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Bruit   Listen
Bruit  v. t.  (past & past part. bruited; pres. part. bruiting)  To report; to noise abroad. "I find thou art no less than fame hath bruited."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Bruit" Quotes from Famous Books

... For as the bruit goeth by many a one, Their tender bodies both night and day Are whipped and scourged and beat like a stone, That from top to toe the skin ...
— The Growth of English Drama • Arnold Wynne

... should be in this country, as of some part it may be verified, namely the north, where I grant it is more colde than in countries of Europe, which are under the same elevation; even so it cannot stand with reason, and nature of the clime, that the south parts should be so intemperate as the bruit has gone." ...
— The Story of Newfoundland • Frederick Edwin Smith, Earl of Birkenhead

... menial to fetch them, eh, Monsieur?" he continued gaily, as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes at a sign from him had quickly left the room. "What need to bruit our pleasant quarrel abroad? You will like the weapons, sir, and you shall have your own choice from the pair.... You are a fine fencer, I feel sure... and you shall decide if a scratch or two or a more serious wound ...
— The Elusive Pimpernel • Baroness Emmuska Orczy

... winds, And with a sympathetic touch unbinds Eolian magic from their lucid wombs: Then old songs waken from enclouded tombs; Old ditties sigh above their father's grave; Ghosts of melodious prophecyings rave 790 Round every spot were trod Apollo's foot; Bronze clarions awake, and faintly bruit, Where long ago a giant battle was; And, from the turf, a lullaby doth pass In every place where infant Orpheus slept. Feel we these things?—that moment have we stept Into a sort of oneness, and our state Is like a floating spirit's. But there are Richer entanglements, enthralments ...
— Endymion - A Poetic Romance • John Keats

... etait quelques belles feux d'artifice. Mais les polissons entrent dans notre champ et nos feux d'artifice et handkerchiefs disappeared quickly, but we charged them out of the field. Je suis presque driven mad par une bruit terrible tous les garcons kik up comme grand un bruit qu'il est possible. I hope you will find your house at Mentone nice. I have been obliged to stop from writing by the want of a pen, but now I have ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 23 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson

... I bribed him to be mute, With bitter acorns stuffing his foul maw, Which barely I appeased, when some fresh bruit Startled me all aheap!—and soon I saw The horridest shape that ever raised my awe,— A monstrous giant, very huge and tall, Such as in elder times, devoid of law, With wicked might grieved the primeval ball, And this was sure the deadliest ...
— The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood • Thomas Hood

... to thee most heavenly lord For this thy succour, and undeserved kindness, Thou bindest me in heart thy gracious gifts to record, And to bear in mind, now after my heaviness, The bruit of thy name, with inward joy and gladness. Thou disdainest not, as well appeareth this day, To fetch to thy fold thy first sheep going astray. Most mighty Maker, thou castest not yet away Thy sinful servant, which hath done ...
— Everyman and Other Old Religious Plays, with an Introduction • Anonymous

... for all bravery stands upon comparisons. They must needs be violent, to make good their own vaunts. Neither can they be secret, and therefore not effectual; but according to the French proverb, Beaucoup de bruit, peu de fruit; Much bruit little fruit. Yet certainly, there is use of this quality in civil affairs. Where there is an opinion and fame to be created, either of virtue or greatness, these men are good trumpeters. Again, as Titus Livius noteth, in the case of Antiochus ...
— Essays - The Essays Or Counsels, Civil And Moral, Of Francis Ld. - Verulam Viscount St. Albans • Francis Bacon

... in some of the papers, no doubt, upon the immorality of the upper middle classes; a full-flavoured essay in the Saturday, proving that Englishwomen were in the habit of running away from their husbands. But she should be far away from the bruit of that scandal. He would make it the business of his life to shield her from the lightest breath of insult. It could be done. There were new worlds, in which men and women could begin a fresh existence, under new names; and if ...
— The Lovels of Arden • M. E. Braddon

... nous voguions en silence; On n'entendait au loin, sur l'onde et sous les cieux, Que le bruit des rameurs qui frappaient en cadence Tes flots harmonieux. O lac! rochers muets! grottes! foret obscure! Vous que le temps epargne ou qu'il peut rajeunir Gardez de cette nuit, gardez, belle nature, Au moins le souvenir!... ...
— The Development of the Feeling for Nature in the Middle Ages and - Modern Times • Alfred Biese

