, And walk down by yon Abbey And get you monks' ...
— Fifteenth Century Prose and Verse • Various

... flo' an' I grab his lef' han' an' shove back his sleeve—jist so, as I's doin' to you—an' den I goes for his forehead an' push de hair back so, an' 'Boy!' I says, 'if you an't my Henry, what is you doin' wid dis welt on yo' wris' an' dat sk-yar on yo' forehead? De Lord God ob heaven be praise', I got ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... turning into a beldam with a cocked hat, who descended upon the rock. Before the men could reach her she changed into a black cat and disappeared in the ground. Hunting and digging came to naught, though the pursuers were so earnest and excited that one of them made the furrow in the rock with a welt from his shovel. After that few people cared to go near the place, and it became overgrown with weeds ...
— Myths And Legends Of Our Own Land, Complete • Charles M. Skinner

... father the influence which impelled him to a commercial career was removed, his veneration for the dead man remained with him through life, and on one occasion found expression in a curious tribute to his memory in a dedication (which was not, however, printed) to the second edition of Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung. "That I could make use of and cultivate in a right direction the powers which nature gave me," he concludes, "that I could follow my natural impulse and think and work for countless others ...
— Essays of Schopenhauer • Arthur Schopenhauer

... of the census, contained in the volume already cited; for these cover the entire Archipelago, and set forth actual conditions at one and the same epoch, 1903, the date of the census. Moreover, these supervisors, as welt as the special agents and enumerators, were nearly all natives. When, therefore, these supervisors report the mass of the Christianized Filipinos as simple and superstitious, we may be sure that we have the truth; but we are also inevitably led to the conclusion of economic unfitness. As this ...
— The Head Hunters of Northern Luzon From Ifugao to Kalinga • Cornelis De Witt Willcox

... dire altar drew. O goddess mother, give me back to Fate; Your gift was undesir'd, and came too late! Did you, for this, unhappy me convey Thro' foes and fires, to see my house a prey? Shall I my father, wife, and son behold, Welt'ring in blood, each other's arms infold? Haste! gird my sword, tho' spent and overcome: 'T is the last summons to receive our doom. I hear thee, Fate; and I obey thy call! Not unreveng'd the foe shall see my fall. Restore me to the yet unfinish'd fight: My death is wanting to conclude the night.' ...
— The Aeneid • Virgil

... I've got thoughts of nothin' but my art—as we moosicians says—an' elevatin' the local opinion of an' concernin' the meelodious merits of the band. We're playin' "Number Eighteen" at the time, an' I've got my eagle eye on the paper that tells me when to welt her; an' I'm shorely leatherin' away ...
— Wolfville Nights • Alfred Lewis

... originality. But at what cost? Its people had degenerated in the process from thinking humans to dumb, driven cattle, going, going, for ever going, but non-comprehending the why or the wherefore of it all, beyond the arrogant assumption of "welt-politik." Every refining trait was subordinated to the exigencies of the gospel of force. Not only the plebeian mass, but the exclusive aristocracy, revelled in the brutish impulse that associated all appeals to reason with effeminacy and invested the sword-slash ...
— The Sequel - What the Great War will mean to Australia • George A. Taylor

... der Vorrede versichert, dass er, als ein abgelebter Greis, soeben in die Grube stiegend, der Mit- und Nachwelt die Wahrheit verknden wolle. Wir lachten ihn aus: denn wir glaubten bemerkt zu haben, dass von alten Leuten eigentlich an der Welt nichts geschtzt werde, was liebenswrdig und gut an ihr ist. "Alte Kirchen haben dunkle Glser" "Wie Kirschen und Beeren schmecken, muss mann Kinder und Sperlinge fragen"—dies waren unsere Lust und Leibworte: und so schien uns jenes Buch, als die rechte Quintessenz ...
— Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing

... nit allein das offenbare Recht himmelschreyent wider Uns, sondern auch alle Billigkeit und die gesunde Vernunft wider Uns ist, muess bekhennen dass zeitlebens nit so beangstigt mich befunten und mich sehen zu lassen schame. Bedenkh der Furst, was wir aller Welt fur ein Exempel geben, wenn wir um ein ellendes stuk von Pohlen oder von der Moldau und Wallachey unser ehr und REPUTATION in die schanz schlagen. Ich merkh wohl dass ich allein bin und nit mehr EN VIGEUR, darum lasse ich die sachen, jedoch nit ohne meinen grossten ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XXI. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

... over a pale man on the floor; blood oozed from a welt on the back of his head. There was both gratitude and resentment as ...
— Police Your Planet • Lester del Rey

... is," writes Chamberlain, "no task before us so important as that of forcing the German language on the world (die deutsche Sprache der Welt aufzuzwingen.)" The German has "a twofold duty" laid on him: "never must a German abandon his own speech, neither he nor his children's children; and in every place, at every time, he must remember to compel others to use it until it has triumphed everywhere ...
— Ireland and Poland - A Comparison • Thomas William Rolleston

... seine Glut vermehrt, Und alles klingt an dir und bebt und zittert, Und all die Sinne dir vergehn, Und du dir zu vergehen scheinst Und sinkst, Und alles um dich her versinkt in Nacht, Und du, in inner eigenstem Gefuehl, Umfassest eine Welt; Dann ...
— The Youth of Goethe • Peter Hume Brown

