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Quirites   Listen
Quirites  n. pl.  (Rom. Antiq.) Roman citizens. Note: After the Sabines and Romans had united themselves into one community, under Romulus, the name of Quirites was taken in addition to that of Romani, the Romans calling themselves in a civil capacity Quirites, while in a political and military capacity they retained the name of Romani.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Quirites" Quotes from Famous Books

... unknown forests? They still beheld the splendid mechanism of government, the glitter and the pomp of armies, triumphal processions, new monuments of victory, the proud eagles, and all the emblems of unlimited dominion. What had they to fear? "Nihil est, Quirites, quod timere possitis." ...
— The Old Roman World • John Lord

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