"Biennially" Quotes from Famous Books
... Cambridge in 1847; but then, as on a subsequent occasion, his modesty led him to decline it. The Royal Society awarded him its Copley medal in 1848. In the same year the members of St John's College commemorated his success by founding in the university an Adams prize, to be given biennially for the best treatise on a mathematical subject. In 1851 he became president of the Royal Astronomical Society. His lay fellowship at St John's College came to an end in 1852, and the existing statutes did not permit of his re-election. ... — Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia
... by a two-thirds majority each time. The Legislature sits biennially. A Constitutional Convention can also pass amendments ... — Woman Suffrage By Federal Constitutional Amendment • Various
... and House of Representatives shall meet biennially on the first Wednesday after the first Monday in January next after their election; and when assembled shall be denominated the General Assembly. Neither House shall proceed upon public business unless a majority of all the members ... — School History of North Carolina • John W. Moore
... perpetuity by becoming an incorporate body in some State and holding its sessions biennially. This has been consummated by obtaining a charter in the State, of New York, Ex-Governor Seymour being President, and Rev. E. C. Wines, Cor. Secretary. It also took incipient steps for an international congress to be held in London, England, choosing ... — The Prison Chaplaincy, And Its Experiences • Hosea Quinby |