... slave-driver. And then the crowd parted, and Nicanor saw a girl, a lean wisp of a thing, with burning eyes and a gray face framed in straight black hair, with chained wrists and a ragged frock which slipped aside to show a long red welt across her brown shoulders. The slave-driver held the end of the chain, his heavy whip tucked beneath one arm,—a squat man with a black and brutal face and small hard eyes. He was appraising the girl's good points glibly, as though ...
— Nicanor - Teller of Tales - A Story of Roman Britain • C. Bryson Taylor

... at the mines was almost unendurable. We were supposed to receive four and a half marks (90 cents) a week for our labor, but there was continual "strafing" to reduce the amount. If we looked sideways at a "stagger," we were likely to receive a welt with a pick handle and a strafe of several marks. Sometimes we only received a mark or two for a week's work. Most of this we spent for soap. It was impossible to work in the mine and not become indescribably dirty, and soap became ...
— World's War Events, Vol. II • Various

... to Germany, Stade published an account of his experiences. The first edition entitled "Wahrhafftige Historia unnd beschreibung einer landschafft der Wilden, Nacketen, Grimmigen, Menschfresser Leuthen in der Newen Welt America gelegen, ..." appeared at Marburg in 1557.[1] In this work Stade refers to two of his fellow-countrymen located in Brazil; the one Heliodorus Eoban of Hessen, who had charge of a sugar-refinery on the island of Sao Vicente (near Santos); the ...
— The German Element in Brazil - Colonies and Dialect • Benjamin Franklin Schappelle

... the adjoining rooms, the banging of the attic doors, made him start. He was filled with a delirious disgust for the creatures swarming round him. But his will fought on, sounded a warlike clarion-note, declaring battle on all devils.... "Und wenn die Welt voll Teufel waer, und wollten uns verschlingen, so fuerchten wir uns nicht so sehr...." ("And even though the world were full of devils, all seeking to devour us, we should not ...
— Jean Christophe: In Paris - The Market-Place, Antoinette, The House • Romain Rolland

... lass dich treulich warnen, O Mensch, vor solcher Liebe Garnen, Und spar dein Lieb' bis in die Eh', Dann hab' Ein lieb' und keine meh. Diesselb' Lieb' ist mit Gott und Ehren, Die Welt damit fruchtbar zu mehren. Dazu giebt Gott selbst allewegen Sein' Gnad' Gedeihen und milden Segen. Dass stete Lieb' und Treu' aufwachs' Im ehlich'n ...
— A Book of Operas - Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music • Henry Edward Krehbiel

... had not spoken a word. Save to move twice farther away along the platform, he had not stirred. Unbelievable as it may seem, even when the missile had struck him, though it had left a great red welt, he gave no sign of feeling. For a space following the arrival of the train there was a lull, and in it, as though nothing had happened, he approached the single ...
— Where the Trail Divides • Will Lillibridge

... makes interesting reading for children, but Brentano did not lose sight of adults, including those who like to speculate as to the origin of the legend. He says: "Sie [Lorelei] ist eine Tochter der Phantasie, welches eine berUehmte Eigenschaft ist, die bei Erschaffung der Welt mitarbeitete und das Allerbeste dabei that; als sie unter der Arbeit ein schOenes Lied sang, hOerte sie es immer wiederholen und fand endlich den Wiederhall, einen schOenen JUengling in einem Felsen sitzen, mit dem sie sich verheiratete ...
— Graf von Loeben and the Legend of Lorelei • Allen Wilson Porterfield

... note-book, "Inward discord is the very bane of human nature so long as a man lives," and on this fact he brooded for years; at length the problem solved itself, and the solution appears in his great work, "Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung" ("The World as Will and Idea"), which he published in 1718; in it, as in others of his writings, to use the words of the late Professor Wallace of Oxford, Schopenhauer "draws close to the great heart of life, and tries to see clearly ...
— The Nuttall Encyclopaedia - Being a Concise and Comprehensive Dictionary of General Knowledge • Edited by Rev. James Wood

... and Lafontaine. Sometimes, however, the history of the origin is still remembered, as for instance in the famous Buch der Beispiele, where the preface begins thus: "Es ist von den alten wysen der geschlaecht der welt dis buoch des ersten jn yndischer sprauch gedicht und darnach in die ...
— The Influence of India and Persia on the Poetry of Germany • Arthur F. J. Remy

... offended with it, but by another teacher that knows nothing about the bother. He doesn't use the cane much himself, but there's some teachers likes using it. Miss Gebbie does... she carries a big bamboo about with her, and gives you a good hard welt across the hand with it, if you annoy her. I wouldn't like to be in that woman's grip, I can tell you. Some women are fearful hard, ...
— The Foolish Lovers • St. John G. Ervine

... "Welt, packe dich; Ich sehne mich Nur nach dem Himmel. Denn droben ist Lachen und Lieben und Leben; Hier unten ...
— Duffels • Edward Eggleston

Words linked to "Welt" :   leather, flagellate, add, cat, beat up, cowhide, birch, beat, seam, switch, scourge, work over, trauma, horsewhip, hurt, harm, injury

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