... convaincu qu'aprs le bruit que l'Europe a fait, une scne semblable celle de l'Armnien ne se renouvellera point. Les mesures que le Gouvernement se propose de prendre ont pour but d'viter un jugement; et sans jugement on ne peut condamner personne mort. L'Armnien ...
— Correspondence Relating to Executions in Turkey for Apostacy from Islamism • Various

... after years to Cocheco came The bruit of a once familiar name; How among the Dutch of New Netherlands, From wild Danskamer to Haarlem sands, A penitent soldier preached the Word, And smote the ...
— The Complete Works of Whittier - The Standard Library Edition with a linked Index • John Greenleaf Whittier

... Brood (fowl) kovi. Brook rivereto. Broth buljono. Broom (sweeping) balailo. Broom (shrub) sxtipo. Brother frato. Brotherhood frateco. Brotherly frata. Brougham kalesxo. Brown bruna. Brownish dubebruna. Browse sin pasxti. Bruise (crush) pisti. Bruise kontuzi. Bruit bruego. Brush broso. Brutal bruta. Brute bruto. Buccaneer marrabisto. Bucket sitelo. Buckle buko. Buckler sxildo. Buckwheat poligono. Bud burgxono. Budget (finance) budgxeto. Buffalo bubalo. ...
— English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes

... tooke a shippe, and so sayled foorth till he came, to Douer; and there he found the Earle of Cambridge, and the Earle of Buckingham, and moe then a hundreth men of armes, and a two thousand Archers, who lay there to keepe that passage, for the brute [Footenote: Report, French BRUIT. (Nare's Glossary). Compare 3 Ilen, vi., iv., 7.] ran, that the Frenchmen should lande there or at Sandwich, and the king lay at London, and part of his Councell with him, and daily heard tydings from all the Portes of England. When the king of Armenia was arriued at Douer, he had there good cheere, ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, v5 - Central and Southern Europe • Richard Hakluyt

... This bruit found credit—indeed, there have been ever since those who have believed it—and, as it spread, it reached the ears of Darnley. Because it afforded him an explanation of the Queen's hostility, since he was without the introspection that would have discovered the true explanation in his own shortcomings, ...
— The Historical Nights' Entertainment • Rafael Sabatini

... was about eight in the morning, they, extinguished all their lamps and those of the holy Sepulchre, and then they commenced their folly, running round the holy Sepulchre, like mad people, crying, howling, et faisans un bruit de diables; it was charming to see them running one after another, kicking and striking one another with cords; many of them together held men in their arms, and going round the holy Sepulchre, let them fall, and then raised horrible shouts of ...
— The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome • Charles Michael Baggs

... shall demand of thee. And has our shame Brought us to this, that some barbarian foe Shall venge Hesperia's wrongs ere Rome her own? Thou wert our leader for the civil war: Mid Scythia's peoples dost thou bruit abroad Wounds and disasters which are ours alone? Rome until now, though subject to the yoke Of civic despots, yet within her walls Has brooked no foreign lord. And art thou pleased From all the world to summon to her gates These savage peoples, while the standards ...
— Pharsalia; Dramatic Episodes of the Civil Wars • Lucan

... me vit obeir, l'on me vit commander, Et mon poil tout poudreux a blanchi sons les armes; Il est peu de beaux arts ou je ne sois instruit; En prose et en vers, mon nom fit quelque bruit; Et par plus d'un chemin je ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli

... Partie IV. Lettre xvii, Oeuvres, etc., ii. 262: "Un torrent, forme par la fonte des neiges, rouloit a vingt pas de nous line eau bourbeuse, et charrioit avec bruit du limon, du sable et des pierres.... Des forets de noirs sapins nous ombrageoient tristement a droite. Un grand bois de chenes etoit a gauche ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 2 • George Gordon Byron

... (Dumont, Souvenirs sur Mirabeau (Paris, 1832), p. 20.) The pen of a Mirabeau cannot become an official one; nevertheless it remains a pen. In defect of Secretaryship, he sets to denouncing Stock-brokerage (Denonciation de l'Agiotage); testifying, as his wont is, by loud bruit, that he is present and busy;—till, warned by friend Talleyrand, and even by Calonne himself underhand, that 'a seventeenth Lettre-de-Cachet may be launched against him,' he timefully flits ...
— The French Revolution • Thomas Carlyle

... ... la lettre de M. Paoli; mais ... il faut vous dire, Monsieur, que le bruit de la proposition que vous m'aviez faite s'etant repandu sans que je sache comment, M. de Voltaire fit entendre a tout le monde que cette proposition etait une invention de sa facon; il pretendait m'avoir ecrit au nom des Corses ...
— Boswell's Correspondence with the Honourable Andrew Erskine, and His Journal of a Tour to Corsica • James Boswell

