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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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technical - teetotum
teff - telephone call
telephone circuit - tell off
tell on - temporal order
temporal property - tending
tendinitis - tensor tympani
tent - term insurance
term of a contract - territorially
territory - testifier
testify - tetrao urogallus
tetraodontidae - thalassoma
thalassoma bifasciatum - the netherlands
the other way around - theme song
themis - therapeutical
therapeutically - thermolabile
thermometer - thicket forming
thickhead - third battle of ypres
third class - thlaspi arvense
thm - thoracic aorta
thoracic cavity - thread
thread blight - threshold
threshold element - throughout
throughput - thundershower
thunderstorm - tiberius
tiberius claudius drusus nero - tide
tide over - tightrope walker
tightrope walking - time delay measuring instrumen
time delay measuring system - tin can
tin disease - tintinnabulate
tintinnabulation - tit for tat
tit tat toe - tnt
to a fault - toboggan cap
tobogganing - toilet table
toilet tissue - tom thumb
tom tom - tongue tie
tongue tie - toothpick
toothpowder - topologically
topology - torsk
torso - totipotent
totten trust - tow
tow car - toy box
toy business - traction
traction engine - tragedienne
tragedy - tramontana
tramontane - transfer payment
transfer rna - transmission control protocol
transmission density - transverse
transverse colon - traveler s joy
traveler s letter of credit - treaty port
treble - tremulously
trenail - triamcinolone
triangle - tricholoma vaccinum
tricholoma venenata - trifolium dubium
trifolium incarnatum - tringa melanoleuca
tringa nebularia - tripod
tripoli - trolley line
trolleybus - troublous
trough - true seal
true senna - trust account
trust busting - tubal
tubal ligation - tugger
tughrik - tune up
tuneful - turbojet engine
turboprop - turn a loss
turn a nice dime - tursiops gilli
tursiops truncatus - tweed
tweediness - twilight zone
twilit - two humped
two hundred - type a
type ab - tyrolean
tyrolean - ukranian
ukranian monetary unit - ultramontanism
ultranationalism - unabated
unable - unappreciated
unappreciative - unbeknownst
unbeknownst - unceremoniousness
uncertain - uncomely
uncomfortable - unconvincing
unconvincingly - undependable
undependableness - underlip
underlying - undesirable
undesirably - unearned income
unearned increment - unexampled
unexceeded - unfirm
unfit - ungrasped
ungrateful - unicycle
unicyclist - unintelligent
unintelligently - united mine workers
united mine workers of america - universal solvent
universal suffrage - unlikable
unlike - unmerchantable
unmerciful - unopposed
unordered - unposed
unpotted - unreasonable
unreasonably - unrestrictive
unretentive - unseemliness
unseemly - unsophisticated
unsorted - unsuppressed