"Cantharides" Quotes from Famous Books
... Doomsday Book. To discompose the gravity of the bench, and provoke naughty interrogatories in more naughty law Latin; while the good judge, tickled with the proceeding, simpers under a grey beard, and fidges off and on his cushion as if he had swallowed cantharides, or sate upon cow-itch. ... — The Way of the World • William Congreve
... himself much easier by the Bladder's never being too much stretched; but on taking out the Catheter some Days after, he had the same Stoppage of Water as before. On consulting with Dr. Batt and the other Physicians, it was agreed to give two Grains of the Powder of Cantharides, with three Grains of Camphor and ten of Sugar, rubbed well together in a Mortar, twice a-Day; and to continue the Use of the flexible Catheter. He found no Uneasiness or Strangury from the Use of the Cantharides, ... — An Account of the Diseases which were most frequent in the British military hospitals in Germany • Donald Monro
... long-pent love; in their exalted state passion comes over them like a flood; in the first rush of passion, honour, shame, friendship seem mere names of illusions, and love is the only real thing in life; and finally, the death draught being no death draught, but a slight infusion of cantharides, the two passionately cling to each other, vaguely wondering what all the noise is about, while the ship reaches land and all the people shout and the trumpets blow. What is the stagecraft of Scribe compared with this? how else could the avowal ... — Old Scores and New Readings • John F. Runciman
... Mrs. Turner regularly furnished the poisoned articles to the under-keeper, who placed them before Overbury. Not only his food but his drink was poisoned. Arsenic was mixed with the salt he ate, and cantharides with the pepper. All this time his health declined sensibly. Daily he grew weaker and weaker; and with a sickly appetite craved for sweets and jellies. Rochester continued to condole with him, and anticipated all his wants in this respect, sending him abundance of pastry, and occasionally ... — Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds • Charles Mackay
... chloride of iron, three drams; tincture cantharides, one dram; tincture guaiac ammon., one-half dram; tincture aloe, one-half ounce; syrup enough to make six ounces. ... — Searchlights on Health - The Science of Eugenics • B. G. Jefferis and J. L. Nichols
... too the Anthophorae lived in abundance; those wild bees with whom the vexed and enigmatic history of the Sitaris and the Melo is bound up; those little beetles, cousins of the Cantharides, whose complex metamorphoses and astonishing and peculiar habits have been revealed by Fabre. This memoir marked the second stage of his scientific career, and followed, at an interval of two years, the magnificent ... — Fabre, Poet of Science • Dr. G.V. (C.V.) Legros
... Alchemy and Pharmacy, remarks, "About the sixteenth century philtres came to be compounded and sold by the apothecaries, who doubtless derived from them a lucrative profit. Favourite ingredients with these later practitioners were mandragora, cantharides, and vervain, which were supposed to have Satanic properties. They were mixed with other herbs said to have an aphrodisiac effect; also man's gall, the eyes of a black cat, and the blood of a lapwing, bat, or goat." The ... — Trial of Mary Blandy • William Roughead |