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Lawmaking   /lˈɔmˌeɪkɪŋ/   Listen

The act of making or enacting laws.  Synonyms: legislating, legislation.

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"Lawmaking" Quotes from Famous Books

... undertaken to curtail personal expenditures, which had gone to great lengths, although they themselves indulged in every kind of luxury and delicacy; they were prevented, however, by this very business of lawmaking. For Hortensius, one of the men fondest of expensive living, by reviewing the great size of the city and adverting with commendation to the costliness of their homes and their magnanimity toward others, persuaded them to give up their ...
— Dio's Rome • Cassius Dio

... abhorrence of separating the twain if they begin to throw their old shoes at each other; for they are sincerely convinced that if people were permitted to do as they pleased, nothing on earth would please them but vice. And so those who have the lawmaking itch set about saving humanity from itself by making inhuman laws, which the clever and the criminal evade or break through, leaving the gentle and ...
— We Can't Have Everything • Rupert Hughes

Words linked to "Lawmaking" :   criminalization, law, government, filibuster, reconsider, governing, legislation, statute law, decriminalisation, criminalisation, jurisprudence, government activity, enactment, passage, decriminalization, governance, administration

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