"Copybook" Quotes from Famous Books
... Cool malvarmeta. Coolness malvarmeto. Coop kagxego. Coop kagxigi. Cooper barelisto. Co-operation kunhelpo—ado. Copeck kopeko. Copier kopiisto. Copious plena, plenega. Copper (boiler) kaldronego. Copper (metal) kupro. Copse arbetaro. Copy kopii. Copy ekzemplero. Copybook kajero. Copy (a corrected) neto. Copyist skribisto. Coquet koketi. Coquetry koketeco. Coquette koketulino. Coral koralo. Cord sxnuro. Cordage sxnurajxo. Cordial kora. Core internajxo. Co-religionist ... — English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes
... but because I loved to hold them; and also because I loved to be seen carrying books. It was a badge of scholarship, and I was proud of it. I remembered the days in Vitebsk when I used to watch my cousin Hirshel start for school in the morning, every thread of his student's uniform, every worn copybook in his satchel, glorified in my envious eyes. And now I was myself as he: aye, greater than he; for I knew English, and I could ... — The Promised Land • Mary Antin
... from the King. He told them the King was on their side, and for all to tell out their complaints against the Seigneur. So everybody began to think if he had complaints, and Master Mule wrote them into a copybook. When Mule read it out, the people groaned and cried that they never knew they had had so many miseries. Cliquet shouted that you were the cause of all these miseries; that you had grain while the peasants were starving, and that they ought to drive you out of the country ... — The False Chevalier - or, The Lifeguard of Marie Antoinette • William Douw Lighthall
... was a little boy in school, and one day made a big blot on the very first page of my new copybook, that I didn't have the heart to go on any further, and I recollect well how I teased my father to buy me a new book, and cried and sulked until he finally took his knife and neatly cut out the blotted page. Then I was comforted and took ... — Dr. Heidenhoff's Process • Edward Bellamy
... Clarissa—copybook morality, which nobody in his heart ever believes. External things make all the difference—except when a man is writhing in physical pain perhaps. External things make the difference between a king and a beggar. Do you suppose that man Granger is no happier for ... — The Lovels of Arden • M. E. Braddon
... lesson, but a fact taken for granted. I will not waste space on the thousand odd "meanings," "lessons" and so on found by the enthusiastic in Wagner. His ideas were at once the substance and the inspiration of his music-dramas; but he never dreamed of writing copybook headings. He had in language to make his characters talk about these ideas for two reasons, each sufficient in itself. First, excepting in melodrama and rough-and-tumble farces, the audience must know the motives actuating the personages ... — Wagner • John F. Runciman
... chocolate. In one corner, carefully concealed, were some glass tubes which awaited a favorable moment for projecting against the ceiling a ball of chewed paper. Attached to this ball, a paper personage cut out of a copybook cover danced feverishly in space. When this grotesque figurine became quiet, another paper ball, shot with great skill, renewed the dancing to the great satisfaction of the young marksman. Airplanes made of paper were also hidden in this desk, awaiting the propitious hour ... — Georges Guynemer - Knight of the Air • Henry Bordeaux
... it right to remember their dead as saints who lived a blameless life, and passed away from a world that was not good enough for them. Is it not wiser to remember them as they were, men and women like ourselves, with faults in number, and a half-developed virtue or two, possessing something beyond copybook good or evil, which won our love in life, and will keep their memory green after death? I did not fall into the error of thinking that death had hallowed wishes which I had opposed in life; and while standing by my father's grave, where he lay, after long ... — Dross • Henry Seton Merriman |