"Compt" Quotes from Famous Books
... nombre be p{ro}posed{e} to fynde his rote and to se yf it be quadrat. And yf it be not quadrat the rote of the most quadrat fynde out, vnder the nombre p{ro}posed{e}. Therfor yf thow wilt the rote of any quadrat nombre draw out, write the nombre by his differences, and compt the nombre of the figures, and wete yf it be od{e} or even. And yf it be even, than most thow begynne worche vnder the last save one. And yf it be od{e} w{i}t{h} the last; and forto sey it shortly, al-weyes fro the last od{e} me shall{e} begynne. Therfor vnder the last in ... — The Earliest Arithmetics in English • Anonymous |