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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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boiled dinner - bolshy
bolshy - bonaparte
bonasa - bonny
bonobo - book up
book value - bootlegger
bootlegging - borodin
borodino - bosworth field
bot - bottom rot
bottom rot fungus - bourbon
bourbon dynasty - bowler
bowler hat - bozo
bph - bradycardia
bradypodidae - braise
braised - brash oak
brashly - braze
brazen - breakable
breakable - brecht
breech - brick over
brick red - brigid
brigit - bristly sarsaparilla
bristly sarsparilla - broad mindedness
broad shouldered - bromide
bromidic - broom grass
broom handle - brownish
brownish black - brush on
brush tail porcupine - buccal artery
buccal cavity - buddhist
buddhistic - bugger off
buggery - bull nettle
bull nose - bultmann
bulwark - bunko game
bunkum - burgomaster
burgoo - burp
burp - bush jacket
bush lawyer - bust
bust up - buttercup
buttercup family - buy into
buy it - bypath
byplay - cabin cruiser
cabin liner - cadaverous
caddice fly - caffein
caffein addict - calamus penna
calamus rotang - calendar method
calendar method of birth contr - caliper
caliph - callistephus chinensis
callisthenics - calumniatory
calumnious - camelhair
camelia - camper
camper trailer - canafistula
canakkale bogazi - candidness
candied - canna
canna edulis - cantaloupe vine
cantankerous - capacity
capacity measure - capital loss
capital of afghanistan - capital of malawi
capital of malaysia - capital of uruguay
capital of utah - capriole
capriole - car mirror
car park - carbon copy
carbon cycle - card sharper
card table - cardroom
cards - carillonneur
carina - carnot cycle
carnot s ideal cycle - carpet beetle
carpet bomb - carry weight
carryall - carve up
carved - casement
casement window - cassiope
cassiope mertensiana - casualness
casualty - catalysis
catalyst - catechesis
catechetic - cathode ray
cathode ray oscilloscope - caudal vertebra
caudally - cavendish
cavern - cecropia peltata
cecropiaceae - celestial latitude
celestial longitude - cenchrus ciliaris
cenchrus tribuloides - centesimal
centesimo - centric
centrical - ceratin
ceratitis - ceremonially
ceremonious - cesar ritz
cesare borgia - chaenomeles speciosa
chaenopsis - chalcid
chalcid fly - champagne
champagne ardenne - channel bass
channel capacity - characterization
characterize - charles edouard jeanneret
charles edward berry - charronia
charronia flavigula - cheap jack
cheap money - cheering
cheering - chemical balance
chemical bomb - chequer
chequered - chevalier de bayard
chevalier de lamarck - chicken provencale
chicken purloo - childishly
childishness - chin up
chin wag - chink