... But whether he was dogged to find out where he and his brother housed in the city, or flying fame carried an account of the voyage to court, I know not; but it is certain that the very next morning a bruit went from thence all over the town, and (as factious reports used to run) in a very short time, viz., that his lordship rode upon the rhinoceros, than which a more infantine exploit could not have been fastened upon him. ...
— Heads and Tales • Various

... beer without a licence, if a bough, or bush, was hung out at the door. {180} This, no doubt, gave rise to the old saying, “good wine needs no bush,” i.e., the quarters where it was sold would need no bough or bush hung out to advertise its merits, as they would be a matter of common bruit. This, as was to be expected, was a privilege liable to be abused, and, only to give one instance, a couple living in the town and owning a name not unknown at Woodhall Spa, are said to have ordered for themselves a goodly barrel of beer to be ready for the fair, but, the barrel having been ...
— Records of Woodhall Spa and Neighbourhood - Historical, Anecdotal, Physiographical, and Archaeological, with Other Matter • J. Conway Walter

... et luit, Puis chavire A grand bruit; Et sur l'onde La plus blonde Tete au monde Flotte ...
— Chastelard, a Tragedy • Algernon Charles Swinburne

... the king had a brother, whom he had imprisoned in that pit of old time, and he had died there; but the folk of the realm deemed him still alive, and when his durance grew long, the courtiers of the king used to talk of this and of the tyranny of their liege Lord, and the bruit spread abroad that the sovran was a tyrant, so they fell upon him one day and slew him. Then they sought the silo and brought out therefrom Abu Sabir, deeming him the king's brother, for that he was the nearest of folk to him in favour and the likest, and he had been long ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 1 • Richard F. Burton

... lightly, And Paul, there 's where the hardest part of all came. How was I to tell my lover what my father had done? And how was I not to tell him, for I knew that Dick Stanton was not the man to keep such a wager to himself; he would bruit it abroad, if it were only for the sake of angering his rival. I was ashamed, ashamed, ashamed. It seemed to me I could never hold up my head again, and oh, how was I to meet Paul! I thought of nothing else for the next two days, and I had not a chance of seeing him or telling him, ...
— The Moving Finger • Mary Gaunt

... as I bequeath her to the bruit Of louder trump than mine, which hasteneth on, Urging its arduous matter to the close), Her words resum'd, in gesture and in voice Resembling one accustom'd to command: "Forth from the last corporeal are we come Into the heav'n, that is unbodied ...
— The Divine Comedy, Complete - The Vision of Paradise, Purgatory and Hell • Dante Alighieri

... of Whitehall felt their breasts dilate, and their pulses dance, as they listened to the flourishes of the trumpets and cornets, the thundering bruit of the kettle-drums, and other martial music that proclaimed the setting forth of the steel-clad champions who were presently ...
— The Star-Chamber, Volume 2 - An Historical Romance • W. Harrison Ainsworth

... et suit ces frequents articles improvises de verve et lances a toute vapeur. On s'y met tout entier: on s'en exagere la valeur dans le moment meme, on en mesure l'importance au bruit, et si cela mene a mieux faire, il n'y a pas grand mal apres tout." ...
— Hazlitt on English Literature - An Introduction to the Appreciation of Literature • Jacob Zeitlin

... and with a strong man's discretion, no bruit of this odd conversion had been made public, no whisper of it heard in the camp of the Revolutionaries. Many knew Maxim Gogol—none had heard of Richard Gessner. His desire for secrecy was in good accord with the plans of a police he assisted and the bureaucracy ...
— Aladdin of London - or Lodestar • Sir Max Pemberton

... able to perform his daily labors, although at the present time suffering from intense dyspnea and anasarca. A loud bellows-sound could be heard, which the man said had been audible since the time of reception of the injury. This was a double bruit accompanying systole, and entirely obscuring the physical signs. From this time the man speedily failed, and after his death there were cicatricial signs found, particularly on the wall of the left ventricle, together with patency of the interventricular septum, with ...
— Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine • George M. Gould

... like a thief in the night. One day it is not; and then the next, men sicken and fall like blasted wheat. I heard a bruit of London that it was but a heap of graves—nay, one grave rather, for they flung the bodies into a great trench; there was no time to do otherwise: Black Death ...
— The Gathering of Brother Hilarius • Michael Fairless

