"Bord" Quotes from Famous Books
... light came thro every where; the doore tyed on with a cord in ye place of hinges; the floor the bare earth. No windows but such as the thin covering afforded, nor any furniture but a bedd with a glass bottle hanging at ye head on't. An earthen cupp, a small pewter bason, a bord with sticks to stand on instead of a table, and a block or too in ye ... — The History of Tasmania, Volume I (of 2) • John West
... reclamer contre le violation d'un batimen du commerce Francois. Malgre trois gardes de la Douane, cinq soldats armes furent envoyes a son bord a neuf heures du soir; je les fis retirer le lendemain; ce dernier acte du President qui des lors commenca a ne plus garder aucuns menagemens avec moi, faisant incarcerer un des mes nationaux sans m'en donner avis ainsi que des motifs qui l'y portoient; ... — Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil, - from Spanish and Portuguese Domination, Volume 2 • Thomas Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald
... in his sleepe, Being oreshooes in bloud, plunge in the deepe, and kill me too: The Sunne was not so true vnto the day, As he to me. Would he haue stollen away, From sleeping Hermia? Ile beleeue as soone This whole earth may be bord, and that the Moone May through the Center creepe, and so displease Her brothers noonetide, with th'Antipodes. It cannot be but thou hast murdred him, So should a murtherer ... — The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare
... et la Grece homerique, Toute l'Europe admire, et la jeune Amerique Se leve et bat des mains du bord des oceans. Trois jours vous ont suffi pour briser vos entraves. Vous etes les aines d'une race de braves, Vous etes les fits des geans!" V. ... — O. T. - A Danish Romance • Hans Christian Andersen
... se rendit au bord de la mer et dit: 'Oh! que tant de milliers d'etres qui se trouvent dans cette mer, ou ils souffrent des tourmens inexprimables par la chaleur, le froid, la faim, et la soif, puissent rejeter loin d'eux leur enveloppe funeste ... — Diary of a Pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet • by William Henry Knight
... hedge also that yedde in compas And closed in all the greene herbere With Sicamour was set and Eglateere, Wrethen in fere so well and cunningly That every branch and leafe grew by measure Plaine as a bord, of an height by ... — The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare • Henry Nicholson Ellacombe
... the chamber, said vnto him: "Goe in there." Andreuccio safely wente in, and chaunced by Fortune to set his foote vpon a borde, which at both endes was loose from the ioyst whereuppon it lay, by reason whereof the bord and he tombled downe into the Iakes: and God so loued him, that in the fall he receiued no hurt although it were of a good height, sauing he was imbroined and arraied with the dunge of the place, wherof the Iakes was full. Which place (to ... — The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 • William Painter
... et escarpe presque partout, a la reserve d'un endroit de plus d'une lieue de longueur, situe vis-a-vis du village, ou le terrain, tout couvert de beaux chenes, s'etend par une pente douce jusqu'au bord de la riviere. Au dela de cette hauteur est une vaste plaine, qui s'etend bien loin du cote du sud, et qui est traversee par la riviere Aramoni, dont les bords sont couverts d'une lisiere de ... — France and England in North America, a Series of Historical Narratives, Part Third • Francis Parkman
... change: he is likewise much perplexed by the immediate appearance of plants not occurring in the neighbourhood, on the borders of any track that leads to a newly- constructed hovel. In another part he says, [8] "ces chevaux (sauvages) ont la manie de preferer les chemins, et le bord des routes pour deposer leurs excremens, dont on trouve des monceaux dans ces endroits." Does this not partly explain the circumstance? We thus have lines of richly manured land serving as channels ... — The Voyage of the Beagle • Charles Darwin
... bono! Oui! oui! Clos Poulet—St. Malo! St. Pierre et Miquelon," cried the other crowd, waving woollen caps and laughing. Then all together, "Bord! Bord!" ... — "Captains Courageous" • Rudyard Kipling
... find similar wishes on the Egyptian monuments, frequently at least since the Middle Empire. "Donnez-moi de l'eau courante a boire.... Mettez-moi la face au vent du nord sur le bord de l'eau et que sa fraicheur calme mon coeur" (Maspero, Etudes egyptiennes, I, 1881, p. 189). "Oh, si j'avais de l'eau courante a boire et si mon visage etait tourne vers le vent du nord" (Naville,op. ... — The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism • Franz Cumont |