"Pish" Quotes from Famous Books
... into the fog. Being no thinker, his sensations took no body, but he broke out now and again with pishes and pshaws, or scornfully—"Old Nevile— hungry devil, what? Stalking about like a beast. Oh, she was right, she was right. Pish! And there's an end ... — Rest Harrow - A Comedy of Resolution • Maurice Hewlett
... it at him. He only just escaped it by bending his head, and the thing brought up against the door-post. It was cotton-wool covered with blood and matter—from the hospital dust-bins. He knew that there was a trade in this in the Capital. "Puh!" he said in disgust, and hurried out. "Filthy, pish!" A shout of laughter ... — Ditte: Girl Alive! • Martin Andersen Nexo |