... me garderai bien de passer sous silence la derniere partie de votre Lettre; un bruit assez etrange est venu jusqu'a vous; et Charles Lewis doit vous quitter pour quelque temps pour etablir en France une ecole de reliure d'apres les principes du gout anglais; mais vous croyez, dites-vous, que ce projet est surement chimerique, ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... depassait sans peine; mais jamais a la fin elle ne manquait de s'echauffer, de s'exasperer et elle arrivait, s'ecartant, se defendant, ses jambes greles en l'ai devant les obstacles, quelquefois les evitant et faisant avec cela plus de poussiare qu'aucun cheval, plus de bruit surtout avec ses eternumens et reniflemens.—-crac! elle arrivaat donc toujour premiere d'une tete, aussi juste qu'on peut le mesurer. Et il avait un petit bouledogue qui, a le voir, ne valait pas un sou; on aurait cru que parier contre lui c'etait voler, tant il etait ordinaire; mais aussitot ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... Marmont—so I gather from these lines— Had let the English and the Spanish be, They would have bent from Salamanca back, Offering no battle, to our profiting! We should have been delivered this disaster, Whose bruit will harm us more than aught besides That has ...
— The Dynasts - An Epic-Drama Of The War With Napoleon, In Three Parts, - Nineteen Acts, And One Hundred And Thirty Scenes • Thomas Hardy

... presque lugubre et presque radieux; Vaste, il volait; plusieurs des ailes etaient chauves. En s'agitant, les cils de ses prunelles fauves Jetaient plus de rumeur qu'une troupe d'oiseaux, Et ses plumes faisaient un bruit de grandes eaux. Cauchemar de la chair ou vision d'apotre, Selon qu'il se montrait d'une face ou de l'autre, Il semblait une bete ou semblait un esprit. Il paraissait, dans l'air ou mon vol le surprit, Faire de la ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

... people in the city were those who had slept through the alerte, and in the morning received the news with an incredulous "Quoi? Non, ce n'est pas possible! Les Zeppelins sont venus? Je n'ai pas entendu le moindre bruit!" ...
— The Soul of the War • Philip Gibbs

... than enough, had been watered to some purpose!" The neighbours, men and women alike, now with one accord gave tongue, censuring Tofano, throwing all the blame upon him, and answering what he alleged against the lady with loud recrimination; and in short the bruit, passing from neighbour to neighbour, reached at last the ears of the lady's kinsfolk; who hied them to the spot, and being apprised of the affair from this, that and the other of the neighbours, laid hands on Tofano, and beat ...
— The Decameron, Vol. II. • Giovanni Boccaccio

... the great 24-pounder on the Cawnpore road that is vomiting grape at point-blank range. The night falls and the battle ceases, but among the wearied fighting men there is none of the elation of victory; for through the ranks, after the going down of the sun, had throbbed the bruit, originating no one knew where, that the women and children in Cawnpore had been butchered on the afternoon of the day before, while Stephenson and his Fusiliers were carrying the bridge ...
— Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places • Archibald Forbes

... nous sauver, Jusqu'au jugement faut laver: Au clair de la lune, au bruit du vent, Sous la neige, ...
— Brittany & Its Byways • Fanny Bury Palliser

... escript plus amplement a votre majeste) estudie de tout leur pouvoir de troubler ciel et terre, et conciter le peuple a sedition, et en ce faisant a passer par le fil de l'espee tous ceulx de la pretendue religion reformee.... Apres avoir des le premier et deuxieme de ceste mois fait courrir un bruit sourd que vous, Sire, aviez envoye nom par nom un rolle signe de votre propre main au Sieur de Montferaud, pour par voie de fait et sans aultre forme de justice, mettre a mort quarante des principaulx de cette ville...." (L'Agebaston ...
— The History of Freedom • John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

... turne Hang-man? Is this Religion Catholicke, to kill, What even bruit beasts abhorre to doe, your owne! To cut in sunder wedlockes sacred knot Tyed by heavens fingers! to make Spaine a Bonfire To quench which must a second Deluge raine In showres of blood, no water! If you doe this There is an Arme Armipotent that can fling ...
— Old English Plays, Vol. I - A Collection of Old English Plays • Various

... Lady," said Richard, suddenly, breaking the spell that seemed to bind them, "what meaneth this bruit [noise, rumour] of heresy that I hear ...
— Mistress Margery • Emily Sarah Holt

Words linked to "Bruit" :   dish the dirt, rumour, rumor, gossip

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