The collective sum, aggregate, or mass of anything; specif., the people as a body; the state. "The proposition to give work by the collectivity is supposed to be in contravention of the sacred principle of monopolistic competition."
... hoist and four white, five-pointed stars placed vertically in a line between the points of the crescent; the horizontal bands and the four stars represent the four main islands of the archipelago - Mwali, Njazidja, Nzwani, and Mayotte (a territorial collectivity of France, but claimed by Comoros); the crescent, stars, and color green are traditional symbols ... — The 2002 CIA World Factbook • US Government
... ideal, neither an individual nor a collectivity can live, without it humanity is dead or dying. For it is the fire of an ideal which renders the life of each one of us possible, useful and fertile. And only by its help can each one of us, in the longer or shorter course of his or her ... — Socialism: Positive and Negative • Robert Rives La Monte