"Barret" Quotes from Famous Books
... this coefficient has been made from experiments where the pressure has not exceeded four atmospheres; within these limits the value of the coefficient, as is generally admitted, is independent of the pressure. The experiments made by M. Barret, on the pressure pipes of the accumulator at the Marseilles docks, seem to indicate that the loss of pressure would be greater for high pressures, everything else being equal. This pipe, having a diameter of 0.127 m. (5 in.), was subjected to an initial pressure of 52 atmospheres. The author ... — Scientific American Supplement No. 275 • Various
... was owned by a Mr. H. C. Barret, a contractor with the quartermaster's department; but he declined to take the chances of the trip unless the government would lease the outfit in its entirety, or give him an indemnifying bond as assurance against any loss. The chief quartermaster executed the bond as demanded, ... — The Old Santa Fe Trail - The Story of a Great Highway • Henry Inman
... deportment appears not to have been more innocent: and his hypocritical devotion, by which he gained the favor of the monks and populace, will rather be regarded as an aggravation than an alleviation of his guilt. Badlesmere, Giffard, Barret, Cheyney, Fleming, and about eighteen of the most notorious offenders, were afterwards condemned by a legal trial, and were executed. Many were thrown into prison: others made their escape beyond sea: some of the king's servants were rewarded from the ... — The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part B. - From Henry III. to Richard III. • David Hume
... token from Mistres Ashley. Remove to Mr. Harding and Mr. Abbot at Oxford abowt my Arabik boke. April 5th, my right ey very sore and bludshotten. April 7th, Mr. Nicols cam agayn out of Northampton. Mr. Barret and Mistres Barret cam to visit me. May 3rd, betwene 6 and 7 after none the Quene sent for me to her in the privy garden at Grenwich, when I delivered in writing the hevenly admonition, and Her Majestie tok it thankfully. Onely the Lady Warwyk ... — The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee - And the Catalog of His Library of Manuscripts • John Dee |